The contents presented here are based on my good and bad experiences in road, rail and air travels. Whether you travel alone or with kids or in groups of friends - there are likelyhood of unwanted occurrences during the course of a journey. Such incidences can only be minimized and may not be eliminated completely. The following summary of advices shall help you be prepared for most of the circumstances.
Keeps the number of luggages less say 2 ~ 3. For air travel, use a bigger bag to check-in most of the items which you do not need to carry in cabin. Even in rail travel or air travel - managing many smaller items are a bit combersome and likely to be misplaced.
यदि आप यात्रा समूह में या किसी सदस्य को उल्टी की प्रवृत्ति विकसित करते हैं: टॉफी रखें जो थोड़ा खट्टा और हल्का मीठा स्वाद का होता है। यह लक्षण में देरी करने में मदद करेगा लेकिन इसे समाप्त नहीं कर सकता है। If you develop vomiting tendencies or any of the members in travel group: keep toffees that taste a bit sour and mild sweetness. This will help delay the symptom but may not eliminate it. Note that this symptom is not a disease and cannot be avoided or treated medically. It is better to keep an opaque plastic bag in you packet for use when needed. This is especially helpful in cases where your co-passenger has this symptom and he was not prepared for it - Air Sickness Bag might be missing from the seat pockets. You may help her/him to help yourself.
Items to carry which can pass security checks: wooden forks and spoons, paper cups, napkins, spare bag, black polythene bags, small hand towel...
कई व्यक्तियों और बच्चों को उच्च ऊंचाई पर कानों में भनभनाहट महसूस होती है। कॉटन या ईयर प्लग को अपने केबिन बैगेज या पॉकेट में रखें। Many persons and kids feel ear buzz at high altitudes. Keep cotton or ear plug in your cabin baggage or in the pockets. Have a tofee or chewing gum or fruit juice while aircraft descent.
If your travel is long and do not have power bank, option to charge your mobile phone - turn OFF mobile data when not needed. It reduces power consumption significantly.
हवाई अड्डों पर पहचान प्रमाण अनिवार्य हैं। यदि आप बच्चों के साथ यात्रा कर रहे हैं, तो उपयुक्त कार्ड या बैज धारक का उपयोग उन्हें गले में डालने के लिए करें ताकि सुरक्षा कर्मचारी उचित रूप से जांच कर सकें। Identity proofs are mandatary at airports. If you are traveling with kids, use appropriate card or badge holder to put them around the neck so that security staff can check as appropriate.
Keep a light polyster bag as back-up for excess baggage - there are many bags available in market which occupies space equivalnt to a book and can accomodate large volume of material.
While you are away: When you keep your home closed (locked) for many days, the RO-water system has to be turned off and no vegetable or fruits can be kept in freeze. Buy 2 liters of mineral water before you start your journey. Optionally, fill 2 bottles of water on the airport. If you planned or happen to reach home late due to delay in flights, get some snacks (samosa, break pakoda...) packed at the airport or before entering into the airport. You may like to keep some fruits with longer shelf life in freeze. Chips packets occupy too much space: one option is to store the content in a air-tight plastic bottle.
Always keep some space in travel bag(s) before leaving from home, some loose items may need to be packed inside. You may br required to store additional items or reshuffle due to breakages. While traveling alone, it is better to keep only one cabin bag including the laptp bag.
यदि दोपहिया या चारपहिया वाहन 2 मिनट तक निष्क्रिय नहीं रह सकता तो उसमें ड्राइव के लिए न जाएं! यदि आपको इंजन को निष्क्रिय बनाए रखने के लिए गति बढ़ाना की आवश्यकता पड़ती है तो इंजन में कुछ गंभीर गड़बड़ी है और कुछ कारणों से बंद होने के बाद यह शुरू नहीं हो सकेगा। Do not go for a drive in a two-wheeler or a four-wheel if it cannot idle for 2 minutes! If you need to rev-up the engine to keep it idling, something is grossly wrong with the engine and it may not start once it stops for some reasons.
Cutting Cucumber and Onion for Salad and Burgers
कई बार आपके पास ऐसे खीरे होते होंगे जो पतले होते हैं। इसे झुके हुए कोण पर काटने से बड़े टुकड़े बनते हैं। Many a time you may have cucumbers which are thin. Cutting it at an inclined plane results in bigger pieces.
The shape of onion is oval and shall have best support at the centre. To cut a onion keeping every sector intact, follow the approach shown in the video.If you cut the onion from root towards the leaf, due to slanted shape, cutting the last few sections becomes so difficult that you can keep the sections intact.
Pragmatic Parenting: आप अपने बच्चों में अच्छी आदतें कैसे नियंत्रित और प्रदान करते हैं? अपने बच्चों को न धमकायें या अपने आप को धमकाने दें। उन्हें सिखाएं कि वे कक्षाओं या खेल के मैदान में बदमाशों से न डरें। उन्हें चेतावनी दें कि वे अनजान के साथ भोजन न करें या यात्रा न करें, भले ही वे कितना भी विश्वसनीय क्यों न लगें। उन्हें कीड़ों और जानवरों जैसे छिपकली, मधुमक्खी, कुत्ते, मुर्गी, गाय, बैल, तिलचट्टे ... का सामना करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें। How do you control and impart good habits in your kids? Do not bully or do not get bullied by your kids. Teach them not to be afraid of bullies in class or playground. Warn them not to eat or travel with strangers however plausible they may sound. Encourage them to face insects and animals like lizards, honey-bee, dogs, hens, cows, bulls, cockroaches... Share them the methods to control nerve before examinations, travel, watching match for their favourite teams, stage performance. Encourage them to participate in social functions which will help remove shyness.
Do not repeatedly keep telling them about fear of falling, fear of getting sick or hurt... Tell them to respect people from lower rung of society such as garbage collector, house-maid, drivers, e-commerce deliver personnel...
Once a service the bought, the service provider or sales personnel may not give you same importance as new potential customer. Never make part payment say for any service or purchase of product such as refrigerator, motorcycle, washing machine or even a costly car. Do not make purchase of a new product dependent on exchange of products - you may not get cash benefit of product being exchanged due to hidden conditions later revealed or imposed by the buyer.
मेरे पास समय नहीं है या मैं बहुत व्यस्त हूं I do not have time or I am too busy - this is one of the worst excuse ever you may hear or give. To forget to do something and not having time to do something are not same. If something is on your priority, you will necessarily find out time for it. यह अब तक का सबसे खराब बहाना है जिसे आपने सुना या दिया होगा। कुछ करके भूल जाना और कुछ करने के लिए समय न होना एक ही बात नहीं है। अगर कोई गतिविधि आपकी प्राथमिकता में है तो आप उसके लिए समय अवश्य निकालेंगे।कई योग शिक्षक या प्रशिक्षक सीधे योग मुद्रा में आ जाते हैं और समझाते हैं कि इसे कैसे करना है। योग कब करना है, कब नहीं करना है, प्रत्येक आसन की अवधि... जैसी मूल बातें प्रत्येक योग सत्र से पहले बताई जानी चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए, कुछ प्रशिक्षक कहते हैं कि भोजन से 30 मिनट पहले या बाद में योग नहीं करना चाहिए, कुछ 1 घंटे का उल्लेख करते हैं। इसी प्रकार, प्रत्येक स्थिति की अवधि और दोहराव की संख्या एक प्रशिक्षक से दूसरे प्रशिक्षक में भिन्न होती है। कुछ 30 सेकंड और 5 बार निर्दिष्ट करते हैं, कुछ 10 सेकंड और 10 बार निर्दिष्ट करते हैं Many yoga teachers or instructors directly jump into the yoga posture and explain how to do it. The basics such as when to perform yoga, when not to perform yoga, duration of each posture... should be described before each yoga session. For example, some instructors metion that yoga should not be performed 30 minute before or after the meal, some mention 1 hour. Similarly, duration of each position and number of repeats varies from one instructor to other. Some specify 30 seconds and 5 times, some specify 10 seconds and 10 times.
Clean Tiled Floors: Many tiles are intentionally roughened to prevent it being slippery. Though it may collect dirt in small crevices and look discolured and tarnished. At the same time the grouts between two tiles may get stained and look dark coloured. Sometimes a green coloured fungus can grow that shall make it look spotted and stained. Vinegar which contains acetic acid can be used in diluted with hot water condition to remove such stains. The vinegar whould be diluated approximate 1:16 to 1:12 by volume ratio. कई टाइलों को फिसलन से बचाने के लिए जानबूझकर खुरदरा किया जाता है। हालाँकि यह छोटी-छोटी दरारों में गंदगी जमा कर सकता है और बदरंग और धूमिल दिख सकता है। साथ ही दो टाइलों के बीच की ग्राउट पर दाग लग सकता है और गहरे रंग का दिख सकता है। कभी-कभी हरे रंग का फंगस उग सकता है जिससे वह धब्बेदार और दागदार दिखने लगेगा। ऐसे दागों को हटाने के लिए सिरका जिसमें एसिटिक एसिड होता है उसे गर्म पानी में मिलाकर उपयोग किया जा सकता है। सिरका को आयतन अनुपात के अनुसार लगभग 1:16 से 1:12 तक पतला किया जाना चाहिए। Acetic acid dissolves mineral deposits such as limescale and fatty or waxy deposits. Limescale buildup via calcium and magnesium deposits is most likely cause for green or brown stains.
Hard Water Stains: Hard water has higher level of dissolved minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron — which coat the surface of toilet bowl with stains. The kitchen ingredient vinegar solution or baking soda paste can clean the tiles reasonably well. Fill the solution in a spray bottle and spray it on the bathroom tiles. For mild stains, pprinkle kitchen salt on the bathroom tiles and leave it for about 30 minutes. Scrub off the salt using a sponge or brush.
Warning: Even when properly diluted, vinegar should never be used on granite, marble and similar stones - ठीक से पतला होने पर भी, ग्रेनाइट, संगमरमर और इसी तरह के पत्थरों पर कभी भी सिरके का उपयोग नहीं किया जाना चाहिए.
Bleaching Powder: It is a great cleaning agent to get rid of different kinds of stains and dirt. Though avoid contact with bleach and water solution on body parts, you may get severe irritation for long time. It seems it can be used on ceramic tiles too: mix 15 ml of bleaching power with 4 liter of water (1 tablespoon with 1 gallon). For tough stains, increase the amount of bleaching powder or add a tablespoon of detergent to it.
How to Clean Grout that has Turned Black?
Body Parts and Illness
If you are consulting a doctor, he/she might be able to understand the disease. However, in case you want to reseach online on your own, some familiarity with body parts and standard (medical) names of diseases are required. For exmaple, one may not know that the muscle in butts is called glutes, the boils are english words for फफोले or फोड़े or फुंसी.
Recipe for Rubbery or Tough Chicken Parts
White striped chicken: this is a chicken breast that contains white stripes of fat along the muscle fibers. This can happen to chicken breasts, chicken thighs, and other tender pieces. For those who like to eat chickens, the rubbery or chewy breast pieces of a chicken are tough to handle. My sons used to chew them like chewing gum and throw them away - they never swallowed a breast pieces. While searching online, I cam across at least 5 methods claiming to make these pieces of a chicken soft, marinating them was the most common theme among those suggestions. I tried (a) marinating for 6 hours (b) freezing these pieces overnight and cooking them the next day (c) piercing thin holes by pricking these pieces before marinating them (d) directly deep frying them in oil (without marinating them)... and few more options. None of them have even slight impact on the rubbery nature of these pieces. On the other hand, when we used to order raw chicken from online stores like Licious or butten chicken from restaurants, even the breat peices were soft and my sons never complained (as they devoured them quickly).
Internet is full of advices such as slow cooking, braising, stewing, steaming, simmering, grilling, pan searing or roasting which can soften tough fibers in the chicken. None of these worked for me, something was grossly missing in our attempt to make these parts of a chicken less chewy. We always wonder what makes the chicken served in KFC so soft! Though we were not able to solve the puzzle, a recipe workd out and it solved the issue - we confirm it worked because my sons who used to chew and throw them away, are eating the same pieces regularly and without any complains about chewy nature of the prepared dish. Following are the steps and images of the dish. Our intermediate conclusion is that deep frying the chicken pieces with a layer of paste consisting of corn and egg worked.
Chicen breast part cut into smaller pieces
Salted and marinated with Vinegar
Refrigerated in a covered container for 4 hours
Being deep fried
Final dish ready to be served or cooked further with gravy consisting of capsicum, onion and chillies.
Frauds and Scams
Common Tricks Used by Scammers - Beware and Stay Safe: Scammers target people of all ages, but middle-aged and elderly individuals are particularly vulnerable. Be cautious and aware of these common tricks:
TRAI Phone Scam: Fraudsters claim to be from TRAI, stating your mobile number is linked to illegal activities, and services will be suspended. -Reality: TRAI doesn't suspend services; telecom companies do.
Parcel Stuck at Customs: Scammers claim a parcel with contraband has been intercepted and demand payment. - Action: Disconnect and report the number.
Digital Arrest: Fake police officers threaten digital arrest or online interrogation. Reality: Police don't conduct digital arrests or online interrogations.
Family Member Arrested: Scammers claim a relative is arrested and under CBI custody and demand payment. I got Whtsapp call once each from numbers originating from Bangladesh, Netherlands and Pakistan. Action: Verify with family members before taking action.
Get Rich Quick Trading: Social media ads promise high returns on stock investments. Reality: High-return schemes are more likely be scams than genuine investment advisoris.
Easy Tasks for Big Rewards: Scammers offer high sums for simple tasks, then ask for investment. Reality: Easy money schemes are scams. There are no free lunches.
Credit Card Issued in Your Name: Fake executives confirm large transactions on bogus credit cards. Action: Check with your bank. Credit card cannot be issued without your consent (writen or phone call).
Mistaken Money Transfer: Scammers claim incorrect transactions and ask for refunds. Action: Verify transactions with your bank.
KYC Expired: Scammers ask for KYC updates via links. Reality: Banks require in-person KYC updates.
Generous Tax Refund: Fraudsters pose as tax officials, asking for bank details. Reality: Tax departments already have bank details and communicate directly.
Lost kids with slip containing their home address: you may find kids posing as if lost and address of their home in a slip inside his/her pocket. Action: Enquire how he reached that spot, call the contact number first if found. Enquire if he recollects any phone number. Inform police or drop him to nearest police station and not to the address in his pocket. You may get kidnapped reaching the destination.
Punctured tire or partly open rear door: the attacker may encourage to come out of the vehicle to check for issues with your vehicle.
Egg thrown on your windshield: do not use wipers to clean the egg. It will make the windshield fully opaque - you cannot drive.
Password getting expired: e-mails claiming the expiry of passwords for your back accounts. Action: block the sender, report as spam and delete the e-mail. Banks never send such reminders. Webpages related to the bank shall make you change the passwords when you try to login after password is expired.
Update your resume through the link only: e-mail prohibiting to update your profile through the link provided in the e-mail. Action: block the sender, report as spam and delete the e-mail.
Overseas placements: block the sender, report as spam and delete the e-mail
A rich person died without a heir or a will: the scammer would lure you to share the booty! Action: better ignore them as it may be someone from your nearby city.
1. Verify information before acting. 2. Don't click suspicious links. 3. Confirm transactions with banks. 4. Report suspicious calls/numbers. 5. Be cautious of high-return schemes. 6. Update KYC in-person. 7. Don't share personal/bank details.
To write a banner such as Jai Siya Ram or Shubh Diwali using diyas or candles, use flower petals or powders to write the letters first. Once is the written in good handwriting style, put the diyas or candles at appopriate manner.
The content on is being constantly refined and improvised with on-the-job experience, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve insight into the physics and basic understanding. Linked pages, articles, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to reduce errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.