This is a basic test to help you in self-assessment and another way of imparting training by question-answer approach.
That's right! The equations mentioned refers to Euler implicit scheme for discretization of transient term and implicit, explict and CrankNicholson scheme for discretization of Laplacian term. Similarly, Transient Navier-Stokes equation can be represented in OpenFOAM syntax as [solve (fvm::ddt(rho, U) + fvm::div(phi, U) - fvm::laplacian(mu, U) == fvc::grad(p) );] Note terms separated by comman inside () denotes multiplication.
That was incorrect! The equations mentioned refers to Euler implicit scheme for discretization of transient term and implicit, explict and CrankNicholson scheme for discretization of Laplacian term. Similarly, Transient Navier-Stokes equation can be represented in OpenFOAM syntax as [solve (fvm::ddt(rho, U) + fvm::div(phi, U) - fvm::laplacian(mu, U) == fvc::grad(p) );] Note terms separated by comman inside () denotes multiplication.
Nice! codedFixedValue can be used to generate boundary types on-the-fly.
codedFixedValue can be used to generate boundary types on-the-fly.
Excellent! Swirl is needed to be specified in the flow at the outlet from a fan is to be simulated without actually modeling the fan.
Not Quite. cylindricalInletVelocity boundary condition describes an inlet vector boundary condition in cylindrical co-ordinates given an axis, origin, rpm, axial and radial velocity
You got it right! Structural stress calculations dominated by Finite Element techniques can also be solved using Finite Volume methods which is the core of OpenFOAM.
That was an incorrect answer! Structural stress calculations dominated by Finite Element techniques can also be solved using Finite Volume methods which is the core of OpenFOAM - elasticSolidFoam.
Correct! Symmetry refers to zero gradient for all the field variable: velocity, pressure, temperature, concentration ...
That was an incorrect answer! Symmetry refers to zero gradient for all the field variable: velocity, pressure, temperature, concentration ...
Correct! In a co-located scheme, pressure and velocity are both stored at cell centers. An interpolation scheme is used to compute the face values of pressure from the cell values, e.g. Rhie Chow Interpolation Algorithm
In a co-located scheme, pressure and velocity are both stored at cell centers. An interpolation scheme is used to compute the face values of pressure from the cell values. e.g. Rhie Chow Interpolation Algorithm
Right! q'' = -k dT/dx. A fixed gradient boundary condition appropriately scaled by thermal conductivity of the solid or fluid zone will serve the purpose.
That was an incorrect answer! q'' = -k dT/dx. A fixed gradient boundary condition appropriately scaled by thermal conductivity of the solid or fluid zone will serve the purpose.
You got it! MUST_READ, NO_READ, MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED are some of the values that can be assigned to IOobject as far as reading of variable is concerned.
That was an incorrect answer! MUST_READ specifies "must read the field variable at first time step".
Yes. You got it right! This was a simpler one! The segregated approach requires equations to be formulated for each dependent variable and solved sequentially. CFX is a coupled solver.
That was an incorrect answer! The segregated approach requires equations to be formulated for each dependent variable and solved sequentially. CFX is a coupled solver.
You are right! An internal face is a common planar boundary between two (and only two) adjacent cells or elements. For each internal face, OpenFOAM designates one adjoining cell to be the face owner and the other to be the neighbour. The information is stored in files of same names in folder 'plyMesh'.
That was an incorrect answer! An internal face is a common planar boundary between two (and only two) adjacent cells or elements. For each internal face, OpenFOAM designates one adjoining cell to be the face owner and the other to be the neighbour. The information is stored in files of same names in folder 'polyMesh'.
Excellent! OF primarily defines a property at the cell centres but often it is needed to store at the cell faces and cell vertices. volField
That was an incorrect answer! OF primarily defines a property at the cell centres but often it is needed to store at the cell faces and cell vertices. volField
Good! This was an easier one! Central difference scheme as the name suggests is based on valued at the centres of the neighbouring cells on both side of the face.
That was an incorrect answer! Central difference scheme as the name suggests is based on valued at the centres of the neighbouring cells on both side of the face.
Correct! The comma inside parenthese () indicates multiplication.
That was an incorrect answer! The comman inside parenthese () indicates multiplication.
Only sphere, box, cylinder or combination of these shapes can be used.
Correct! The right hand system needs to be followed to avoid negative volume! While looking from inside the block towards the face, the order of vertices should be counter clock-wise (CCW).
That was an incorrect answer! While looking from inside the block towards the face, the order of vertices should be counter clock-wise (CCW).
Correct! As the name suggests!
That was an incorrect answer! There are various ways to specify turbulent at the inlet boundary. This methods uses the classical definition of local velocity, v = v + v' where v' is the fluctuating component.
Correct! Velocity is derived internally from the flux (volumetric or mass-based),by dividing area of the patch where direction of flow is assumed to be normal to the patch.
That was an incorrect answer! Velocity is derived ineternally from the flux (volumetric or mass-based),by dividing area of the patch where direction of flow is assumed to be normal to the patch.
You are right! This was a simpler one!
That was an incorrect answer! As the name suggest, it is createFields.H!
Correct! The header file which defines the variables also reads the initial conditions.
That was an incorrect answer! The header file which defines the variables also reads the initial conditions.
Correct! It was easy, right!
That was an incorrect answer! dimensionedScalar, DT, transportProperties are standard keywords in OF.
Good Job! T is a scalar and defined at centre of the cells.
That was incorrect! T is a scalar and defined at centre of the cells.
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