Chain of Thoughts
Sections (Table of Contents) on this page: ---Prepare for a Debate / Polemics ---Counter Abrahamic Narratives ---Responses / Retorts to Abusive Comments | Caste system in English and French Kingdoms | Counter-Questions --- Military Operations - Battles of the World, Wars of Medieval Europe ---Western Claims on Freedom of Speech ---Child Marriage, Polygamy and Dowry in Europe ---Contradictions in Quran ---Questions for Islamists | Genocide by European Colonizers | Asking for Proof of God | Rules of Radicals | Contradictions in Quran | Quandary of Chronology
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Too much diversity to deal with: major scripts in Indian subcontinent. There is no possible way these can be commonized to a single script.
Les langues du monde par un groupe de linguistes: The languages of the world by a group of linguists - a book published in 1924, authors were Antoine Meillet and Marcel Cohen.एकम सत विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति, अर्थात , सत्य एक है: जिसे बुद्धिमान विभिन्न नामों से बुलाते हैं। अहं ब्रह्मास्मीति - – "I am Brahma" or "I am the Infinite Reality". Brahman is the Infinite Reality – the all encompassing universe and beyond. Dharma means the law. Dharma does not mean (messianic) religion. धर्म का अर्थ है "कानून।" धर्म का अर्थ मज़हब या मुक्तिदाता-संबंधी पंथ नहीं है। विनय न मानत जलधि जड़, गए तीनि दिन बीति। बोले राम सकोप तब, भय बिनु होइ न प्रीति।।
Word | Root | Literal meaning | General Meaning | Remark |
सनातन धर्म, Sanatan Dharma | Eternal Order or Eternal Path | Described famously by Hinduism now | ||
वेद, Ved | Sanskrit: विद - To Know | पवित्र ज्ञान: sacred knowledge | any or all of the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism | |
पुराण, Puran | Sanskrit: pura - before | Ancient, Old | bring people closer to the gods | dedicated to certain deities |
उपनिषद , Upanishad | Sanskrit: Connection | आओ और पास बैठो - sit down closely | revealing underlying truth | Upanishads are considered "end of the Vedas" (Vedanta) |
संहिता , Sanhita | संग्रह, संकलन, Collection | ऋग्वेद संहिता: अष्टक और मंडल का संग्रह | ||
स्मृति, Smriti | From memory | जो याद किया जाता है - What is remembered | Dharma Sastras, Rules of Righteousness | |
श्रुति, Shruti | what is heard | Vedas are also called shruti - texts were revealed sages who passed orally for until written down on palm leaves | ||
मंत्र, Mantra | Verse, Hymn | |||
मोक्ष, Moksha | Salvation |
Two websites that provide lot of information are (a) वैदिक विरासत: Vedic Heritage and (b)हिंद उत्सव: Hind Utsav
Vedas are divided in eight Khandas (portions), or Ashtakas (eighths), each of which is, again, subdivided into eight Adhydyas, or lectures. The other plan classes the Suktas under ten Mandalas, or circles, subdivided into rather more than a hundred Anuvakas, or sub-sections. A further subdivision of the Suktas into Vargas, or paragraphs, of about five stanzas each, is common to both classifications.ऋग्वेद में 1028 सूक्त हैं, जिन्हें दस पुस्तकों में व्यवस्थित किया गया है जिन्हें अष्टका या मंडला के नाम से जाना जाता है। The Rig Veda consists of 1028 hymns, organised into ten books known as mandala. Each mandala has shuktas (hymns) formed by individual strophes called ric from which the name Rig Veda. भाषा-विज्ञान और भाषाई साक्ष्य इंगित करते हैं कि ऋग्वेद किसी भी इंडो-यूरोपीय भाषा में सबसे पुराने मौजूदा ग्रंथों में से एक है। The philological and linguistic evidence indicates that the Rig Veda is one of the oldest existing texts in any Indo-European language. Learn about Thiest, Diest, Panthiest, Athiest, Agnostic, Phoenix Philology: the branch of knowledge that deals with the structure, historical development, and relationships of a language or languages.
अरण्यक - Aranyakas | अनुष्ठान, पालन - rituals, observances |
ब्राह्मण - Brahmanas | उक्त कर्मकांडों पर भाष्य - commentaries on said rituals |
संहिता - Samhitas | आशीर्वाद, प्रार्थना, मंत्र - benedictions, prayers, mantras |
उपनिषद - Upanishads या /or वेदांत - end or conclusion of the Vedas | दार्शनिक आख्यान और संवाद - philosophical narratives and dialogues |
गठन / संरचना: अर्चिका [पूर्वार्चिका, उत्तरार्चिका] -- प्रपाठका --|--अर्ध-प्रपाठका --|--|--दष्टि --|--|--|--ऋचा --|--|--|--|--पदQuatrains = चौपाई, Mandal = मंडल =/= अध्याय, Hymns = मन्त्र, सर्वेश्वरवाद - Pantheism, occult: connected with magic powers and things that cannot be explained by reason or science [रहस्यात्मक (तर्क या विज्ञान से परे), जादुई, जादू-टोना, तंत्र-मंत्र], apparitions = a ghost or an image of a person who is dead --- भूत-प्रेत, मृत व्यक्ति की छाया
चार उपवेद (वेदों के बाद) कला और विज्ञान की व्याख्या करते हैं: आयुर्वेद (चिकित्सा), गंधर्व-वेद (संगीत और नृत्य), धनुर-वेद (युद्ध), शिल्प-वेद (वास्तुकला). The Four Upavedas (following the Vedas) explain arts and sciences: Ayur-veda (medicine), Gandharva-veda (music and dance), Dhanur-veda (warfare), Shilpa-veda (architecture). The content of Vedic scripture is divided into three main sections, though the third one, upasana-kanda, is sometimes omitted:
S. No. | गुण - Quality | पुराणों के नाम, Name of Puran |
1. | सत्वा - Sattva – Truth | शिव-पुराण / Shiva Purana, लिंग-पुराण / Linga Purana, विष्णु पुराण / Vishnu Purana, भागवत पुराण / Bhagavata Purana, नारद पुराण, गरुड़ पुराण, पद्म पुराण, वराह पुराण, Narad Purana, Garuda Purana, Padma Purana, Varaha Purana |
2. | राजस - Rajas – Passion | ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण, ब्रह्म वैवर्त पुराण, मार्कंडेय पुराण, भविष्य पुराण, वामन पुराण, ब्रह्म पुराण - Brahmanda Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Markandeya Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Vamana Purana, Brahma Purana |
3. | तमस - Tamas – Ignorance | मत्स्य पुराण, कूर्म पुराण, स्कंद पुराण, अग्नि पुराण - Matsya Purana, Kurma purana, Skanda Purana [Skanda is the son of Shiva and Parvati. His other names are Kartikeya and Murugan], Agni Purana |
The names of 18 Upa-Puranas: सनत्कुमार पुराण, नरसिंह पुराण, बृहन्नारदीय पुराण, शिवरहस्य पुराण, दुर्वासा पुराण, कपिला पुराण, वामन पुराण, भार्गव पुराण, वरुण पुराण, कालिका पुराण, सांबा पुराण, नंदी पुराण, सूर्य पुराण, पाराशर पुराण, वशिष्ठ पुराण, गणेश पुराण, देवी भागवतम, हंस पुराण - Sanatkumara Purana, Narasimha Purana, Brihannaradiya Purana, Sivarahasya Purana, Durvasa Purana, Kapila Purana, Vamana Purana, Bhargava Purana, Varuna Purana, Kalika Purana, Samba Purana, Nandi Purana, Surya Purana, Parasara Purana, Vashishtha Purana, Devi Bhagavatam, Ganesha Purana, Hans Purana
उपनिषद के नाम - Names of Upanishad: ईशोपनिषद, केनोपनिषद, कठोपनिषद, प्रश्नोपनिषद, मुण्डकोपनिषद, माण्डूक्योपनिषद, तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद
स्मृति के नाम - Names of Smriti: अंगिरसा, मनु, यज्ञावल्क्य, परासर, विष्णु, दक्ष, संवर्त, व्यास, हरिता, बृहस्पति, कात्यायना, अपस्तम्बा, वशिष्ठ, यम, गौतम, संका, औशन्सा, अत्रि, सौनका --- Angirasa, Manu, Yajnavalkya, Parasara, Vishnu, Daksha, Samvarta, Vyasa, Harita, Brihaspati, Katyayana, Apastamba, Vasishtha, Yama, Gautama, Sankha, Aushansa, Atri, Saunaka.
Traditionally, there are 18 main puranas and 18 minor puranas, which contain over 4,00,000 verses. Puranas typically cover five signs or topics. अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि - Aham Brahmasmi is from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, found in Yajur Veda. तत्त्वमसि - Tat tvam asi - "thou art that", the expression of the relationship between the individual and the Absolute which is repeated in the sixth chapter of the Chandogya Upanishad.
The most reasonable response to the question of the origin and dating of the Vedas is simply that one does not know.
प्रश्न: पुनर्जन्म क्या है? ऊत्तर: आप जानते हैं जन्म क्या है?
हिंदू लोगों को "मात्र तथ्यों" को लिपिबद्ध करने में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं थी। वे घटनाओं के पीछे के अर्थ में रुचि रखते थे, न कि अतीत के विवरण में। इसलिए प्रत्यक्ष अभिलेख अपेक्षाकृत दुर्लभ हैं। हिंदू धर्म न तो किसी पहचान योग्य मानव संस्थापक का दावा करता है, न ही इतिहास में कोई विशिष्ट उत्पत्ति। Hindu people were little concerned with recording "mere facts". They were interested in the meaning behind events, not a 'resume' of the past. First-hand records are therefore relatively rare. Hinduism claims no identifiable human founder, nor a specific origin in history.
Groundwork: bring proof from History, Epigraphy, Archeology, Linguistics, Astronomy, Genetics and Theology. Agree on dictionary and translation (e.g. words like Caste - Varna, Religion - Dharma, God - Devata, scriptures = books of religious importance) that shall be used as reference to validate the words and sentences - शब्दकोश और अनुवाद पर सहमति जो शब्दों और वाक्यों को मान्य करने के लिए संदर्भ के रूप में उपयोग किया जाएगा।. Define valid references and authentic scholars. Define the scholars whose work both parties trust and are acceptable to all the parties as authentic! वैध संदर्भों और प्रामाणिक विद्वानों को परिभाषित करें। उन विद्वानों को परिभाषित कीजिए जिनके कार्य पर दोनों पक्ष विश्वास करते हैं और सभी पक्षों को स्वीकार्य हैं। लेखकों और विद्वानों के नाम और कार्य जो दोनों पक्षों को स्वीकार्य नहीं हैं पर सहमती - Agree on names and work of authors and scholars which are not acceptable to both sides. Explore and ask for PRIMARY and SECONDARY sources. Understand the technology of photography and archeology. E.g. the first camera was invented in 1816 by Frenchman Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. Camera obscura - a dark chamber or room with a hole later a lens in one wall, through which images of objects outside the room were projected on the opposite wall. The principle was probably known to the Chinese and to ancient Greeks such as Aristotle more than 2,000 years ago. Even then, the camera obscura did not actually record images, it simply projected them onto another surface.
Get dictionary meaning of keywords such as Patristic Literature, Didache, Polemist, Exegete, Hermeneutics, Paleography, Hegemony, Autocratic, Soft Power, Hard Power.... For example: Hegemony = the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group आधिपत्य = एक प्रमुख समूह द्वारा सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, वैचारिक, या आर्थिक प्रभाव. hagiography: the writing of the lives of saints, a biography that treats its subject with undue reverence. Phonetician, toponymist, etymologist, lexicologist, lexicographer, phraseologist. An allograph is a variation of a letter in another context. Uppercase and lowercase letters are allographs. Before the use of the letter U, the shape V stood for both the vowel U and the consonant V. The Classical Latin alphabet had only 23 letters, not the 26 used today. This is why the W looks like a double V but is pronounced like a double U and for a very long time, U and V were allographs. It wasn’t until printing standardized letter shapes in the sixteenthe century that the letter U became regularly used. - history of z. Robert Cawdrey's Table Alphabeticall, first printed in 1604, is generally regarded to be the first fully developed representative of the monolingual dictionary in English. Michael Rosen: "Alphabetical: How Every Letter Tells A Story". The Latin alphabet, on its turn, derived from the Etruscan, which was taken from the Greek.जिन विषयों पर आप बहस कर रहे हैं, उनके लिए अपनी योग्यता के बारे में उत्तर देने के लिए तैयार रहें। - Be ready to answer about your qualifications for the topics you are debating. क्या चीज आपको टिप्पणी करने में सक्षम बनाती है? - What makes you competent to comment? Answer can be in terms of the fact that asking questions does not require any qualifications. प्रतिद्वंद्वी से विद्वान होने के प्रमुख गुणों को परिभाषित करने के लिए कहें - Ask the opponent to define the key attributes of being an scholar. Is the knowledge of language not important of being an scholar? Check for poor scholarship by asking: How do you know that? What makes you conclude this? यह पूछकर खराब विद्वत्ता की जाँच करें: आप इसे कैसे जानते हैं? आपने यह निष्कर्ष क्या निकाला? Learn to distinguish between "unfalsifiable claims" and rational claims! "अक्षम्य दावों" और तर्कसंगत दावों के बीच अंतर करना सीखें! Sometimes you be asked very personal questions: "how do you know that your parents whom you know are your real parents?" Such questions may sound insulting but needs to be addressed with logic such as "under the social fabric where I was born and raised, I had no reason of doubt and enquire." More importantly, there was no counter-claim about by any other male or female members from the society to claim to be my mother or father. Once you answer the original question, you can make a counter attack: "what was intention for you to ask this question: were you considering me equal to your god?"
Key Pre-requisite Attributes of scholars: (1)First and foremost is the knowledge of language (read, write, speak) (2)Educational Qualification: Relevance and Appropriateness to the area of work (3)Number of peer reviews as reviewer of similar works. Trivia on languages: Letter 'J' does exist in the Italian alphabet. Classical Latin did not have a distinct J sound (the J in modern English.) When 'I' was followed by another vowel, it usually sounded like English 'Y'. Hebrew is written from right to left and has no vowels. System of dots and dashes known as nikkudim are used to indicate vowels. The Aramaic alphabet consists of 22 letters, all indicating consonants and written from right to left. Five of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet have different forms at the end of a word.
Flowing: स्पीकर के तर्क पर ध्यान दें न कि आप क्या सोच रहे हैं - focus on speaker's argument and not what you are thinking
वाद-विवाद के नियम: कुछ दिशानिर्देश जिन्हें हर मामले के लिए संशोधित किया जा सकता है Rules of Debate: Few guidelines which need to be tweaked for every case
एक वैध या सच्चे साक्ष्य की विशेषताएं और प्रकार: Features and Types of a Valid and True Evidence: (a)इसे कई स्वतंत्र स्रोतों से सत्यापित करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए It should be verifiable with multiple independent sources (b)Textual Evidences (c)Archeological evidences (d)जीवाश्म विज्ञान से सत्यापित Paleontological evidence (e)Geographical and Geological evidences (f)Palaeography - प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन, folklore an social practices (g)दार्शनिक और भाषाई साक्ष्य - philological and linguistic evidence. There are 6 types of proofs in Sanatan: शब्द प्रमाण [Word Proof], प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण [Direct Evidence], अनुमान [Inference], ऊपमान [Analogy, Comparison], अनुप्लब्धी [Negative Evidence], ऐतिहासिक प्रमाण [Historical Evidences].
Control Debate Agression: The way you do or have repeatedly done is to overreach your authority and do not abide by the spirit of the ground rules we initially agreed upon! The way you have been dodging questions points toward your intellectual dishonesty! जिस तरह से आप सवालों को टालते रहे हैं वह आपकी बौद्धिक कपटता की ओर इशारा करता है!
वाद-विवाद केवल किसी के ज्ञान का परीक्षण नहीं होना चाहिए बल्कि यह किसी की तर्क करने की क्षमता, साक्ष्य प्रस्तुत करने, प्रासंगिक प्रश्न पूछने और समझने में सक्षम होने पर आधारित होना चाहिए। Debate should not be just the test of someone's knowledge but it should be based on one's ability to reason, produce evidences, ask relevant questions and be able to understand (and willing to understand) opponent's logic and explanation. The person should be able to differentiate human biases and fallacies, distinguish information and noise.
A short checklist to create a mid-path between demands of two debating opponents:
S. No. | Requirement | Participant-A | Participant-B |
1 | Face-to-Face | ||
2 | Moderated | ||
3 | Timed | ||
4 | Mute option | ||
5 | Pre-defined topic | ||
6 | Partial video upload allowed | ||
7 | Penalty for video editing | ||
8 | One question per side |
Indian Hindu scholars: Hover the mouse over names to get more information --- Baudhayan, Mahaviracharya, Madhava, Pingala , Bhaskaracharya, Aryabhatt, Brahmagupta
Goswami Tulsidas (Ramcharitmanas), Ved Vyas (Mahabharat), Maharshi Valmiki (Ramayana), Adi Shankaraycharya, Panini, Patanjali, Maharshi Raman, R.C. Majumadar, Jadunath Sarkar, Sitaram Goel, Shri Aurobindo, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vevekanand, Paramhansa Yogananda, Mrs. Meenakshi Jain, Dharampal, C. K. Raju, Vedveer Arya, Raj Vedam, Subhas Kak, Jay Lakhani, Vamsee Juluri, Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya (translation of 108 Upanishads), Sanjay Dixit Dubious scholars or self-proclaimed experts on Hinduism: Devdutta Patnaik, Ram Chandra Guha, Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib, Shashi Tharoor, Robert W. Griffith, Max Mueller, Wendy Doniger, Sheldon Pollock, Audrey Truschke, Paul B. Courtright, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Arthur Anthony Macdonell.
Check references of Al-Khwarizmi's Kitab al-Hisab al-Hind. The Indian text on which al-Khwarizmi based his treatise was one which had been given to the court in Baghdad around 770 as a gift from an Indian political mission. There are two versions of al-Khwarizmi's work which he wrote in Arabic but both are lost. Al-Khwarizmi uses only words to describe his expressions and no symbols were used.
Reference - J was not differentiated from the letter i until comparatively modern times. The process of differentiation began about the 14th century but was not complete until the 17th century. The original consonantal sound represented by the letter was the semivowel or spirant i (the sound of y in the word yacht). This passed into dy and later into the sound dž that the letter represents today. Thus, one can say that the word Jesus came into existence only after 14th century.
Hinduism is called a Vaidik (or Vedic) Dharma. The Vedas, on which Hinduism claims to be based, are called 'Shruti' or "the word of God", and are considered as the final authority by Hindus. हिंदू धर्म को वैदिक धर्म कहा जाता है। वेद, जिन पर हिंदू धर्म आधारित होने का दावा करता है, उन्हें 'श्रुति' या "ईश्वर का वचन" कहा जाता है, और हिंदुओं द्वारा अंतिम प्रमाण माना जाता है। The later Sanskrit books like Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata, Manusmriti ... are known as 'Smriti' or "whatever is remembered" and as such are less authoritative. बाद की संस्कृत पुस्तकें जैसे रामायण, महाभारत, भागवत, मनुस्मृति ... 'स्मृति' या "जो कुछ भी याद किया जाता है" के रूप में जाना जाता है और इस तरह कम आधिकारिक हैं। When there is any discrepancy between the opinion of the Vedas and these later books, the word of the Vedas is held to be correct, according to all the great Hindu authorities including the Adi Shankaracharya. Anthropomorphism - नृविज्ञान: the doctrine that likens God to human beings -सिद्धांत जो मनुष्य को भगवान की तुलना करता है. Anachronism: Errorr of chronology or timeline in a literary work - कालानुक्रमिकता: एक साहित्यिक कार्य में कालक्रम या समयरेखा की त्रुटि
Theology vs. Mythology: धर्मशास्त्र बनाम पौराणिक कथा. Manusmriti vs. Malleus Maleficarum (Latin: “Hammer of Witches” written as Mallevs Maleficarvm in Latin) was a detailed legal and theological document (c. 1486) regarded as the standard handbook on witchcraft. It went through 28 editions between 1486 to 1600. Roman Catholics and Protestants accepted it as an authoritative source of information concerning Satanism and as a guide to Christian defense.
Palaeography: the study of ancient writing systems and the deciphering and dating of historical manuscripts. पुरालेखन: प्राचीन लेखन प्रणालियों का अध्ययन और ऐतिहासिक पांडुलिपियों की व्याख्या और तिथि-निर्धारण। Script: writing system such as Devanagari, Roman, Greek, Brahmi, Kharoshti, Aramaic, Arabic, Persian... Language: Speaking system such as English, Hindi, Arabic, Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Tamil, Telgu... Few References: "The History and Paleography of Mauryan Brahmi Script" by Chandrika Singh Upasak (M.A. PhD London), "THE PALAEOGRAPHY OF BRAHMI SCRIPT IN NORTH INDIA (From c. 236 B.C. to c. 200. A.D.)" by THAKUR PRASAD VERMA, M.A., PhD. French Orientalist Terrien de Lacouperie suggested the name 'Brahmi' after a thorough study of ancient Chinese sources. Jain religious books - Samavayanga Sutra (300 BCE) and Pannavana Sutra (168 BCE) recorded Bhambhi (or Brahmi) in another list of 18 scripts.
The Arabic text is lost but a Latin translation, Algoritmi de numero Indorum (in English Al-Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning) gave rise to the word algorithm deriving from his name in the title. Al-Khwarizmi and his colleagues the Banu Musa were scholars at the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. Diophantus [CE 200 - 284] was a Greek mathematician sometimes known as "the father of algebra" who is best known for his Arithmetica. John Lennox the Chrismatician, Al-Tabari the Muslimatician!
One may be dragged to the most basic concepts: "Define proof", "Define evidence" - ask "Define Islam". "Criteria of evidence that would convince you that Islam/Christism is..." - ask "define criteria". Propositions such as "Islam is the truth" may need to be countered tactically - such as define Islam, define Truth. Deism: belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe - ईश्वरवाद: एक सर्वोच्च प्राणी के अस्तित्व में विश्वास, विशेष रूप से एक निर्माता के बारे में जो ब्रह्मांड में हस्तक्षेप नहीं करता है।
Many times you will be blamed for double-standard by statement such as: "Why do you not speak against other religions?", "Why did not you go to debate on X's channel?"... Following table helps you prepare some of explanations (I call it explanation because it is less likely to make any impact on the person making the blame).
S. No. | आरोप - Allegation | संभावित और अनुशंसित प्रतिक्रियाएं - Likely and recommended responses |
01 | Why do you not speak against other religions? आप दूसरे धर्मों के खिलाफ क्यों नहीं बोलते? | If similar stuffs exist in other religions, those are also bad. Why do you want to defend your religion based on good or bad aspects of other religions? अगर इसी तरह की चीजें दूसरे धर्मों में मौजूद हैं, तो वे भी बुरी हैं। आप दूसरे धर्मों के अच्छे या बुरे पहलुओं के आधार पर अपने धर्म की रक्षा क्यों करना चाहते हैं? |
02 | Why do you not speak against other religions? आप दूसरे धर्मों के खिलाफ क्यों नहीं बोलते? | I have knowledge only about this religion and I have no intention to join or promote the other religions you are referring to. मुझे केवल इस धर्म के बारे में जानकारी है और मेरा उन अन्य धर्मों में शामिल होने या प्रचार करने का कोई इरादा नहीं है जिनका आप उल्लेख कर रहे हैं। |
03 | Why did not you consult an scholar? आपने किसी विद्वान से सलाह क्यों नहीं ली? | Please name the scholars you trust. कृपया उन विद्वानों के नाम बताएं जिन पर आप भरोसा करते हैं। Only Islam get offended when one reads from their own 'authentic' sources! |
04 | You are spreading hate against my religion. तुम मेरे धर्म के खिलाफ नफरत फैला रहे हो। | If I tell that other religions are also full of hate, will you accept your religion is also full of hate? अगर मैं कहूं कि दूसरे धर्म भी नफरत से भरे हुए हैं, तो क्या आप स्वीकार करेंगे कि आपका धर्म भी नफरत से भरा है? |
05 | You have not understood the context? आप संदर्भ को नहीं समझ पाए हैं? | Give me reference to the books which give authentic context as per you. मुझे उन पुस्तकों का संदर्भ दें जो आपके अनुसार प्रामाणिक संदर्भ देती हैं। |
Assertion: statement of declaration and/or strong belief. Perfect mind, sinless human: these are unfalsifiable claims - there is no way to demonstrate if any such thing exists or ever existed!
Type of evidence: oral, documetary, hearsay, circumstantial, physical - (weak and strong). A testimony can be true or a lie or could be a case of someone being deceived or mistaken. A 'testimony' is only valid if it is true.
Fact: Supported 'evidence' - should have provision to be reproduced, verified mutiple times under multiple circumstances, should appear to one of senses: audio, visual, touch, smell and taste.
Circular definitions --- Morality: principles concerning what is good and bad or right and wrong behaviour, Ethics: beliefs about what is morally correct or acceptable, Evidence: the facts, signs that make you believe that something is true, Fact: something that you know has happened or is true
Audience Relevance: Who it talking and to whom? Context: What is being talked, when and by whom? Who are the people to which the messages are targeted to?
Judgement: who are you to judge? Jurisprudence: who has given you authority to make judgement?, Jurisdiction: how does this fall under your purview? मैंने गलत किया ये निर्णय लेने वाले तुम कौन हो? मैंने गलत किया और मान भी लिया कि मैं गलत हुं तो मुझे दंड देने का अधिकार तुम्हें कैसे? मैंने गलत किया और मान भी लिया कि मैं गलत हुं तो मुझे दंड देने का अधिकार तुम्हें कैसे? मैंने गलत किया और मान भी लिया कि मैं गलत हुं, ये भी मान लिया की तुम्हें दंड देने का अधिकार है किंतु यह तुम्हारा अधिकार क्षेत्र कैसे? There are 6 types of proofs in Sanatan: शब्द प्रमाण [Word Proof], प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण [Direct Evidence], अनुमान [Inference], ऊपमान [Analogy, Comparison], अनुप्लब्धी [Negative Evidence], ऐतिहासिक प्रमाण [Historical Evidences].
Leftist [communists] intellectuals use words of approval like: complex, exciting, innovative, nuanced ... and words and phrases of dismissal like: simplistic, outmoded, reactionary... Redefining words: Leftists calling government spending 'investment'. Killing Fields under Khmer Rouge (Combodian communism under Pol Pot).
रणनीति - Tactic | प्रयोजन - Purpose | उदाहरण - Example |
Name calling | To diminish the argument of his opponent | Bhakt, Sanghi |
Changing the subject | To redirect the attention while pretending to refute on-subject statement of his opponent | |
Questioning the motives of the opponent | To prove the opponent's facts or logic wrong | Give me an example so we can set the record straight |
Stereotyping and Invalid analogy | citing a 'label' that supposedly applies to the group that opponent is a member of | Unqualified expert opinion |
Claiming privacy with regard to claims about self | To cover-up false claims about oneself | |
Claiming something is secret when it is not a legitimate secret | To cover-up false claims by other persons, institutions, authorities | |
Scapegoating | Appeal to pity or other emotions | Hitler's blaming the Jews for everything that was wrong |
Cherry picking, Badgering [Argumentum ad nauseam] | To indicate that the items chosen were less worthy than one or more that were not chosen | Playing on widely held beliefs and/or fears |
Assertion of non-existent 'rights' | Right to affordable health care vs. the 'right' to a job | |
Rhetorical question | The questioner already knows the answer | This is a statement posing as a question |
Peer approval of subjective opinion [Argumentum ad numerum or Argumentum ad populum] | To get approval of political allies in the same subject | |
Reversing cause and effect, Anecdotal evidences | A caused B when in fact B caused A, Too small of a sample size | Confusing Correlation and Causation |
Argumentum ad antiquitatem | It has always been done that way | |
False choice | To limit the discussion stating there are only two choices | The only alternative was war and war is out of the question |
Accusation of taking a quote out of context: quoting the entire context would literally require reproducing the entire content. A debater who claims so must cite one or more additional quotes from the same work that supply the missing context. This will help reveal the meaning conveyed by the original quote that they complained about. While one may agree with most arguments, it only convince the convinced! "As if you are NOT the ONE who take some verse out of context to make them appear more friedly". When you bring the "out of context argument", it also implies Islam should not exist and I agree with that. जब आप "संदर्भ से बाहर तर्क" लाते हैं, तो इसका मतलब यह भी है कि इस्लाम का अस्तित्व नहीं होना चाहिए और मैं इससे सहमत हूं।
Arguments Abrahamics will defend Bye-Bull and Kufr-an / Kuda-an: "pre-school theology" vs. "college-level or adult question", skeptics have bad theology [the study of religion - धर्मशास्त्र], Tend to bring 'Human' characteristics to god such as "Good to All" does not imply "only does nice things to everyone all the time", All else being equal - in fact all else are not equal! God never began to exist and hence would not require a cause, Existence in the mathematical realm does not imply existence in the real world, Potential infinites vs. actual infinites, If the universe did not begin to exist then the number of past events in history is infinite.
"A man makes bold claim and ridicules skeptic for asking for evidence!" - are you this kind of maniac? What way do you think claims of prophesies can be verified? How the scientific method is a reliable method to know anything of the past is true and how mathematics and logic are true? It is repeatable, demonstrated with consistency... Do you know what "Claim" is? The Quran/Bible is just the claim...not the evidence. A story about an empty tomb (if it even happened) only implies the tomb is empty, nothing else. एक खाली मकबरे के बारे में एक कहानी (यदि यह भी हुआ हो) केवल यह दर्शाता है कि मकबरा खाली है, और कुछ नहीं। What is most probable is that people don't come back from being dead. "How do you explain the empty tomb?" It was empty. Now prove that it used to have an Elohim in it. Empty tomb in one sentence: "If there was ever anything in the tomb, it is no longer there." Do you want to claim the Jesus was the first known Zombie? What was the religion of Mary and Yoseph? Just because rocky tombs exist is Jerusalem cannot be used to conclude that a zombie from Nazarene was inside it. Fairytales of an illegitmate child glorified as a divine magician with perverted mind! एक नाजायज बच्चे की परियों की कहानी जिसे विकृत दिमाग के साथ एक दिव्य जादूगर के रूप में महिमामंडित किया जाता है! What separates a true "experience based religion" from a revealed commands that pushes his followers to convert the world using rice bags!
An empty tomb presupposes he was buried in a tomb, being buried in a tomb presupposes he was crucified, being crucified presupposes he existed, his existence presupposes virgin birth and the story continues till the talking snake deceived the creator! Do we have any text on literal description of how crucifixion were carried out? The answer is NO. What do Romans did with crucified victims? Let them rot at on the pole as warning to others. Ther is story that says there were apostles. There is a story that says there were witnesses. At the end, they are stories about an invisible thug! Wroshipping a snake image or idol is still better than worshiping a zombie. Even if I believe there was a talking snake, I would not believe that Jesus existed.YHWH created the universe in 6 days and disappeared on seventh day, apparently forever! He created man and consumed all the material available with him. He needed man's rib to create a woman.
Standard refutation tactics by Abrahamics: Deception is the doctrine of Islam!मुल्ला के विशिष्ट बहाने
“It is reported on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Messenger of Allah said: None of you is a believer till I am dearer to him than his child, his father and the whole of mankind.” (Sahih Muslim, Chapter 11, Book 1, Number 0071) --- “यह अनस के अधिकार पर रिपोर्ट किया गया है। मलिक ने कहा कि अल्लाह के रसूल ने कहा: आप में से कोई भी मुसलमान नहीं है जब तक कि मैं उसके बच्चे, उसके पिता और पूरी मानव जाति से ज्यादा प्रिय नहीं हूं। (सहीह मुस्लिम, अध्याय 11, पुस्तक 1, संख्या 0071)
What is your best argument against Christianity [Christism] and Islam [Mohammadanism]?
S. No. | Christism | Mohammadanism |
01 | The very first two people comitted Original Sin by getting misled by a talking snake ultimately leading to every human as born sinners | Muhammand more powerful than Allah Himself and special allowances for him (Muhammad) |
02 | God dying in hands of humans to save only future generations of humans from their sins | Extraordinary claim of divine book with almost no historical, archeological and textual evidences |
03 | Women created from some part of men | Definition of human-like (especially man) characteristics of Allah |
For the matter of discussion, I accept that it is out of context, it is not understood correctly... For non-Arabic speakers and non-muslims, can you suggest the correct english translation of Quran, Tafsir and Hadith which give the right context and correct explaination of Quranic verses? चर्चा के लिए मैं स्वीकार करता हूं कि यह संदर्भ से बाहर है, इसे सही ढंग से समझा नहीं गया है... गैर-अरबी बोलने वालों और गैर-मुस्लिमों के लिए, क्या आप कुरान, तफ़सीर और हदीस के अंग्रेजी अनुवाद का सुझाव दे सकते हैं जो कुरान की आयतों का सही संदर्भ और सही व्याख्या देते हैं? Islam has never been misunderstood. It is the most correctly understood and the most accurately followed religion. इस्लाम को कभी गलत नहीं समझा गया। यह सबसे सही ढंग से समझा जाने वाला और सबसे सटीक रूप से पालन किया जाने वाला धर्म है। Hindu-Muslim Bhai Bhai (Brotherhood): जब कोई हिन्दू मुस्लिम भाईचारा की बात करे: तो आज से ये मान लिया जाये की आज के बाद से जो भी मुस्लिम लड़कियां हिन्दू लड़के से विवाह करे उन्हें मुस्लिम समाज सहजता के स्वीकार कर लेगा?
Weaknesses of apologetics: Are Gospels eyewiteness accounts? Faith based on authority of Scripture and Church, One must believe before one can know - Fides quaerens intellectum, Reason vs. faith: e.g. doctrine of Trinity [coined by Theophilis of Antioch in CE 180 - it is not present in Old Testament i.e. Hebrew Bible] and eschatological resurrection of the dead, Why believe historically fulfilled prophecies and miracles? Matters of 'faith' must also be tested / guaranteed based on rational proofs, rational does not imply true, self-authenticating witness of the Holy Spirit, Knowing something to be true ≡ showing something to be true. Why neeed the spirit? "God raised Jesus from the dead" lies beyond the reach of a strict historian - there just is no plausible naturalistic explanation of the facts, in Jewish society the testimony of women were regarded as unreliable. Either something is good because God commands it or else God commands it because it is good, The only reason you believe objective moral values exist is that you believe in Jesus or Allah! Are you saying that we must believe in God to live moral lives? A life-prohibiting universe is much more likely than a life-permitting universe like ours. God's existing alone without the universe is either before the Big Bang, not in physical time, but in metaphysical time or else is strictly timeless but enters into time at the moment of creation.
Retort to Liberal-Sickular Comedians: No comedian in India has guts to mock other than Hindu gods and goddesses. One need to just divert the topic as example given here. Comedian: Will you still be a patriot has Pakistan not existed? Response-1: Will you still be a comedian if you could be beheaded for mocking Hindu gods and goddesses? So as per you, those who fought and sacrificed their lives for independence of India were not patriot as Pakistan did not exist before 1947! Response-2 अगर हिन्दू समाज में गौमूत्र का वर्णन नहीं होता तो क्या तो तब भी जोकर बनता? एक बार मुहम्मद की ऊंटमूत्र वाली औषधी पे भी अगर व्यंग कर देता तो तेरे गुर्दे का पता चल जाता? Comedian: Do not look into past - look at the present. Response: Yes, if you ask some people to stop looking into seventh century of common era or event that took place 2200 years ago.
Before engaging Muzlims in conversations: verify that he understands difference between 'Prophet' and 'Messenger', what he thinks of Muhammand (Prophet or Messenger?), does he believe in Tafsirs and Hadiths or not, does he believe in 72 hoors.... Note: Typically but not universally accepted definitions are - Rasool is an Islamic word for messenger and Nabi is the Islamic as well as the Hebrew word for prophet.
Islamic apologetics: Open your mind, listen what scholars say, you are ignorant - get educated, read history from authentic sources. Rebuttal: Name the scholars you agree with! Only Islam get offended when one reads from their own 'authentic' sources - Hadith (e.g. Sahih Muslim) and Tafsir (e.g. ibn Kathir). Go and take some Hydro-Jinn drink, Oxy-jinn food and use Nitro-jinn music! Try to be less like Muhammad and educate himself - I am really not that pathetic hypocrite like your mentally ill pedophet. When Islamist talks about metaphors - Allah is god metaphorically and Muhammad is prophet only metaphorically. By making youself a victim, you are demonstrating a narcissistic sociopathic behaviour dominant in your [sel-absorbed, self-centred, self-opinionated, self-righteous] cult! You are living up to your religion - keep clutching the straw with all might you have! क्या आपके पूर्वज जलेबी का व्यापार करते थे? क्यों? मुझे लगता है जलेबी बनाने का धंधा आपके खून में बह रहा है? नारियल फोड़ने की परंपरा और बकरी काटने की परंपरा की तुलना ना ही करें तो अच्छा होगा आपके लिए? By the way, can you please tell me what is the first revelation of Quran? What are the similarities between Quran and other scriptures? Where do you get the "supposedly authentic context" of Quaranic stories and messages?
Genetic fallacy: invalidating an argument by showing how it originated (e.g. the only reason you believe in democracy is that you were raised in a democratic society). The truth of a statement is independent of how the statement originated or the motives of the person asserting it. Morals that are binding whether or not anybody believes them. Example: the Holocaust was objectively wrong even though the Nazis who carried it out thought that it was right.
Law of Karma: a spiritual law of Cause and Effect. It is linked with the concept of re-birth though. It must be remembered that although we are continually making Karma by our actions, yet the totalling up of accounts and deciding when and how reward or punishment shall be meted out, is not in our hands, but arranged by Higher Powers.
Kalam cosmological argument:Pascal's Wager: Note that he was the famous Chrismatician who is credited with Rascal's Law of Hydraulics!
Counter to Pascal's Wager
Liberal Logic pushing Hindus to Demonstrate Cowardice Behaviour: Liberals shall question you to foreget history of Mughal oppression, oppressions by Imperial Britishers... Remember they do not have spine to question those who cannot forget the myths from two thousand years and another one from seventh ceturey common era.
Hindutvawadi-हिंदुत्ववादी, Bhagawadhari-भगवाधारी, गौमुत्रवादी, इंशागणेशा | Muhammadwadi-मुहम्मदवादी, रसूलवादी, नमाजवादी - Namajwadi, हरा-टिड्डा, टुकड़े-गैंग, जिहादी - Jihadi, कुड़ा-न-वादी, किबलावादी, खिलाफतवादी, जिज्यावादी मवाली, हुरीवादी, फिरक़ापरस्त, मस्लकवादी |
अंधभक्त - Andhbhakt or Andhabhakt, गोबरभक्त - Gobarbhakt, भक्त-Bhakt, Jumalebaaj - जुमलेबाज़ | Andh-namaji, Fun-Damn-Mentalist, Cow-smugglers, cut-piece, हलालाधारी - Halalwadi, खतनाकारी - Khatnawadi, Cunt-cutter, Cousin-fcuker, रक्त-चूसक, शांतिधूर्त -Peace-crook, पत्थरबाज, थूकलमान, चमचे -Chamache धर्मान्ध कट्टरपंथी, गद्दार, अरबी-गुलाम, अज्ञानी अभिमानी, आक्रामक उदारवादी, मदरसाछाप, कमबख्त |
गौ-रक्शक, मुर्तिपूजक, Fascist, Islamophobe, राष्ट्रीयतावाद, Ganga-Jamuni Tahajib | कब्र-जिहादी, थूक-जिहादी, कब्रपूजक - Grave-worshipper, काला-पत्थर-चुम्बनवादी - Stone-smoocher, Burqawadi-बुर्क़ावादी, धर्मांतरणवादी, क़यामतवादी, Kaphirwadi - काफिरवादी, धिम्मीवादी - Dhimmiwadi, Ganga-Zamzam-Tahajib, रहमानी कीड़ा |
Gay Shree Ram | Abdul ibn Mutah, Pigraham-pigrahim-pigmillah, Gay-hammad, Gay-isha, Gaydija, Gaybaa, Gayhajj, Gayshua, Gaybraham, Gayzus, Gaybriel, Gaydam, Hail Pedophet, Rangeela R-Ass-owl, Ale-Ho-Sucker, Allah-ho-Fuckber, Allah who fcuk bear, Allah-ho-Gobar, Allah-ho-GAY-Bar, Pale-is-tan, Paid-o-fate, Mooh-maid, Chymmunist, Pigambar, Pigfet, Jezus Crisis |
They will keep increasing their attack, We have to use BOYCOTT to push back! वो करते रहेंगे हिंदुत्व पे प्रहार, हमें करते रहना पड़ेगा बहिष्कार! --- खतनासुर कहिन/Thus Spake Khatnasur. There is no god but Allah. There is no dung but horse dung. खतनासुर, फुफासुर और मामासुर (मामा + ससुर) से बच के रहो Statement: "Worshippers were not killed during prayers even in India or Israel but it happened in Pakistan".
People will question that India or concept of India did not exist before Mughal or India did not exist before British took control. Just ask them following 3 questions:
Selective Comparison and Appreciation
Such type of incidence ..... do not happen in America and Europe! What about incidences (bombing third countries, mass murder through gun violence...) which happen in USA and Europe and not in India? American youths have to mandatorily undergo military training. If it can happen in China why not in India? Bureaucracy is less and decision making is faster in China! What about government controlled media in China? How do you verify any data coming out of China? Battles in America: Battle of Lexington and Concord and Battle of Bunker Hill: who were in these battles?औरत से नफरत और औरत की हसरत साथ साथ. When someone mocks stating: Bhakt or Andhabhakt spotted - retort by saying, "Son of Mutah spotted", "Yes, andhabhakt of Muhammad", Tuchcha Namaji टुच्चा नमाजी or Namaji Jonke नमाजी जोंक spotted. Politburo Piglet spotted, Paranoid Namaji Pathogen spotted, "Yes, Arabo kaa" --- हाँ मुहम्मद का अंधभक्त, अरबों का जेहनी ग़ुलाम अंधभक्त, Hoor-iya spotted. गालियां: लम्पट लोमड़ी, हवसी दरिंदे, ठरकी खच्चर, चिरकुट चापलुस, कामी कछुआ, भरवा भेड़िया, भिखाड़ी भेड़िया, आस्तीनी सांप, लिब्रान्डु आततायी, गप्पी गालीबाज, लकडबग्घा लौंडा, गालीबाज गंवार, मनहुस मुतिया, हलकट हमामि, Half-Human Zombie, Khamosh Mujahideen - खामोश मुजाहिदीन, कपटी कायर, लौंडा लफाड़ा
Bans and Indian Government
Indian only put bans, western countries bomb countries, change regimes and sanction economically. भारतीय केवल प्रतिबंध लगाते हैं, पश्चिमी देश देशों पर बमबारी करते हैं, शासन बदलते हैं, आर्थिक रूप से प्रतिबंध लगाते हैंCry louder, Cryslam, When someone mocks India or Hinduism, copy and modify the text by replacing India/Hindu with Islam, Chyna, Colonialists...and few terms from above list. Chrismaticians - evangelical intellectuals from Christism, Priestianity, Crystism, Crystian Kissionaries, similarly Musmatician, Mo-Haram-Mad. Hi-slam, She-slam, EE-slam, Yeslam, Halala-e-Takadeer, Mythociniaty, Crystidiot, Trinity = Tri-nighty = Tri-pity, Cult of Cursenity culminating from a crucified criminal! Jesus Christ, son of a woman, is called the son of God. [Ref: HISTORY OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE V1 --- St. Chrysostom, whose prayer is repeated at every Sunday morning service of the Episcopal Church, described woman as "a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a desirable calamity, a domestic peril, a deadly fascination, and a painted ill."] Joshua ben Pantera, Mythology of Father-Sun. 3-in-1 mythology of water-ice-steam! The religion which could not withstand few heresy is claiming to provide salvation! The followers of religion who took pride in burning heretics are calling others barbaric! Your scripture has no authority over me. Myths of first and second century fictionology is known today as Cursenity / Churchianity ... Fugitive / Deserter / Escapee / Runaway Americans: unique skill of Blunder - Plunder - Surrender. What do you think of your famous ancestors: "Slave Traders, Witch Hunter, Burning at Stakes, Mass Murders"?
मुंह में नबी, हाथ में छुरी - मुंह में पैगम्बर, हाथ में खंजर - Beheading is the teaching of your warlord! Lynchistan - Terroristan, Hindutva - ISIslami Jihaditva, Cow-worshiper - Cross-kisser, Stone-smoocher / Resurrectionist, Alla-hater. Cow worshipper - Ghost or key worshipper or Black-stone worshipper, Cow-belt mentality - Halala/Sunnat mentality [do you not know that biggest chapter in Quran in on Cow], दीवाली के पटाखों से कुत्तों को बहुत तकलीफ होती है, आज पटाखे -फुलझड़ियों में तो कल जलती चिताओं में भी इन्हें प्रदूषण नजर आएगा, इंतज़ार करो - आपकी हर सांस में भी धुआं और जहर नजर आएगा। Do you know who killed descendants of Muhammad in Karbala? Are you aware of the battles between Ali and Ayesha? क्या आप जानते हैं कि कर्बला में मुहम्मद के वंशजों को किसने मारा? क्या आप अली और आयशा के बीच की लड़ाई के बारे में जानते हैं? Salman Tasir in Pakistan killed for speaking agains blasphemy law (Aisha Bibi case). Own up your crimes and stop blaming others for everything wrong in Islam! Stop lying through your broken teeth! When somebody say: "Islam is the solution" - yes an acidic solution which can be contained only in China clay...
Communist = Master strokewadi : Best available opton : During semi-finals, do not make strategy for final match : There is no cure for leftist agenda! Abrahamism is always about concentration of power, Hinduism is about diffusion of power! Islam attacks FREEDOM, ECONOMY and WOMB - the cultural / civilizational dinosaurs! When someone questions how handfuls of Britishers were able to rule millions of Indians -- same way an Austrian born German-Christian was able to convince and mobilize millions of Germans, Italians and Japanese to wage war leading to killing of 80 million people worldwide! Chyna aka Chaina [A country who does not recognise and accept the sacrifice of a fallen soldier is not worth any attention]
Sarcasm to Retort Muslims/Islamists and their hypocrisy: चल निकल चीनी पापाओं की अमरीकी ब्रीड के परजीवी लकड़बग्घे! जाओ माथा टिकाकर पैंदा उठाओ - go and raise your butts! 2-paisa intellectuals, 2 कौड़ी के बुद्धिजीवी! लंगड़े - लुले तर्क, बोका-लम्पट चिरकुट लतखोर, भतकटवा, बुर्किनाफासिस्ट, चटोरीमल, भांड, भंरवा, I am not surprized with an open-mouth under blind-eyes and closed mind! In Islam you can have as much sex as you can eat! Insults are for barbaric sunnah-certified shariah-compliant trollerist! It shows your mindset and tells nothing about me - how fragile, false, fake and fascist outlook of the world you have! Calling me a pervert by these extraordinarily sexually dysfunctional maniacs, what a bigotry! हाथ में लोटा मुंह में पान, चलो चलें अब पाकिस्तान! Jumping Jalebi! "Butcher of Gujarat": Butcher of Bengal, Butcher of Bluchistan, Butcher of Humanity (I-SLAM) still being practiced.
Allah's perfect book has perfection in only one language - what a massive failure! It always amaze me how hard certain people work to remain ignorant.
मुस्लिम दोगलापंथी: मेरी माँ ने मुझे अपने बाप के बारे में बताया, मेरे मजहब के बारे में बताया और मैंने दोनों पे भरोसा किया। अगर मैंने अपने मजहब को झूठा बतलाया तो मैंने अपने बाप को भी झूठा माना। अगर किसी हिन्दू बच्चे ने इस्लाम अपना लिया तो उसने अपनी माँ को झूठा नहीं बनाया बल्कि असली मजहब को अपनाया। प्रतिवाद - अगर मोहल्ले के सारे मर्द तुम्हे अपना बेटा होने का दावा करने लगे तो क्या करोगे? इस्लाम में औरतों की गवाही आधी मानी जाती है तो सिर्फ तुम्हारे माँ के कहने से कैसे तुम विश्वास कर लोगे? मुहम्मद तो भी तो उसकी माँ और सम्बन्धियों ने उसके धर्म के बारे में बताया होगा तो फिर उसने उनको क्यों झुठलाया? इस्लामी नशेड़ी और मंदबुद्धि की मिशाल हो तुम. What tradition did Mohammad followed during his marriage with Khadija? हमारा मशलक क्यों पूछते हो वो मुन्नी, शियाओं में शिया और सुन्निओं में सुन्नी! हमारा मशलक क्यों पूछते हो वो कवि, देवबंदियों में देवबंदी और बरेलविओं में बरेलवी!
Master of Victimology, Gang of Halal Economy, Sunnah-certified Donkey, Migration Jihad, Refugee Jihad, Narcotics Jihad, Grave Jihad. Every word drips with intellectual prejudice and cowardice, you are an asset to your cult! War and conquest means peace in Islam! Only demons see war and dominance as peace. 2 minutes silence for them who think Eye-slam spread through preaching. मैं ऐसे टुच्चे नेता और उसके टुच्चे धर्म का क्या मजाक उड़ाऊंगा? तुम्हारा दिमाग उतना खाली है जितना तुम्हारा पेट रोजा टूटने के समय होता है। जब तक मुसलमान मक़बूल फ़िदा हुसैन के कार्टूनों के लिए माफी नहीं मंगाते हैं तब तक हिन्दुओं को मुहम्मद पे व्यंग करने का पूरा अधिकार है। Main ise gambhirata se Condom karata hun - I seriously Condom this matter. You can erect your questions - aap apana prashna khada kar sakate hain! Aap apan uttar dalwa sakate hain - you can let your answers get inside.
Islam is a dead goat without blasphemy law where apostasy is served with death penalty. Without power of sword, islam is just an Araic word! Ask those who tried to denounce or leave Islam! इस्लाम ईशनिंदा कानून के बिना एक मरा हुआ बकरा है जहां धर्मत्याग को मौत की सजा दी जाती है। उन लोगों से पूछो जिन्होंने इस्लाम की निंदा करने या छोड़ने की कोशिश की! Do not call me brother: I do not trust your bogus brotherhood! भाइयों को जान से मारना, पिता को कैद करना - ये सब अत्याचार थोड़े ना हैं. हलाला, खतना, मुताह, बुर्का - यह सब लैंगिक समानता के उदाहरण हैं . To those who claim wine spreads violence and immoral behaviour: जिसकी नीयत खराब हो उसके अक्ल तो हर तरह से ख़राब ही होगी। क्या किसी ने शराब पी के अपनी बहन को बीबी माना है या अपनी पुत्र-वधु को शादी के लिए प्रस्ताव दिया है? Yee-slam defended itself across Arabia, carried on defending itself into Levant, Iran, and North Africa, then even started defending itself all the way into Spain, China and India. It tried to defend itself into Central Africa too, but the brave Nubian warriors repelled them. Give reference to Hijarat (migration of Muhammad to Median).
Retort to word Rakshas, Asur... Christians coined the word Heathen, Infidels, Pagans, Idolators, Heretics and has concept of Satan, Demons, Anti-christ... Carpocratian, follower of Carpocrates, a 2nd-century Christian Gnostic, Niggers. ईसाई और इस्लामी साहित्य और धर्मग्रंथों में परधर्मावलंबी, मूर्तिपूजक, अशुद्ध, काफ़िर और यहां तक कि प्रतिमापूजक जैसे शब्दों का इस्तेमाल लोगों के उन समूहों को नीचा दिखाने के लिए किया गया है और इरादा कभी भी पहचान के लिए एक श्रेणी बनाने का नहीं था। Terms like Heathens, Idolators, Kafirs, Infidels and even Pagans have been used in Christan and Islamic literatures and scriptures to demean those groups of people and intent was never to create a category just for identification.
How come few thousands of Britishers where able to rule million of Indians? Same way few hundreds of Germans and Italians were able to mobilize millions of civilized Christians to wage the tribal war of Europe incorrectly known today as World War II leading to genocide of more than 100 millions of Jews, Hindus, Chinese and even Christians! Japanese have concept of Hara-Kiri (similar to Jouhar by women in India) and Kamikaze (similar to suicide bombers). Why both the atom bombs were used on Japan, why was not one dropped on Germany? Japanese were as savage as civilized Europeans and killed millions in China, Phillipines and Vietnam. We are proud of out ancestors who preferred to be a slave than slave transporter, slave trader, slave owner...
Do you trust your wife? Ask back if he checked the virginity of his wife and how? ---Why did a person X flee is country or his place of birth? Is not running away (Hizrat) is basic tenet of Islam?
Brown porter carrying western burden! पश्चिमी बोझ ढोने वाला भूरा कुली! When someone mocks dalits demanding free housing: दत्त, पांडेय, घोष और सरदेसाई नाम के ब्राह्मण पत्तलकारों ने जितना इस देश और समाज का खून चूस लिया है उसक एक प्रतिशत भी तो वो नहीं मांग रहा है।
Hentai: literally 'abnormal' or 'perverted' - a genre of Japanese manga and anime characterized by overtly sexualized characters and sexually explicit images and plots. Note that American constitution has not explicitly abolished slavery: "Amendment XIII (1865): Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
India is not a Unified Country: from "" - State and local income taxes: "Most states, and a number of municipal authorities, impose income taxes on individuals working or residing within their jurisdictions. Most of the 50 states impose some personal income tax, with the exception of Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming, which have no state income tax. New Hampshire and Tennessee (until 1 January 2021) tax only dividend and interest income. Few states impose an income tax at rates that exceed 10%."
Americans: we kicked out British and you Indians has to beg same Britishers for your Independence! Slave traders' successors feeling proud of their ancestors. This proves that your forefathers from both sides of Atlantic were savage warmongers. We are proud of our ancestors who chose to be slaves than being slave finders, slave traders, slate insurers, slave transporters, slave buyers, salve sellers and slave owners. Indian: America and Britain were never civilizations, you (Americans) break away from the empire through civil war. India is still a thriving oldest civilization and people with unknown roots shall only boast of their barabaric forefathers who traded slaves and killed millions of native Americans using European diseases.
How few Europeans were able to control vast population like India? Same way few Nazis were able to create tribal war of Europe leading to death of more than 10 millions, same way few Pakistani muslims (aka grooming gang) were able to rape thousands of British underage teenagers and Britishers could do nothing with all advance technologies of twenty-first century. I am sure you will highly appreciate the masculinity of someone who raped your wife and/or daughter or sodomized your sons! Our forefathers did not realize that a barbaric and savage group of zealots under the banner Christian are under mission to loot the entire world and create misery wherever they go! Same way few thousands of your savage forefathers killed millions and almost wiped-out natives of America with white European desease.Sarcasm, Taboo, Superstitions, Sacrifices, Denomination, Magical Power, Satan, Beasts
Abrahamic Supremacy - Gets Owned, Got Demolished, Gets Destroyed, Saved by Jesus, Islam Ruled the World, Outgunned. Retort: Not so much destroyed as rotten's corpse of pedophet Muhammad in desert somewhere! Masochistic nonsense. I know pursuit of knowledge angers most of Abrahamics. When Abrahamics mock vegetarian food: Let the "talking snake" appear and guide us on what to eat and what not to eat before sermon of salvation! Just because someone dies or died for a belief does not make that faith true! Islamists are brainwashed by telling them that the world owe them everything for free - interest on money is forbidden but alms / baksheesh, subsidy, donation... are perfectly acceptable. You are not far from what and who you are accusing to - even worse than that! Jesus is as true as Santa Clause YHWH is water: it takes 3 forms and still same - water, ice and steam!
Jesus's love letter starts with: "You are wicked sinners who deserve to suffer unless you worship me". Only a dominatrix serial killer would do that. Doctrine of Trinity [coined by Theophilis of Antioch in CE 180 - it is not present in Old Testament i.e. Hebrew Bible]. 'Dieing' is not same as getting 'killed'. Die for a lie - then blaming others when they flew aeroplane in buildings.
Jesus was possibly his own father and son! Did Jee-bus look at the women of his community with lustful eyes? If yes, he was not divine. If no, he was not human.
Human Sacrifices: When Creestians mock Inca's of human sacrifices, remind them that they sacrificed more slaves and burnt far more heretics in few hundred years, killed more humans in Wars of Religion than Inca and native Americans would have sacrificed in whole of their history. Christianity coined the terms Heathen, Pagans, Idolators, Polytheists... to demean those who do not believe in polytheism of Trinity - Virgin Mary, Saints, Son, Father and Holy Spirit. Middle Ages in Europe: bourgeois (मध्यवर्गीय) society, patrician and plebeian, freemen and slaves, knights, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs.
Churchianity, Jezus Crisis, T-smoocher, Key-smoocher, Flat-earthers with talking snake, Messianic Fanatics, Trinitarian Dominianists, Eternal Hellist, Eschatological Christian Militia. The biggest and longest running caste system is the prophethood, cult with hereditary sinfulness. Knights, Grand Duke, Duke, Viscount: a British nobleman ranking above a baron and below an earl. Baronet, Bourgeois, Rector, Vicar / Parish: an area has its own church - क्षेत्र जिसका अपना चर्च हो, Deacon, Bishop, Priest, Clergy, Archbishop, Archdeacon, Cardinal, Pontiff, Abbot, Laity, Gentry, Maid of honour. Holey Spirit, Eternal Death, Virgin Birth, Fallen Angels aka Satan, Original Sin, Tri-nighty, Candle burning and Touching wood, Knocking on the wooden object three times, Rubbing statues are modern scientific customs! Lollard, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic: which denomination are you from? Christ has to come again as his first coming was a failed attempt to create good priests and prevent genocidal colonialism! What was the rate of increase of total GDP of all Christian nations/empires from 500 CE to 1500 CE? If Jesus is same as god or son of god, how can he has an ancestry or lineage? Anonymous Gospel writers were inspired by anonymous divine? Chuch: a place where Fathers sexually exploit Sisters! Mary Magdalene was wife of Jesus and they had a daughter names Sarah. To differentiate a Catholic with Protestant clergy, you need to monitor the gender of children they molest! Majority of scholars: "how many" out of "how many"? An eyewitness account is not guranteed to be TRUE, above that OT and NT are not eyewitness account. ORIGINAL SIN is the best excuse for a mythical god that royally screwed up his mythical creation!
There is no such thing as Christianity. If at all something exists - it is Sharkism, Matthewism, Pukeism and Johnism along with Priestianity. Where did sons of Adam and Eve find their wives? Montanism, also called Cataphrygian heresy or New Prophecy, a schismatic movement founded by the prophet Montanus.
Successful Ultra-Rich Super-Famous Bigots: There are people out there who claim themselves to be free speech activists even absolutists while taking money by taking investments from dictators and autocrats. There businesses would be either banned in Chaina or they may have high % of income coming from Chaina and still claim themselve suporters of free speech. Same way a group of techies will take money from dictators and autocrats to create a social media platform and get offended when a democratically chosen government makes request to remove some content.
Reference: THE AGE OF WARS OF RELIGION, 1000–1650 AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GLOBAL WARFARE AND CIVILIZATION, Volume 1, A–K by Cathal J. Nolan About Superiority of European Race: Indian Wars (North America). In 1492 the Indian population of North America probably numbered several million (estimates range wildly, from one to twelve million). But European and African diseases ravaged all Indian nations which came into contact with settler populations. Half or more of most tribes died; up to 90 percent of Great Lakes Indians perished. More than any other factor, mass death from disease assured the eventual military defeat of the Indians of eastern North America.
Cult of indentured servitude: I am paying for your debt/sins and hence you are my property! Jesus dies for our sins! Did he came back to life for our sins too? A God that impregnated a young woman who gave birth to himself. "Sacrificing his son for some mythical sins" is the best solution a poor almighty Yeshua can offer! John 3:16 - 4:10, Romans 1:32 - 3:25 - 5:8, John: 6:53, 1 Cor 5:7.
All the evils on the earth should have ended after the global flood. What a utter failure the god of Christians is?
Apocryphal Acts of Peter, a document that details Peter’s various confrontations with the heretical magician Simon Magus (cf. Acts 8:14-24). The narrative shows how Peter outperforms the magician by invoking the power of God in which Peter proves the divine authorization of his message by raising a dead tuna fish back to life.
The myth of Christ is based on a lady who stuck to her story of extra-mariatal affair. Which is more likely: "That a teenager lied about her pregnancy or that the almighty, all-knowing God impregnated her? Tri-nity: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 but Poly-nity: 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 .... ≠ 1. Do you have any remains of Moses? Did not God know that Moses is a stammer and need an spokesperson? How the stick which Moses used changed into snake? How Moses made the water come out of the rock and almighty God did not know he was not following His instructions?
When a Christian ridicules about sacrifices - tell them verses Samuel 2, Judges 6, Numbers 31: 25-40. Bull sacrifices as per Acts 14:13, Numbers 15 and Ezekiel 43:21 (there are more than 20 occurrences). When they question you offerings - प्रसाद या चढ़ावा - to diety, remind Christians about bread and wine they consume as flesh and blood of Jesus! Refer previous verses about sacrifice to God. Jesus did not sacrifice anything valuable to him - Odin's sacrifice (his eyes that never returned to him) was more beneficial to the mankind than Jesus' sacrifice. The sacrifice of Prometheus is far more compelling that the nihilist sacrifice of Jesus.
When someone questions about Sita's stay in Lanka, tell them the deciept of Abraham instructed her wife Sarah to tell Egyptian people that she is her sister. जब कोई सीता के लंका में रहने के बारे में सवाल करता है, तो उन्हें बताएं कि इब्राहीम ने उसकी पत्नी सारा को मिस्र के लोगों को यह बताने का निर्देश दिया कि वह उसकी बहन है। Sarah Becomes Pharaoh's Concubine (Genesis 12: verses 14-16) and Abraham was rewarded handsomely. How angel commands Sarah's hand-maid to return and bear a child for Abraham? Mary to Joseph: "No I did not cheat on you darling! God did it".
Jesus: Worship me and I shall save you!
Man: Save me from what?
Jesus: From what will happen to you if you do not worship me!
Hate Speech
Which of the following 3 arguments can be deemed a hate speech?Authors of NT knew about prophesies of OT and then why it is surprising that the authors of NT wrote stories about fulfillment of prophesies? Prophesies should say [1]What exactly will happen? [2]When exactly will it happen? [3]It cannot be self-fulfilling? [4]A fulfilled prophecy should have evidences to show that it happened.... Prophecy is one of the weakest link or position to convince that both OT and NT are mythologies and just some heresay.
As described in Article "THE TRUTH ABOUT THE OPIUM WAR." published in THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW and authored by JOSEPH G. ALEXANDER, Hon. Sec. Society for the Suppression of the Opium Trade, which is available at JSTOR. Mr. Gladstone’s speech in the House of Commons, made during the debate on the war: "Although the Chinese were undoubtedly guilty of much absurd phraseology, of no little ostentatious pride, and of some excess, justice, in my opinion, is with them; and whilst they, the pagans, the semi-civilized barbarians, have it on their side, we, the enlightened Christians, are pursuing objects at variance both with justice and with religion." And the same "enlightened Christians" went into two "tribal-wars of Europe" falsely named as "World War 1" and "World War 2". Both the articles can be found in a single PDF file here.
Did Jesus become divine by birth or after baptism or after resurrection? Was Jesus son of God aka YHWH by birth or was he begotten during resurrection? How can Mary be a perpetual virgin when Matthew 13:54-56 and Mark 6:3 says Jesus had brothers and sisters? A revealed religion written by anonymous authors - Hallelujah ricebags! अज्ञात लेखकों द्वारा लिखित एक प्रकट धर्म - हलेलुजाह चावल के थैले! Flat earth and virgin birth are the divine mirth! समतल पृथ्वी और कुंवारी जन्म दिव्य आनंद हैं! "Flat Earth Society" in USA was founded in 1956 - Aim: To carefully observe, think freely rediscover forgotten fact and oppose theoretical dogmatic assumptions. To help establish the United States...of the the world on this flat earth. Replace the science religion...with SANITY. Daniel 4:11 (NIV): The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. Zechariah 1:11 (NIV) And they reported to the angel of the LORD who was standing among the myrtle trees, "We have gone throughout the earth and found the whole world at rest and in peace."
YAHWist talking their asses out to justify fake Yeshua - the illegimte child of Roman soldier Pantera! John 8:41-"... born of fornication". Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's Invasion to Russia. Jackson, America's seventh Christian President who was nothing but Hitler of America - he enacted Remove Indian Act - European Christians displaced Cherokee and other natives from their homeland. In all accounts, America is a stolen and robbed country - White European Christians thieves looted and stole the entire country. Read about Trail of Tears if you have any shame left in the filthy blood of your ancestors! Your understanding about anything other than fake Christ and Prophets is expected of deceitful Christians and Islamists. It is a shame that you managed to grow old enough to use internet while displaying absolutely no signs of education. 666 is number/symbol of Satan/Beasts for Christists [Rev. 13:18]. Apartheid concentration camps in South Africa.Few pointers to make strong counter-arguments are itemized below. If you are dealing with Christians - investigate into catechism - a set of questions and answers that are used for teaching people about the beliefs of the Christian Church (ईसाई चर्च की मान्यताओं को सिखाने की प्रश्नोत्तरी). Learn to deal two basic approaches adopted by apologetics: Offensive (positive): Seeks to present a positive case for Christian truth claims [Ontological, cosmological, teleological and moral arguments], Defensive (negative): Seeks to nullify objections to those claims. Learn about Parables, Allegory, Metaphors and Fables (moral story based on animals as character. Focus on Numerical, Historical, Moral, Theological, Genealogical, Eschatological errors. Why church is referred or addressed as 'she' or 'her' and not 'he' and 'her'? Nothing in Christianity is earned, everything is claimed or revealed! Abrahamic Gods make 'promises' which is an indication that he is hardly trusted. A cult which only makes 'claims' has "infallibility of Apostles, Church, Popes" as its core philosophy!
Where was holy spirit during death of Jesus and the resurrection? If a women is found guilty for adultery, why the man invoived in the act not caught and punished? Is adultery of a women possible by adultery or fornication by another male and vice versa? How will you decide who forced the act of adultery or fornication? Why did Jesus not ask Pharisees to bring the man involved in adultery when they asked his opinion about stoning of the woman caught for adultery?
If Christ comes now again as a spiritual teacher, bringing revelations of a higher standard of life than is taught by the Church of today, is there not danger that the Church will fail to accept Him, and refuse to listen? The report of the invention of the telephone was at first laughed at, for it seemed incredible that an instrument could be made into which one could speak, and the voice in some wonderful way be transmitted along a wire miles in length and then be reproduced audibly at the distant end. Millions believe stories of a person coming from dead over 2000 years ago, but if they see a sign that says "wet paint", they have to touch it. Goerge C.
Abrahamic core is collective salvation and expansion. Indic religions' core is individual salvation and non-expansion. Islam is so peaceful that people need to be killed for it if they criticize it. It comes directly from Islamic teachings and upbringings - the MVM = Muslim Victim Mentality aka Muhammadan Venom Menace. Migration without assimilation is Invasion. You are radiating Muhammad-like GLOW of love and understanding!
Tradition of Signature in Italy: healing by use of incantations with Holy Spirit and Trinity. Casting out or removing evil eye: Malocchio. Initiation ritual is passed between sunset of 24-Dec to sunrise of 25-Dec.
Jesus did not sacrifice anything - he wandered and begged all his life for food. "Giving up smoking" is not a sacrifice. At most, he (if ever existed) got everything back whatever he deemed to be sacrificed. He also did not sacrifice himself for all humanity but only for Churchians.
You resort to mockery and labeling (islamophobe, get educated …) because you have no argument. You know deep down that Hadith are false, tafsirs are not authentic, that 72 voluptuous hoors in heaven is trash. You know deep down that having sex with a 9 year old is wrong. And you are fully aware that your cult is based on the ramblings of a carvan-robber paedophile. And it make you run for cover and angry all the time. You play victim card to such extent that you make fun of your cult. May be you are following sunnah of your pedofet so much that you became as ignorant as him! That is what a credulous [showing too readiness to believe anythings] kid would say! एक विश्वसनीय [कुछ भी विश्वास करने के लिए बहुत तत्परता]दिखाने वाला बच्चा ऐसा ही कहेगा! Harassing a dead (not rotten to dust) and likely an imaginary person is crime in twenty-first century!
How will you prove Love? Which love? The one between husband and wife or the one between son and parents or the one between brother and sister?
Communist/Liberal - वामपंथ = नास्तिक इस्लाम, Communist = Athiest Islam, One book - One profet - No argument. Rat-brain Trollerist, Crummy Cross-breed, Butthole, Enjoing liberal-islamist butthomie, Cum-on-ist, नाशपन्थी, कम्मीनापन, थुलथुल-नामर्द जा केला खा, खुरपीवादी, दल्लागर, भाइचौलिया, मादरनीय चुतरमल, लालटिड्डा, हंसियावादी, चप्पलातुन, deluded and pissguided soul - May Xitler be Upon You! मुतेंद्रा, alpha-male. Glorify terror → Play Victimhood → Deflect the Blame → Generalize the blame → Suppress the voice. Communists and Izlamist are "Enightened despot" - Despot = a ruler with great power, especially one who uses it in a cruel way
गोडसे को मात्र समर्थन करने से ही तुम लोग डर रहे हो । और वह अपने बच्चों का नाम गर्व से तैमूर रखते है. वो तो शायरी और दुआ में भी 'गजनवी' का हौसला मांगते हैं। हे ईश्वर, तुम मुझे हनुमान सा हौसला दो ताकि मुसलमानों को मसल दूँ Jinnahwadi who prays for Mahmood Gazani like courage has problem with Godse - height of bigotry! Yes I am proud communal Hindu - It is indeed an honour being called a Bhakt while trying to defend a nationalist point of view! The followers of cult which attacked 17 times on Somanath template and destroyed Buddha's statue in Bamiyan have problem with Godse... do you know who killed Muhammad's descendants in Karbala? गोडसे मुद्दा अब ऑउटडेटेड हो गया है शास्त्री जी के जहर की बात तो कोई नहीं करता! Halalputra - do not you know there is a GOD in Godse, MAD in Muhammad and GAND in Gandhi? Bhakt spotted - yes a perverted bhakt of Muhammad. Gobarbhakt: that died in seventh century and left perverted self-exploding humans. This comment tells how Muhammad used to ridicule idol-worshippers after getting some free time from Ayesha! यह टिप्पणी बताती है कि कैसे मुहम्मद आयशा से कुछ खाली समय पाकर मूर्ति-पूजा करने वालों का उपहास करता था! May he never rest in peace! May he always rest in pieces.
Oxymoron: Left Liberal, Devout Muslim, Pretty ugly, Ganga jamuni tahjeeb, Holy war, Great battle, Religion of Peace, Freedom to Leave, Secular Muslim
When someone quotes famous personalities such as Einstein - ask for location and date of event and any futher references! When someone mocks: are you his assistant? No, caliph!
वो तो किसी और के बारे में बोल रहा था आपको क्यों दर्द हुआ? प्रत्युत्तर: वो तो किसी और के बारे में बोल रहा था, आपको अपार हर्ष क्यों हो रहा है, आप क्यों (कामो)उत्तेजित हो रहे हैं, आपका विलास भरी चितवन और शारीरिक सुख अपनी पराकाष्ठा पे क्यों पहुँच गया? पप्पू की चड्डी धोकर, उसका निचोड़ा हुआ पानी पीने वाले लोग...जब हमे अंधभक्त कहते है, तो मजा आ जाता है! जब भाजपा को "भगवा पार्टी" बोल सकते हैं, तो कांग्रेस को "बुर्का पार्टी" बोला जा सकता है क्या? बम, तमंचा, पिस्टल, रॉकेट लॉचंर, विशेष जगहों से निकलते हैं, और यहाँ कुछ लोगों को खतरा RSS की लाठी से लगता हैं।। मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि जिस दिन बाबा बंगाली और हाशमी दवाखाना वाले मैदान में उतर गये, उसी दिन कोरोना का 100% गारंटी वाला ईलाज़, मिल जायेगा! इस विडीयो का मज़ाक़ बनाने का अधिकार उन्हें ही है जो "दिन में 5 वक्त नमाज़ पढ़ने से अल्लाह की रहमत बरसती है" को नहीं मानते...वही इसे अंधविश्वास बता सकते हैं जो "गिरिजाघरों में मोमबत्ती जलाने से पापों का प्रायश्चित होता है" वाली बात पर यक़ीन नहीं करते हों।
Whatever it may be, it is better than slaves of the Nehruvian monkeys scratching each others hairy arses! Blame anything and everything on RSS, Jews, Hindutva... to keep Islam clean! LeT and Taliban supporters have issues with RSS...the true spirit of kafirophobia!
When someone says Fascist Hindutva: Islam has many similarities with Nazism: Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer: One Ummah, One Caliphate, One Caliph. Both are against personal freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of thought, devides the world in good vs. evil ≡ muslims vs. non-believers. Both believe in conspiracy theories about Jewish domination. Both use terror militia: SS ≡ Shariah Police. I feel sorry for your upringings and impact of sky-book! Go and watch a mirror! Claim: Muslims did not convert all Hinuds, Jews.... who would have paid the Jijya and be slaves? Allah: these are my rules - follow them and my messenger else you will go to eternal hell. Fascist: These are my rules - follow them else you will be sent to concentration camp! Salman Tasir was killed in Pakistan for his opposition of Blasphemy Law. Denmark, Finland, Greece and Ireland have blasphemy law against Abrahamic faiths. Learn the scriptures: ask someone to share the verses which encourage or sanction untouchability when someone tries to point towards caste system. Tithe: one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the Church and clergy.
The Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, lived in Berlin during World War II and worked actively with National Socialist leaders. He made Arabic-language broadcasts quoting the Qur’an and exhorting Arabs to join the National Socialist cause. Radical Muslims are the snakes and 'Moderate' Muslims are the grass they hide in. All the fifth column silent jihadi Muslims in western countries are showing their true colours and coming out of the woodwork. The veil is coming off because they can’t help not supporting their Arab brothers killing the Jews in Israel.
Positive sarcasm: I, the dictator instruct that you must drive on the right unlesss you are in Qatar or Afghanistan where you must drive on the left. I, the fascist dictator also order that you much get your kids circumcised at the age of 7 days. The converse of your hysterical sexist argument (diatribe) is true - why should the man assume a woman with human values would agree to the torture for the child? Whereas you are so intelligent to believe that schizophrenic desert lunatic split the moon into two!
Go get a a life, you have wasted whatever time you have spent on this earth after you came out of your mother's womb.
In 1696 in England, William III introduced the infamous Window tax, taxing houses based on the number of windows they had. Houses with more than ten windows had to pay a steep ten shillings. A claim is also made for "Breast Tax" on women in Travancore during early nineteenth century. There is no document record other than folklore.
Abrahamics shall question you about rationality behind vegan food: Why do you take medicines and vaccines to kill bacteria and viruses? Trees do have life, The cows eat many insects while grazing grass, Why do you take cow's milk which is meant for its calf. आप बैक्टीरिया और वायरस को मारने के लिए दवाएं और टीके क्यों लेते हैं? वृक्षों में भी जीवन होता है, घास चरते गाय अनेक कीड़ों को खाती हैं, गाय का दूध बछड़े के लिए होता है. गेहूं के बीज और धान के बीज में पौधे उगाने और दूसरा जीवन बनाने की क्षमता होती है - आप भ्रूण हत्या क्यों करते हैं Wheat seeds and paddy seeds have potential to grow plants and create many lives - why do you indulge in foeticide? Why do you cut branches of the trees?
Is hair-cutting or shaving a crime as it removes or trims a body part? Wheat plants dry up completely before they are uprooted. Plucking fruits does not kill the plants. If you encounter two criminals: one just takes your purse and let you go, the other kills you and takes all your belongings - which one is better? In one incident your car hit a pedestrian and he got minor injuries. In another incident, he lost both his legs. In which case should you get harsher penalties? Can you eat meat of an animal who just die a natural death? Why do you not eat crows, dogs and pigeons?लोग हमारे महाकाल के महामृत्युंजय मन्त्रः का मज़ाक बनाते है कि क्या इसे जाप से मोक्ष प्राप्त हो सकता है। परन्तु यही लोग बेजुबान जानवर को काटकर उसे जश्न मानकर जन्नत जाने विश्वास करते है....मूर्ख कौन है? जो अंधभक्ति में बचपन में ही अपना कटवा लेते हैं वो दूसरों को अंधभक्त कह रहे हैं! धर्म के नाम पे पंगा करेंगे हम, जब भी बढ़े तादात में दंगा करेंगे हम. हम अंध भक्त उन्हीं को दिखते हैं जिन्हें रात के अंधेरे में अपनी बहन भी बेगम नजर आती है! मुझे गर्व है कि मैं उस धर्म का हूँ, जिस पर"दूध बहाने" के आरोप लगाए जाते हैं "खून बहाने" के नहीं. मुझे गर्व है की मैं उस धर्म का हूँ जहाँ पशु की गर्दन पर "हाथ फेरना" सिखाते हैं "छुरी फेरना" नहीं. मेरे त्यौहार पूजा करके,मिठाई खाकर मनाएँ जाते हैं, कोई खून व हड्डियाँ फेंक कर नहीं. I am proud to be part of culture which is blamed for spillage of milk and not the blood! Mocking is part of criticizing, especially if the object of criticism is hostile against others and insults them first! And Islam does abundantly. Zakir Naik has a license to speak anything about Hinduism and Hindu Gods! Problem arises when someone counters him. No circumcision - No Redemption! Islam hates genetalia especially of females - I do not!
अगर पाद मारने से नमाज खराब होता है तो गाँव क्यों नहीं धोते? हाथ-पावों को क्यों दुबारा धोते हो? If farting invalidates Namaaz, why do not you wash your arse instead of washing hands and legs?
786 - system of numerology [Abjad], When someone make fun of gau-mutra just tell them it is better to eat gau-mutra than camel-mutra and gau-blood! Gau-Mutra and Sanghi are now outdated, stale and proof of your stinking parents and their upbringings! Invent new insults keeping your own future in mind. Your cow-urine jab is the longest lasting Chinese product I've ever come across. Being called a Bhakt while trying to defend a nationalist point of view is indeed an honour!अंधभक्ति की बात ना करो तो अच्छा है वरना हलाला से लेकर खतने तक सबका वैज्ञानिक आधार बताना पड़ जायेगा! कुत्ते के बच्चों की, आंखें 7 दिन में खुल जाती है पर चमचों की 1400 सालों मैं नहीं खुली और ये दूसरों को ये अंधभक्त कहते हैं! How to offend a Liberal and Islamists? Just praise your country! तेरी भाषा ही बता रही है तु किसी इंसान की औलाद तो है नही, क्योंकि ये भाषा घटिया जानवर की ही हो सकती है पता कर तेरी मा से तेरा बाप कौन है अनपढ़ जाहिल! Poor souls in darkness, blaming others for his inability to be intellectually honest with themselves. How hypocritically people rightfully reject national fascism but are apologist when it comes to Islamic fascism. Bin Laden is the Pakistani Prophet, Al Baghdadi is the Syrian prophet. Hopefully, we will find the remaining prophets...
Camel Urine in Islam --- Reference: Translation of the meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhâri, Volume-1, Chapter-66 --- by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Ph. D. Cambridge University, England: 233. Narrated Abu Qilãba: Anas said, "Some people of 'Ukl or 'Uraina tribe came to Al-Madina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (much) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet, and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron. They were put in Al-Uarra and when they asked for water, no water was given to them ." Abu Qilãba added, "Those people committed theft, murder, became disbelievers after embracing Islam (Murtadin) and fought against Allah and His Messenger. (Other references: "In-book reference - Book 4, Hadith 99" or "Volume 8, Book 82, Number 794" or "USC-MSA web (English) reference - Volume 1, Book 4, Hadith Number 234" from
Collection: Sahih Muslim, In-book reference: Book 28 - Hadith 12, Reference: Hadith 1671a, USC-MSA web (English) reference: Book 16, Hadith 4130 --- --- Anas b. Malik reported that some people belonging (to the tribe) of 'Uraina came to Allah's Messenger at Medina, but they found its climate uncogenial. So Allah's Messenger said to them: If you so like, you may go to the camels of Sadaqa and drink their milk and urine. They did so and were all right. They then fell upon the shepherds and killed them and turned apostates from Islam and drove off the camels of the Prophet. This news reached Allah's Apostle and he sent (people) on their track and they were (brought) and handed over to him. He (the Holy Prophet) got their hands cut off, and their feet, and put out their eyes, and threw them on the stony ground until they died.Reference: English Translation of Sahih Muslim, Volume 4, Compiled by: Imâm Abul Hussain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj, Ahâdith edited and referenced by: Hâfiz Abu Tâhir Zubair 'Ali Za'i, Translated by: Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Canada), Edited by: Huda Khattab (Canada), Final review by: Abu Khaliyl (USA) --- [4353] 9 - (1671) It was narrated from Anas bin Mâlik that some people from 'Uraynah came to the Messenger of Allah in Al-Madinah, but they found that the climate did not suit them (and they fell sick). The Messenger of Allah said to them: "If you wish, you may go out to the camels from Sadaqah and drink their milk and urine." So they did that and got better. Then they went to the herdsmen and killed them, and apostatized from Islam, and drove off the camels of the Messenger of Allah. News of that reached the Prophet, and he sent men after them. They were brought, and he had their hands and feet cut off, and their eyes poked out, and he left them in Al-Harrah until they died.
If Cow is mother, who is father? Some one may ask this saracacstic questions. The answer is that a mother is not always associated with father and vice-versa. We call rivers and the Earth also mothers. These are metaphors used for anything which is live-giver or life-save. यदि गाय माता है तो पिता कौन है ? कोई यह व्यंग्यात्मक प्रश्न पूछ सकता है। इसका उत्तर यह है कि एक माँ हमेशा पिता के साथ नहीं जुड़ी होती है। हम नदियों और धरती को भी मां कहते हैं। ये ऐसे रूपक हैं जिनका उपयोग किसी भी चीज के लिए किया जाता है जो जीवित-दाता या जीवन-रक्षक है। Christist call their priest Father, do so many have one father? What relation the priests have with the mothers of those Christ-worshipper who call him 'father'? Who is the mother? Similarly, Muhammad's wife including Ayesha are call mothers of the beleivers. Are they? ईसाई अपने पुजारी को पिता कहते हैं, तो क्या इतने सारे लोगों के एक पिता हैं? माँ कौन है? इसी तरह, आयशा सहित मुहम्मद की पत्नी विश्वासियों की माँ कहलाती हैं। क्या वे हैं? Your profit went to his son's wife and then what happened imagine yourself. Argument in defence of Muhammad marrying Ayesha (Aisha) at age of 6: The opponents of Muhammad did not oppose to this marriage? Which opponents and why? What made Muhammad different from those opponents?
When someone terms you "Hindu Nationalist" or "Hindutva-vadi": Lo! stone-smoocher of Kabaa, how dumb when coming from a Shariah-compliant Sunnah-certified evangelical Mohammandan! The member of one-Ummah who does not know the concept of 'nation' calling others 'nationalist' - joker like Mooh-mad who was born 4 years after his father's death! Go and read 'perfect' book of lies, hatred, genocide, bigotry, slvery and learn to stuff explosive in your underpants! How will Allah respond to a 12 year old girl who was raped by an (open-minded Quran reciting) Imam?
It is common for women who are assaulted or raped not to report it because they have only half of the standing of a man in court. If they report to the police they are't believed and in some cases are charged with adultery and can lose their life as a result. Even in America, many muslim women will not report their rape to the police. What do you expect from people who beleive heaven is a huge brothel! Women get that crap everywhere- I hope you have no sisters or a wife. In 1932 and 1933, 7 Million (estimated) Ukrainians were massacred by genocidal famine ordered by the Bolshevik government.
You may be questions about Sati [widow burnings] events and cases of Jauhars. There are indeed references to these events but try to differentiate between Events and 'Traditions'. Witchcraft was a bigger menace in Europe. FGM - Female Genital Mutilation of girls is still a widespread tradition in Muslim societies. Circumcision is the pre-requisite to be part of Abrahamic faiths. The historical development of the Eucharist as a sacrificial meal that symbolically re-creates Christ's sacrificial death at every occasion, everywhere in the world, provided a way for sacrifice to become a central part of Christian worship.
Reference: THE AGE OF WARS OF RELIGION, 1000–1650 --- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GLOBAL WARFARE AND CIVILIZATION, Volume 1, A–K by Cathal J. Nolan Anabaptism. A fervent, minority Protestant sect that first arose in Zu¨rich under the guidance of Conrad Grebel, who broke with Zwingli in the mid-1520s and was vehemently opposed by Martin Luther. It was especially prominent in the Netherlands after 1530. Adult baptism was first performed in Zu¨rich on January 21, 1525. It was made a capital offense on March 7, and families who declined to submit newborns for baptism were expelled from the city. Charles V made adult baptism a capital offense throughout the Holy Roman Empire in 1529. It has been estimated that between 1525 and 1618 from 1,500 to 5,000 Anabaptists were burned, decapitated, or drowned for their faith, the latter a particularly vicious form of symbolic retribution.
"We ate certain food, performed certain ceremonies and had certain taboos; we expected others to have their own. We did not wish to share theirs; we did not expect them to share ours. They were what they were; we were what we were." - From V.S. Naipaul's An Area of Darkness "Fruits of some forbidden tree" vs. "Kamdhenu".
What you call safe is not true but the foreigners in Saudi Arabia or most Arabic Muslim countries have no rights especially the Asians and therefore if they commit a crime then the punishment is barbaric and inhuman and that's why people are so careful not to break the law. In Islam, 4 male witnesses are required for a woman to prove rape in court. That's how retarded islam is. Ask a women, how safe they feel in Mecca and especially inside Kaaba during Hajj! Hollywood and pop culture objectifies women and you never complain about it. You're a hypocrite. ---Don't mistake Hollywood with jannat/heaven!
If a religion professes that their God is the only God and their way is the only way to God, then it is a sign of God telling you that God is absent in their religion. यदि कोई धर्म कहता है कि उनका ईश्वर ही एकमात्र ईश्वर है और उनका मार्ग ईश्वर के लिए एकमात्र मार्ग है, तो यह ईश्वर का संकेत है जो आपको बताता है कि ईश्वर उनके धर्म में अनुपस्थित है। If I feed dogs on the streets then I am an animal lover. If I kill and sacrifice animals for religious festivals then I am a good religious person. But If I care for cows then I am communal and superstitious. Can you spot the hypocrisy? If yes, then welcome to India, home of Secularism. Festivals are not secular, they are and shall always be religious! You will not understand, Allah never talked about duties, only rights and riots! आप समझ नहीं पाएंगे, अल्लाह ने कभी कर्तव्यों के बारे में बात नहीं की - केवल अधिकारों और दंगों के बारे में बात की! For muslims, islam first, country is last! मुसलमानों के लिए, इस्लाम और धर्म पहले, आखिरी में देश! These people are not made to live in democracy they live peacefully in Dictatorship. Why does a perfect being aka mythical Allah require glory? You cannot talk about Allah's or Muhammad's character and features until you prove their existence! आप अल्लाह या मुहम्मद के चरित्र और विशेषताओं के बारे में तब तक बात नहीं कर सकते जब तक आप उनके अस्तित्व को प्रमाणित नहीं करते!
सुना है कभी, कि सुवर के छींकने से हाथी मरा हो. Done mocking Hinduism? Now try joking around the other religion too then you too will require a plastic surgery! What's your contribution to modern generation? Don't need to reply me, think it seriously and make it understand to your useless cult! Proud bhakts - are you proud Terr0rist? You may hate hindutva, you may humiliate hindutva but you will never be able to defeat hindutva. Peace is reserved for the worthy! When you offer peace to the devils, they throws it right back. Muhammad is worse than Hitler. Hitler's reign of terror lasted less than a decade, Mohammad's is 1500 years and still counting.
Cow Dung or Cow Urine: यदि कोई गोबर के उपले खाने की बात करे या गोमूत्र का - प्रति प्रश्न करें: बहुत अनुभव लगता है गोबर खाने और मूत्र पीने का - अब तक क्या क्या खा चुके हो? ऊंट का मूत्र हाथी के गोबर के साथ या बकरी का मूत्र घोड़े की लीद के साथ? Looks like you have vast epxerience of drinking and dining using piss - what do you take - camel's uring with elephant's dung in breakfast or donkey's piss with horses dung in dinner? Why do you care if we beat our wives --- because you call names to idolators and non-Muslims like kafir, worst of the creatures... You claim you Allah to be only god of all people of the world! Muhmmad is a scam! For what? For infinite sex and eternal life in heaven! “Islam goes beyond that worship of limited objects”. He named trees, cows and fire. Complete arrogance. His belief that he is superior because his religion transcends the worship of objects. At least those objects exist. At least there is plenty of evidence how those objects benefited mankind. Hate, fear, a sense of how much better the believer is than all the rest, preying on the most primitive of emotions, that is Islam. "इस्लाम सीमित वस्तुओं की पूजा से परे है"। उन्होंने पेड़ों, गायों और आग का नाम रखा। पूर्ण अहंकार। उसका विश्वास कि वह श्रेष्ठ है क्योंकि उसका धर्म वस्तुओं की पूजा से परे है। कम से कम वे वस्तुएं मौजूद हैं। कम से कम इस बात के बहुत सारे प्रमाण हैं कि कैसे उन वस्तुओं ने मानव जाति को लाभ पहुँचाया। घृणा, भय, यह भावना कि आस्तिक बाकी सभी से कितना बेहतर है, सबसे आदिम भावनाओं का शिकार है, वह है इस्लाम।
You are nothing but a virtual warrior! Go back to your racist homeland in Islamic republics and kingdoms, participate in call of duty - holy Jihad! Go and try talking to a failed suicide bombers - who was on the path to the Prophet. Was it a miracle or did he made a mistake? People who like organized religion and religious hatred by using concepts of Kaphirs and non-believers and have no intellectual power to question should join Islam. वे लोग जो काफ़िरों और गैर-विश्वासियों की अवधारणाओं का उपयोग करके संगठित धर्म और धार्मिक घृणा को पसंद करते हैं और जिनके पास सवाल करने की कोई बौद्धिक शक्ति नहीं है, वे इस्लाम में शामिल हो सकते हैं।
Hindus failed to see 70 years of their re-colonization but Abrahamic religion and muzlim apologists saw beginning of decolonization of Hindu minds in 6 years. That is the difference. Truth attracts on its own, one doesn't need to be forced or lured to believe the truth. Hindu Dharma attracts on its own. Christianity and Islam needed terrible force to gain followers. Remember Yoga is banned in Alabama and chanting of Om is feared that it shall lead to conversion to Hinduism.
Jesus Christ is copied and twisted from Jaishree Krishna, Christianity from Krishnaneeti, Vatican from Vatika, cross from Swastika, Christmas from Krishn-Astmee, Abraham from Brahama. See how letter A is shifted to front, twisted spellings similar sounds. The fact is that this man follower of Lord Krishna after leaving India from the Krishna teachings started preaching these teachings to the people in his country and those followers started looking at this character as some god sent and twisted the name Jaishree Krish to Jesus Chrish. They are still doing this today, for example if your name is Ramend they twist to Raymond, Arun to Aaron, Harish to Harris, Hari to Harry... This how christianity came into existence. जीसस क्राइस्ट को जयश्री कृष्ण से कॉपी और ट्विस्ट किया गया है, कृष्णनीति से ईसाई धर्म, वाटिका से वेटिकन, स्वस्तिक से क्रॉस, क्रिसमस से कृष्ण-अष्टमी, ब्रह्मा से अब्राहम। देखें कि कैसे अक्षर A को सामने की ओर स्थानांतरित किया जाता है, वर्तनी वर्तनी समान ध्वनियाँ। तथ्य यह है कि भगवान कृष्ण के इस अनुयायी ने कृष्ण की शिक्षाओं से भारत छोड़ने के बाद अपने देश के लोगों को इन शिक्षाओं का प्रचार करना शुरू कर दिया और वे अनुयायी इस चरित्र को देखने लगे जैसे कि किसी भगवान ने भेजा और जयश्री कृष नाम को जीसस क्रिस को घुमा दिया। वे आज भी ऐसा कर रहे हैं, उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपका नाम रामेंद है वे रेमंड में बदल देते हैं, अरुण से हारून ... इस तरह से ईसाई धर्म अस्तित्व में आया। You choose to do the most Christian thing imaginable: throw insults. The story of Moses was invented by a guy who inhaled the smoke from a burning bush.
When someone calls hakenkreuz a Swastika: In english it’s not hakenkreuz. We are not German -> If the term hakenkreuz is difficult to pronounce for the average English speaker, then call the symbol a ‘Nazi Cross’ or Christian hooked cross. The Nazi symbol is technically not a Swastika. If the German word is sounds outlandish, why is everyone in the West so comfortable with the Sanskrit name? Nazis never called it as swastika.
Deceipt by Fellow Hinuds: The works of thousands of Upadhyayas is brought to dust by one script from some Shukla. Same way, the works of hundreds of Atris are demolished in minutes on television program by a Pandey. The fact is that Hindu society has more schism than anything else on this planet.
Obscene Optimism based on False Facts: It is continuously proclaimed that India is the only civilization which did not succumb to continuous attacks from Abrahamic faiths. However, the fact remains that what could be saved was only idols and few Sanskrit verses for marriage ceremonies. Goining one by one:
Langauge: The native language of Sanskrit, Pali... is close to extinction. The language of common people, Hindi is more than half is made-up of Persian and Arabic words. English is the languge which is breath of Indian administrative system and business class. Even the numerics like 1, 2, 3... are imported ones used from class 1 in Indian schools.
Dress: No body knowns what our ethnic dress were. Males are happy to use western clothings while keeping women in traditional Sari claiming to preserve the Indian tradition. Joke of a civilization!
Constitution: Imported from those of semi-democratic countries
Places of Worship: Mostly destroyed and re-built. Still the infrastructure around such temples of second class. Rivers wrorshipped while sewages drained into them as same time.
Technology: Mostly engaged in adaptation of Western and Japanese versions. Nothing local to be proud of - all the manufacturing machines required for mass productions are imported.
Medicine and Healthcare: All imported formulation, only local manufacturing that too under strick quality guidelines and even surveillance of external agencies
Why Hindus did not spread (expanded) in the world? Hinduism is not an organized sky-religion and we do not believe in theory of expansion and contraction of religions! Are you not the same bigot who starts crying on immigration of Indians all over the world! This is a new soft and powerful way to capture the world the way you barbaric forefathers tried to demean, destroy and depopulate rest of the pagan world. The theory of conversion of entire tribe the moment leader converts to Islam or Christianity does not work in Hinduism. अकसर मुसलमान हिंदुओं से पूछते हैं की मुसलमान तो पूरी दुनिया में फैले हैं पर हिंदू क्यों नहीं फैले ? जवाब यह है की फैलने और सिकुड़ने जैसी सोच इस्लाम की है पर हमारी सोच इज्जत, शांतिऔर शक्ति की है, इज्जत यानि जो देश हमारे प्रवेश का स्वागत करते हैं वही देश मुसलमानों को जलील करके चेक करते हैं और .... शक्ति यानि दुनिया के 58 इस्लामिक मुल्कों में से कोई भी हमसे शक्तिशाली नहीं है। दुनिया में कुल 4,200 धर्म हैं और धार्मिक जनसंख्या के हिसाब से इस्लाम (180 करोड़) के ठीक बाद हिंदू सनातन धर्म (120 करोड़) ही आता है । ईसाई धर्म आज सबसे बड़ा है तो क्या मुसलमान उनसे कम होने के कारण अपने मज़हब को कमतर समझेंगे, अगर नहीं तो वो दूसरे 4,198 धर्मों को कमतर कैसे कह सकते हैं ? दुनिया में बहुत से धर्मों के अनुयायी बहुत कम हैं जो इस्लाम की नजर में तो तुच्छ हैं पर हमारी नज़र में नहीं । यहूदी भी तो बहुत कम हैं फिर मुसलमान क्यों उनसे डरकर भागते फिरते हैं ? नास्तिक (चीन) भी तो मुसलमानों से जनसंख्या में बस थोड़ा ही कम हैं पर शक्ति में तो कोई तुलना ही नहीं है ।
Retort to numbers of followers: Number of students in primary schools are higher than those in university. Which one is better? The number of steel items in kitchen is far in number than those of silver and gold. Which metal is better?
Are you an Islamic scholar? Have you taken Islamic course? Asking questions does not require scholarly qualifications! I do not need to be an expert and 99.99% of believers are not. I known enough or have access to enough textual material to engage in discussion. Neither the maulana of your nearest mosque! Allah who wrote Quran was the worst scholar of all time which could write only in Arabic that changed over time. By the way, do not forget to ask your scholars about why there is death penalty for apostate, which was the first verse revealed in Quran and share with me! Who decides who is an authentic scholar and how?
There are 57 countries, each role model of humanity, science and technology, literature, art and what not. They are called OIC. It is a pleasure to feel and see the melt-down the followers of ummah about filthy, mushrikin, idol-worshipping Hindus! The term Islamophobia is worn out, stop using this racist word. A phobia is something you have a unnatural fear of something. Fearing the perverts in Islam is not an irrational fear. टिड्डी दल --- 1. पसंदीदा रंग: हरा, 2. रहन सहन: झुंड में रहना इन्हे पसंद है, 3. पहचान: अनियंत्रित प्रजनन, 4. उत्त्पति: रेगिस्तान, 5. आचरण: जहाँ आश्रय लिया उसे बर्बाद कर देना। बाकी आप समझदार हैं।
When you believe in a set of laws decreed by your God which stand morally above all other creeds in the eyes of that faith's followers, it is virtually impossible that you will be able coexist with people who do not share your set of values. जब आप अपने ईश्वर द्वारा तय किए गए कानूनों के एक सेट पर विश्वास करते हैं जो कि उस विश्वास के अनुयायियों की दृष्टि में अन्य सभी पंथों के ऊपर नैतिक रूप से खड़े होते हैं, तो यह लगभग असंभव है कि आप उन लोगों के साथ सह-अस्तित्व रखने में सक्षम होंगे जो आपके मूल्यों को साझा नहीं करते हैं। Most of the questions asked about Islam are either absurd or offensive... Thank god it's peaceful, I cannot imagine what if it would be violent! Islam is indeed the religion of peace: either submit peacefully or rest-in-peace in pieces! इस्लाम के बारे में पूछे जाने वाले अधिकांश प्रश्न या तो बेतुके या आपत्तिजनक हैं ... भगवान का शुक्र है कि यह शांतिपूर्ण है, मैं कल्पना नहीं कर सकता कि अगर यह हिंसक होगा तो क्या होगा ! इस्लाम वास्तव में शांति का धर्म है: या तो शांति से से धर्म-परिवर्तन करो या शांति से मौत को मिलो! Bottom line - Islam is a violent, totalitarian ideology. Muslims are commanded to make it the world's only belief system. Among Mohandas Gandhi, Bhimrao Ambedakar and Osama bin Laden, who will go to hell? Obama and Osama are separated by BS!
Human Rights Issues in India: Syrian christians perseucted by other sects came to India, Jews persecuted in Europe came to India, Buddhist persecuted in Tibbet got shelter in India, Zoraostrian persecuted by Islamic caliphates gor refuge in India and those whose forefathers were the oppressors and still follow narcissistic idealogy [steeped in their own story with zero empathy for others] give lecture to India on human rights!
The coward bigots who could not save their child-girls from grooming gangs are talking about human rights issues in India.
When someone questions existence of Ram, Krishna...Before I answer you, I want to know how many books on Indian history and theology have you read? Are you aware of any archeological evidences of Jesus, Allah and Mohammad? Can you read, write and speak Sanskrit? Have you heard of Sushrut and Charak and their work? Now the answer is: the memory of such icons reside in memory of the society! These names and idols and symbols have inspired people over many generation to oppose and fight back invaders and evangelist sent by Jesus and Allah! There are temples for Ram and Krishna older than the time Jesus and Muhammad were not even in their fathers' sperm! By the ways, can you help me how can I find the evidences of who the Moses was?
Tangible or physical idols are just to express the love and sanity like you do to your [man-written] books and invisible profets! Biggest idol in the world is the Kaaba. Idols cannot talk? Which muslim saw or heard angel talk to Muhammad or Moses or Abraham? Catholic sect of Christianity takes part in procession of Virgin Mary with baby Jesus. How do they know that Mary and baby Jesus looked like the idol they prepare? मीठी ईद को 'सेवई-पर्व' और बकरीद को 'जश्न-ए-रक्त' नाम कोई दे तो आप स्वीकार कर लेंगे? भाव तो सही ही है। यदि कोई ईद को "जश्न ए हलाक" कहे समस्या तो हमें तब भी नहीं होगी बस आपको मिर्ची नहीं लगनी चाहिए.
When someone questions that check if the stone you are worshiping is really a god and can he help you anyways? Remind them to check the book they worship, the stone they kiss and stone the throw on Satan.There are many kids to virgin Mary, The style of birth though did vary! Matthew, Luke, Mark and Paul - Made the ricebags forever fool!
When somebody asks you about Shiv-ling and Yoni - [1]Looks like Mary's vagina which remain intact even after Jesus slipped out through it, Mary to Joseph: "No I did not cheat on you darling! God did it". Does not human mouth have all features of a vagina - it give all kind of pleasure, it it a mean to take intake and release exhausts? You release sperm through same organ which releases urine, you are born (unless by surgery) from the vagina which also releases urine - do you consider yourself filthy? [2]answer the different meaning of 'ling' especially feminine and masculing genders - स्त्रीलिंग और पुल्लिंग. Remind them that a stone pillar is used to present devil and stone is thrown to teach Satan a lession. Then make a counter question - why the symbol of (crescent) moon in Islam is chosen as qurter phase and not half phase? When they respond saying "The moon represents the guidance of God on the path through life", make a counter question, "crescent moon is visible only for few hours and does that mean God's guidance is only for short durations?". Also ask them to explain is it "increasing moon" or "diminishing moon"?
When Muslims mocks for caste system: ask them what they know about Mawali (Non-Arabic Muslims) and Ghilman or Mamluks (Enslaved Turkish solders)? Indians since ages were pluralistic it is just that when our politicians learnt about secularism many problems started surfacing. Water and oil can be a mixture but never form a solution. The biggest and live example of caste system in Europe is the Buckingham palace, Swedish monarch and Grand Duke of Luxembourg! Muslims claim Quran has been perfectly preserved! True - the same barbaric behaviour of Muslims has been preserved too! मुसलमानों का दावा कुरान पूरी तरह से संरक्षित है! सच - मुसलमानों का वही बर्बर व्यवहार भी बरकरार रखा गया है! We are proud of our ancestors who chose to be slaves rather than slave collectors, slave transporters, slave dealers, slave traders and slave owners. हमें अपने पूर्वजों पर गर्व है जिन्होंने दास संग्राहकों, दास परिवहनकर्ताओं, दास व्यापारियों, और दास मालिकों के बजाय दास बनना स्वीकार किया।
The British Peerage: Grand Duke, Duke outranks all other holders of titles of nobility (marquess, earl, viscount and baron or lord of parliament). Below the peerage are honorary ranks that include baronet and knight, two classes that bear similarities to the nobility but which are generally not regarded as such. The barons’ lands and titles were passed on to the eldest son through the system known as primogeniture. In 1337 Edward III created the first duke when he made his eldest son Duke of Cornwall. Earl: The correct form of address is ‘Lord So-and-So’. The wife of an earl is a countess and the eldest son will use one of the earl’s subsidiary titles. All other sons are ‘Honorable’. Daughters take the honorary title ‘Lady’ in front of their Christian name. Prelacy: the government of the Christian Church by clerics of high social rank and power.
Hereditary Titles in Europe and Japan
Germany | Spain | France |
Hohenzollern1, Reichsgrafen, Burggraf2, Markherzog, Junker5 | Hidalgo / Fidalgo, Grandee / Grande3 | Marquess / Marquis4, Vicecomtés |
5: member of the landowning aristocracy of Prussia and eastern Germany.
Heinrich der Vogler, (born c. 876 - died July 2, 936), German king and founder of the Saxon dynasty (918–1024)
Padre and Chaplain: religious minister in armed forces, Patrician, Plebian, Petit Bourgeois, Proletarial, BourgeoisePerson Father Mother Husband Wife Cousin* Nephew --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward VII Victoria ***** **** Nicholus II [King] Russia's Czar Nicholas II Dowager Marie ***** Alexandra+ George V Edward VII ***** Mary Mary George **** Alexandra* includes brothers and sistes, +Alexandra's mother was Queen Victoria's grand-daughter, D. Marie was sister of Edward VII's wife, George V and Mary had 6 children - son Bentie was later named George VI. Kaiser Wilhem was grandson of Queen Victoria.
House of Plantagenet, also called house of Anjou or Angevin dynasty, royal house of England, which reigned from 1154 to 1485 and provided 14 kings, 6 of whom belonged to the cadet houses of Lancaster and York. The royal line descended from the union between Geoffrey, count of Anjou (died 1151), and the empress Matilda, daughter of the English king Henry I. Jacobite: supporter of the exiled Stuart king James II (Latin: Jacobus) and his descendants.
Book "SURNAMES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM: A CONCISE ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY" by HENRY HARRISON, page-iii: In the 12th century, as we know from an oft-quoted anecdote, it was considered, among the upper classes, literally infra dignitatem not to have a surname. "So it seemed a disgrace," wrote Camden, "for a Gentleman to have but one single name, as the meaner sort and bastards had. Pg-iv: 'Hereditary surnames were not in use even among the gentry Surnames of Wales until the time of Henry VIII, nor were they generally established until a much later period indeed, at the present day they can scarcely be said to be adopted among the lower classes in the wilder districts".Patronymica Britannica, a dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom by Mark Antony Lower - the whole book is dedicated to record and describe the Family Names!
Caste System and Rulers of England
House of Tudor | |
Henry VII (Henry Tudor) | 1485-1509 |
Henry VIII | 1509-1547 |
Edward VI /td> | 1547-1553 |
Lady Jane Grey | 1553 |
Mary Tudor ("Bloody Mary") | 1553-1558 |
Queen Elizabeth I | 1558-1603 |
House of Stuart | |
James I | 1603-1625 |
Charles I | 1625-1642 |
Charles II | 1660-1685 |
James II | 1685-1688 |
Mary II | 1688-1694 |
William III + Mary II | 1689-1702 |
Anne | 1702-14 |
Firqa [denominations] Caste in Islam - Shia, Sunni, Ashrāf, Esmailis, Sayyid, Shafi, Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali, Hazara, Deobandi, Barelawi, Hayati, Mamati, Khoja (Persian Khvājeh), Julaha, Pasmanda: who are you among these? शिया, सुन्नी, अशरफ, ईस्मायली, सइद, हनफी, हज़ारा, देओबंदी, बरेलवी, हयाती, ममाती, खोजा, ज़ुलाहा, पसमांदा - कौन हो तुम इनमें से? Alvi firqa: Ali is son of the Allah-अलवी फ़िरक़ा के अनुसार अली अल्लाह के बेटे हैं.
The image below is a demonstration of merit-based selection of rulers in England. Notice the diversity of background.
When a Christian mocks about होलिका दहन - Holika Dahan - tell them the verses "Exodus 3 - God as Burning Bushes" and "Daniel: 3 - four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the god" ---जब एक मुख्यमंत्री "जय श्री राम" की ध्वनि से पागल हो सकती है..तो हम 5 टाइम अज़ान कैसे बर्दास्त कर लें. दाढ़ी टोपी सब छीनी तोसे नैना मिलाये के! बुर्का - फ़ुर्क़ा सब छीनी - तोसे नैना मिलाये के!
When someone mocks Hanuman as Monkey god: Has Jesus existed, his face would not have been better than that of a Chimpanzee!
'Also mine' vs. 'Only mine' logic, मेरा ही logic vs. मेरा भी logic. Christianity and Islam is nor a moral and humane system, it is an "Obedience System" where it is tought to "Do whatever is told regardless of what is right". Moral system are meant to instruct to "Do whatever is right regardless of what is told is right".
When someone questions about oath taking, remind them of left hand on Bible and right hand in air. जब कोई शपथ लेने के बारे में सवाल करता है, तो उन्हें बाइबल पर बायाँ हाथ और हवा में दाएँ हाथ की याद दिलाएँ।
When Mutalmans question Hindu scripture - retort by mocking that we do not have Daif, Hasan and Sahih hadiths! If you see any statue of any Devi, none are wearing any घूँघट or veil. And no reference to child marriages either in epics or puranas. And upteen references of Swayamvara where a woman has freedom to choose her husband. But then how these healthy practices disappeared?
When someone questions you: how many claims of resurrection have you investigated? Bible simply claimed without any raition and sound proof. And hence there is no need to investigate the claim as per latest scientific findings! The matter of investigation shall arise when party claiming resurrection produce even a single evidence! Is there an established criteria of physical evidence of resurrection? Did some person confirmed that Jesus was dead and was he monitored to remain dead till buried in grave? Was the grave monitored round the clock? Did someone watch the grave open and a person coming out of it? Does an empty grave mean person arose from death? Near-death experience: how much near? What could have led to sure-shot death experience? Resurrection presupposes an existence of god willing to die and rise from dead!
घर में अस्त्र और शस्त्र नहीं होने का यही परिणाम होता है, हिन्दुओं उठो और शस्त्र उठाओ। एक को मारने से हजारों को सन्देश जायेगा। This is the result of not having weapons in our houses, Hindus pick your arms - kill few to warn lakhs! आज जो खलीफाई इस्लाम प्रचलन में है जो पूरे विश्व पर इस्लामी राज कायम करना चाहता है उसके तीन अवरोध हैं १ ईसाई अमेरिका और यूरोप २ हिंदू भारत ३ यहूदी इजरायल. When a Muslim is killed, the motive is always communal. When a Hindu is killed by an Islamist mob, it is communal to say that the motive is communal. That’s how lambs are trained for slaughter.
Destruction of Temples and Idols
There was no lack of space in the world and in India. The invaders could have created new mosques with local money in India instead of changing the temples into mosques. Islam has special affection to break idols and sieze temples. The idols in Kaaba were not moved or allowed to be moved to other location - they were destryoed by Muhammad. दुनिया में और भारत में जगह की कमी नहीं थी। आक्रमणकारी मंदिरों को मस्जिदों में बदलने के बजाय भारत में स्थानीय धन से नई मस्जिदें बना सकते थे। मूर्तियों को तोड़ने और मंदिरों की घेराबंदी करने से इस्लाम को विशेष लगाव है। काबा में मूर्तियों को स्थानांतरित नहीं किया गया था या अन्य स्थान पर ले जाने की अनुमति नहीं दी गई थी - उन्हें मुहम्मद ने नष्ट कर दिया था।बहिष्कार धीमा जहर है, यह चमत्कारिक रूप से और तुरंत काम नहीं करता - Boycott is slow poison - it does not work miraculously and instantly. योग की तरह जहां दीर्घकालिक प्रभाव के लिए हमें इसका प्रतिदिन अभ्यास करने की आवश्यकता होती है, बहिष्कार के दीर्घकालिक प्रभाव के लिए हमें कई वर्षों तक दबाव बनाए रखने की आवश्यकता है। Like Yoga where to have long-term impact we need to practice it daily, for boycotts to have long lasting impact we need to keep the pressure for many years.
Aryan Tourism Theory (ATT): When someone claims Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) about India and us, do not appose. Rather say that we do believe in a slightly correct version of AIT that is ATT. As per ATT, barbaric Aryans came to India, gained knowledge in Ayurveda, maths, science and theology and then spread it to rest of the world including Greece, Rome, China, Arabia and Americas.
On the contrary, there are proofs on genocide of thousand of Cannanites (Numbers 31: 17 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 - but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.) and hence Moses and Jesus certainly existed!
When someone questions on Gita at oath-taking ceremonies, ask them which book is used by POTUS during oath ceremony? Remind them of Joe Biden using Bible in 2021. Major political parties in Germany: Christian Democratic Union party and its sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU).
Hagen-Cross used by Nazis vs. Swastika: asked them to show any proof of Hagen-cross in India before nineteenth century and even today if any house-hold uses them. Tilt the cross 45° and it looks like someone shoving your arse. Between 1347 and 1350, a mysterious disease known as the "Black Death" (the bubonic plague) killed some 20 million people in Europe - 30% of the continent's population. Understandably terrified about the mysterious disease, some people of the Middle Ages believed the plague was a divine punishment for sin. To obtain forgiveness, some people became flagellants, traveling Europe to put on public displays of penance that could include whipping and beating one another.
Freedom of demonstation or Namaaz on roads: there is difference between right to drive on roads vs. right to sit on roads. सड़क पे चलने के अधिकार और सड़क पे बैठने के अधिकार में अंतर समझना सीखो
Ten Commandments: copy of Declaration of Innocence in the form of 42 negative confessions or Laws of Goddess Ma'at. Statue of Tehuti as checker of compliance on emerald tablet of thoth. Egyptial Book of Dead or Book of Going Forth by Day, The Papyrus of Ari, Hymns to Osiris, Egypt was named after Aegyptos [Greek] and was known as Kemet [Black Land] up to 525 BCE.
If anyone (esp. Abrahamics) argue about Brahma, Ram-Sita or Durga then first ask them to respond (in yes or not) if they believe them to be God/Goddesses or not. If they say 'Yes' - tell them that their Allah and Christ get nullified has no right to question us. If they respond in 'No' then tell them that any further allegation of incest are not valid. I think this is one of the potent way to silence them. यदि कोई मुस्लिम या इसाई ब्रह्मा, राम-सीता या दुर्गा के बारे में बहस करता है तो पहले उन्हें जवाब देने के लिए कहें (हाँ या नहीं) यदि वे उन्हें भगवान / देवी मानते हैं या नहीं। यदि वे 'हाँ' कहते हैं - तो उन्हें बताइए कि उनके अल्लाह और मसीह भगवान नहीं हो सकते, हमसे पूछताछ करने का अधिकार नहीं है। यदि वे 'नहीं' में जवाब देते हैं, तो उन्हें बताएं कि अनाचार का कोई और आरोप मान्य नहीं है। मुझे लगता है कि उन्हें चुप कराने का यह एक शक्तिशाली तरीका है।
A woke person is one who posts: it is food waste to pour milk on Shivling' before rubbing 2 kilo cake in his friend's face at a party. अरे, महाशिवरात्री है और अभी तक किसी भी वोक फिबरल ने स्टारबक्स में २०० रुपए की कॉफ़ी पीते पीते, अभी तक मंदिर में चढ़ाए दूध पर आपत्ती नहीं दिखाई? किसी को भूखे बच्चों की याद नहीं आई? ई का हुई गवा? ➔ वो लोग हवाई जहाज से विदेश गये हैं, शैतान को पत्थर मारने कू। At-least we're not murderers and we don't KILL/ TORTURE living being for food, pleasure or for some MYTH 'believes'. Don't waste your time and energy comparing religions - it's a waste of time and energy. Pick your spiritual path and proceed with confidence.
Vagina-shaped Vatican Church
When someone raise apposes your arguments against lav-Jihad: अगर प्रेम था तो उसके नाम क्यों बदलने को मजबूर किया, अगर प्रेम था तो क्यों उसके वस्त्रों को बदलने को विवश किया, अगर प्रेम था तो क्यों उसको धर्म परिवर्तन के लिया दबाव डाला? That is personal economic choice and preference like others have for Halal or Halala ... How is that offence? आपके जानकारी के लिए बता दूं कि जहाँ जहाँ इस्लाम की आबादी ५० % ऊपर गई है, वो देश इस्लामिक राष्ट्र बना है, और साथ में शरिया कानून भी लागू हो जाता है! अभी वो १५% है फिर भी बाकि लोगों को हलाल के प्रोडक्ट खाने पर मजबूर कर रहे हैं!
When westerners get surprized to know about polyandry: you believe in multiple sex partners before marriage, peep show, strip bar, strip club, lap-dance, 225 Window Brothels in De Wallen Amsterdam, you can have kids before marriage, you beielve in threesome / foursome / group-sex and get shocked on few incidences of polyandry!
हंस के लिया है पाकिस्तान, लड़ के लेंगे हिंदुस्तान हिन्दू लोग इस सद्गुण विकृति से बाहर आओ - कोई तो कारण रहा होगा कि अंग्रेजों ने सारे देशभक्तों को फाँसी पर लटका दिया, लेकिन गाँधी, नेहरू को एक झापड़ तक नही मारा! आखिर क्यों?
Hindus come out this virtue/goodness perversions/distortions!Debating Questions
ऐसी भी क्या अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता की हम किसी के सर काटने की भी मांग नहीं कर सकता या प्रधानमंत्री को गाली भी नहीं दे सकते या गृह मंत्री के मरने की सार्वजनिक दुआ भी नहीं मांग सकते? लानत है ऐसे अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता जहाँ हम देवी दुर्गा और काली को गाली नहीं दे सकते। अंततः नागा रहना हमारा अधिकार है और बुरका हमारी पसंद और इच्छा है - अंत में सर को ढकों और बुद्धि को मुक्त करो। Cover the head and free the mind!
When someone questions about "toilets in India": yes we have far too many and we call them MOSQUES. --Do you not know that every person and animal is born as Muslim? I got transformed into Kafir as my parent chose not to get my penis trimmed! --When someone questions RSS Lathi: Curse to the bombs, explosive-laden trucks, the guns, the bullets, the planes, the knives... who killed thousands to humans when muslims of deep-faith used to secure eternal life in heaven! --When someone raises questions of caste: there are far greater types of Jihad than number of castes - Land Jihad, Mosque Jihad, Love Jihad, Grave Jihad, Raod Jihad, Namaz Jihad, Water Jihad, Cult Jihad, Conversion Jihad...Owners of dirty foreign heathen as property are troubled with so-called caste system! They only carry lathis - you cut throats, pelt stones, banish from your society and explode in mosques. हम केवल सोशल मीडिया पर ब्लॉक करते हैं, तुम गला काट देते हो
Slave Trades by Christians
Britain was one of the most successful slave-trading countries. Together with Portugal, the two countries accounted for about 70% of all Africans transported to the Americas. Britain was the most dominant between 1640 and 1807 and it is estimated that Britain transported 3.1 million Africans (of whom 2.7 million arrived) to the British colonies in the Caribbean, North and South America and to other countries.
Anti-slavery campaigners lobbied for twenty years to end the trade and the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act was passed in Britain on 25 March 1807. It was declared that from the 1 May 1807 "all manner of dealing and reading in the purchase, sale, barter, or transfer of slaves or of persons intending to be sold, transferred, used, or dealt with as slaves, practiced or carried in, at, or from any part of the coast or countries of Africa shall be abolished, prohibited and declared to be unlawful." Slavery was abolished in 1834 but in reality for many of those enslaved it continued until at least 1838 through apprenticehip schemes.
Slavery in American Constitution: "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons." Amendment XIII (1865) - Section 1. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Persecution, Ethnic Divide and Genocides
Most societies have some sort of faultlines which keep the opinions of those societies split. However, whenever you observe an ethnic divide that gets bloody, you can be sure the presence of organizations associated with the Abrahamic faiths. In same fail, Muslims suffer from either "Superiority Complex" when they are in power or Persecution Complex when not in power. There is no middle ground of coexistence with non-Muslims for Muslims. Christians would point out persecution by Romans to highlight the savage approave of pagan rulers. However, they would hide the fact that sporadic persecution were are warning shots in today's world and it was no match to "convert-or-die" type persecution adopted by Christians and later by Islam.By the way, I the dictator, grant you all rights under freedom of speech: you are free to say what I want you to say! वैसे, मैं एक तानाशाह, आपको अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता के तहत सभी अधिकार प्रदान करता हूं: आप वह सभी कुछ कहने के लिए स्वतंत्र हैं जो मैं आपसे कहलवाना चाहता हूं। Celebration of someone's account suspension is still covered under freedom of speech [FOS] and so get your butts out of here.
When someone questions Tantrik and miracles in Hinduism: remind them that Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loafs and 2 fishes. When Crystian talk that Jesus knew the future that Judas will betray him and will get crucified, tell them that what kind of God will play the game of die-and-rise and leave no trace for his followers.
When Pakistanis says that rulers come from west: tell them about Al-Hind-Pakistan-ibn-China speaking language of slavery, Dar-ul-Kufr, Gazwa-e-Hind, सर-तन-से-जुदा, when Chinese say: countries that do not deserve on the world map: India, Taiwan, Tibbet: reply by labeling them such as "Thus fascist communist spoke".
Why cannot India and Pakistan have good friendly relations? The argument is given that two countries are neighbours and a friendly relation is must to prosper and even survive. This is outright wrong - two neighbours can live without even knowing each others. The countries are geographies, the residents and rulers of those geographies change over time and the two sets of people do not need to know each other. Look at the high rise buildings in urban areas where neighbours change without knowing each other well during their entire stay but the houses remain in their place.
Ask any question, I am not a journalist who will take money to print or not to print a news. कोई भी प्रश्न पूछें, मैं कोई पत्रकार नहीं हूं जो खबर छापने या न छापने के लिए पैसे लेगा। Looks like I spoiled your party, I don't have a master may be you have. कुछ लोग कह रहै हैं इज़राएल की बुराई करने पर तुम लोगों को क्या परेशानी होती हैं हम भी जब पाकिस्तान की बुराई करते हैं तो तुम्हें भी तो दर्द करारा होता हैं ना.
India was never dependent on Britain, it was British government and their people who were dependent on loot money from India and the world. Hence, it is British who got independence from India in 1947 and not the other way round! भारत कभी ब्रिटेन पर निर्भर नहीं था, यह ब्रिटिश सरकार और उनके लोग थे जो भारत और दुनिया से लूट के पैसे पर निर्भर थे। इसलिए, यह ब्रिटिश हैं जिन्हें 1947 में भारत से स्वतंत्रता मिली थी!
एक वो हैं जो पिता को बंदी बना कर सिंहासन हासिल करते हैं और एक हमारा धर्म है जहां भाई की चरण पादुका से सिंहासन चलाया जाता है। कांग्रेसी नेताओं के इतने हिन्दू विरोधी बयानों के सुनने के बाद भी पता नहीं कौन सी नस्ल के हिन्दू इन्हें वोट देकर आता है? डिग्री लेकर भी मूर्ख रह सकता है आदमी लेकिन बिना डिग्री वाले कतई मूर्ख नही होते क्योंकि दुनिया पहले ही उनको इतना नचा चुकी होती है की बाद में दुनिया को कैसे नचाना है वो बखूबी जानते हैं. सबसे अच्छा उपाए है इन हर-आम-यिओन के ट्वीट को रिपोर्ट करें. मन्दिर तो पहले से ही थे लेकिन मदरसों, दरगाहों और चर्च की जगह अस्पताल बनवाये होते तो देश का हाल इतना बुरा न होता. अब क्या लिखूं चमचो की शान में, इनके जैसा जलील कोई नहीं पूरे हिंदुस्तान में.
हमें ज्यादा से ज्यादा मधुर बोलना और लिखना चाहिए .....वो कहते हैं न "प्रियम ब्रूयात" ! हमें बिना जाने बुझे सिर्फ एक-दो लोगों को नर्क भेजने वाले सज्जन को हत्यारा बोलने का कोई अधिकार नही ...क्या पता वो व्यक्ति मजबूर हो क्योंकि गर्लफ्रैंड ने महंगा मोबाइल गिफ्ट में माँगा हो जिसके चलते उसे मजबूरन सुपारी किलर बनना पड़ा। हम बिना सोचे समझे किसी को भी घूसखोर और बेईमान बोल देते ! कोई यूँ ही घूस कमा लेता है क्या, आप कमा लीजिएगा? ईश्वर ने खुश होकर उसे घूस लेने लायक बनाया, सरकार ने उसे ओहदा दिया तब जाकर वो इस लायक बना । यदि वो नालायक होता तो लोग उसे घूस देते ही क्यों? एक जरा सा बलात्कार क्या किया उस भले मानुस ने, लोग तो हाथ धोकर ही पीछे पड़ गए...कोई अपनी मर्दांगी का सबूत दे तो कैसे दे, बताइए जरा? क्या कोई नामर्द बलात्कार कर सकता? इसलिए मैं कहता कि किसी को बुरा मत बोलिए, किसी का विरोध मत कीजिए। अपनी छवि खराब क्यों करना, किसी से दुश्मनी क्यों लेना? क्या पता भविष्य में काम ही पड़ जाए? इसलिए तटस्थ रहना अक्लमंदी की निशानी है...हर होशियार व्यक्ति हर तरह के आदमी को खुश रखता है। अप्रिय सत्य क्यों बोलना? गांदी ने भी कहा है बुरा मत देखो क्योंकि यदि तुम देखोगे ही नही तो पता नही चलेगा, पता नही चलेगा तो दिल को तकलीफ नही होगी। यदि तुम देख लिए तो बुरा करने वाले मासूम पर क्या बितेगी कुछ अंदाजा है तुम्हे? गांदी ने यह भी कहा कि बुरा मत बोलो, क्योंकि यदि तुम बुरे को बुरा बोले तो बेचारे का दिल टूट जाएगा, वो अपने काम से हतोत्साहित हो जाएगा! इसलिए मैं कहता हूँ, जो हो रहा है होने दो...मीठा बोलो...कुछ दूसरे की झूठी तारीफ करो, कुछ अपनी झूठी तारीफ सुनो दोनों को अच्छा लगेगा।
You cannot call yourself 'peaceful' unless you are capable of great violence. If you are not capable of violence, you are not peaceful, you are harmless.
Hate-blind with a peanut brain! Usual Islamic assertions asserting Islam is so weak, corrupt and bankrupt. Example of Pyramids built as tombs for embalmed Pharaohs with their treasures for luxurious afterlife totally irrelevant in case of Central Vista which will replace monuments built on Indian blood by colonialists. Why amnesia about Taj Mahal, Humayun tomb et al?When somebody claims Islam ≠ Muhammad: Islam is everything about Mohammad. Do they not mention his name in their five daily prayers? Do they not do what he did thousand years ago? Is he not their hero? Do they also not submit to Muhammad? World knows that without Muhammad ... there is no I slam. Why appeal to the Jewish professor? Are you so bankrupt? You are brainwashed to copy everything someone is screaming!
There is nothing to boast about increase in number of Muslims in Europe or any particular country! The pride should be in showing the data and statistics about the increase of non-muslim population in muslim-majority countries. यूरोप या किसी विशेष देश में मुसलमानों की संख्या में वृद्धि के बारे में घमंड करने की कोई बात नहीं है! गर्व मुस्लिम बहुल देशों में गैर-मुस्लिम आबादी की वृद्धि के बारे में डेटा और आंकड़े दिखाने में होना चाहिए। Without Lies, Islam Dies! Had there been any science in Quran - Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Jordan would have produced highest number of scientists and scientific breakthrough than those in rest of the world! अगर कुरान में कोई विज्ञान होता - पाकिस्तान, मलेशिया, तुर्की और जॉर्डन में दुनिया के बाकी हिस्सों की तुलना में वैज्ञानिकों और वैज्ञानिक सफलता की सबसे अधिक संख्या का उत्पादन किया होता!
Chinggis Khan did pretty well, he conquered most of Eurasia, unified the nomadic tribes, developed universities, hospitals, art and culture centres, adopted Uyghur script, promoted trade and communications, practised religious tolerance and promoted meritocracy. He is truly a hero and what exactly you are cribbing about?
When oppressed people become free, they are frequently just as brutal as their erstwhile oppressors. It turns out that it is not oppression they objected to. They just preferred to be on the other end of the whip.
"Enemies of God" - idea that God has enemies and needs human help in order to identify and dispose of them. This is prevalent in Old and New Testaments as well as in the Koran. The Zoroastrian devil, unlike the Christian or Muslim or Jewish devil, is not one of God's creatures performing some of God's more mysterious tasks but an independent power, a supreme force of evil engaged in a cosmic struggle against God. This belief influenced a number of Christian, Muslim and Jewish sects, through Manichaeism and other routes.
In 1920 with 19th amendment of Americal constitution, the women were allowed to vote. Refer Susan B. Anthony and books "The History of Woman Suffrage".
Always keep in mind: you cannot win muslims by debate or argument, you can win only by weapons! When a muslim replies or tells "Get Lost": this is what Muslims have done for last 1400 years and do it now all over the world - "make kafir lose their homeland".
यहां ना जाने कितने दफन है जो सोचते थे कि एक दिन कश्मीर पाकिस्तान का होगा. "देश के गद्दारों को जूते मारो सालों को" इतना कहते ही चमचे क्यों भड़क जाते हैं. Condition is so bad that they don’t even need Human Chain to justify things now. चित भी मेरी पट भी मेरी। अनुमति न दो, तो लोकतंत्र ख़तरे में। अगर दे दो तो क़ानून व्यवस्था क्यों नहीं सँभाली। I still don't get how the cops shot Ram Rahim's protestors. What was so unique about them? Why are these anarchists in Delhi special?
Cure for Islam is the Islam itself! Teach them the true face of Muhammad. To muslim apologists and specially non-muslims depfending their victimhood, start by asking probing questions such as "where did you get the information about Islam from?", "what personal investigation have you made about Islam?"
हम भारत के लोग कृतज्ञ हैं पाश्चात्य सभ्यता, ईसाइयत, क़ुरानिक मजहब, मुग़ल और बाकी सभी लुटेरों का जिन्होंने हमें सभ्य बनाया और हमें सहिष्णुता का पाठ पढ़ाया!
हरे टिड्डियों ने तो हमेशा भारत को गाली दिया, उसके टुकड़े किए, हमेशा देश को दगा दिया, तेरी यह गाली वाली जुबान नई थोड़े न है? तुम्हारी तो DNA में ही भारत विरोध है। अगर बंटवारा धर्म के आधार पर हुआ था तो फिर हिंदुस्तान सिर्फ हमारा है, और अगर धर्म के नाम पर नहीं हुआ था तो फिर प!किस्तान भी हमारा है। "योगेन्द्र यादव, राकेश टिकैत,सेकुलर पत्रकार,टुकड़े टुकड़े गैंग,किसान विरोधी कॉंग्रेस" ने दिल्ली की सड़कों में अपनी पारी खेल ली है, अब "संविधान" खतरे में आयगा क्योंकि अब सरकार और पुलिस की बारी है.
Can you give me some incidence of non-Mulsims training kids to become suicide bombers? स्वयं को उड़ाने वाला मानसिक रोगी. When you have a society training its people to explode themselves in a wish to get some pussies in some far unknown outer world - what else can you expect?
Historical References about Ghaznavi Invasion
विशेष वर्ग की विशेष आज़ादी चली गयी है, विशेष वर्ग एकछत्र राज और स्वेच्छाभिचार का विशेष-अधिकार चला गया है। आज दिखाने तथा प्रमाण देने के लिए साक्ष्य नहीं है इसलिए कोई ना कोई विक्टिमहुड तो चाहिए ही! ये किस अख़लाक़ के लोग हैं जो चाट खाकर पत्ता भी मुंह पे मार देते हैं! पानी ना दे कर पीट दिया, ये सेकुलर लिब्रान्दू दिखाएंगे........पर रिंकू ने खून दिया था, बदले में उसको ही खंजर घोप दिया था, ये नही बताएंगे।
Are you an ex-journalists now Associate Professors at Harvard University? आज हिन्दू मुस्लिम करने के लिए BJP को दोषी ठहराया जाता है जरा बताओ 1947 में देश का बटवारा क्यों और कैसे हुआ तब BJP नहीं थी? अंधभक्त बोलने वाले चमचो जन्मजात अंधे तो तुम हो,जो पाकिस्तान और खालिस्तान के नारे लगाने वालो में भी तुमको किसान नजर आ रहे हैं?
You killed the orgasm that the libtard ecosystem was having, before it reached crescendo! It was so strong that Moronika aunty could even be heard making those noises. You are a weapon of mass stupidity who makes stupidity look good. That's how intellectually innocent the dolt you are.
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.
What is Cowardice? When you pass on the failure to a departed colleague. Nehru controlled JK issue but after fiasco he claimed SardarPatel was handling it. Cowardice is when you lose Ladakh meekly then justifies it by saying not a blade of grass grows there.
सरकार और कानून ने बन्दूक रखने पर प्रतिबन्ध लगा रखा है पर हमें अपने घर में भाला, फरसा, कुल्हाड़ी, बाघ-नख, खुकरी और तलवार रखने से किसने मना किया है? क्या बात है अमरलता-छाप ऊसर के चब्बे! उड़-दू के बे-इमाम! क्या किसी मस्जिद ने जुमे की नमाज़ पर रोक लगाई?अगर नही, तो कुंभ पर बोलने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है | जिनके पूर्वजों ने हमारे मन्दिरों, आश्रमों, विद्यालयों और पुस्तकालयों को जलाकर मस्जिदें बनवाईं थीं आज वो लोग हमें ज्ञान दे रहे हैं कि हम मन्दिर की जगह अस्पताल और विद्यालय बनवायें!
Spare HIM from receiving your wrath O mighty god of propaganda. He didn’t knew that you know Mia Khalifa so closely and have been a great student of her. The knowledge she has imparted in you through her videos have given a new meaning. Calm down O mighty propaganda god! Chill lady. Have some Biryani and Paya. The beef one if you prefer that. Will help to stabilize the acidity. राजदीप गलतियां नहीं करता, जानबूझकर एक एजेंडे के तहत काम करता है। Thank God this fellow didn't ask Mia Khalifa to stick to matters she has knowledge about!
Lust of Priest, Dope of Pope! Prithviraj Chauhan chivalry syndrome! Mutah marriage, Arab Christians used word 'Allah', "Allah and his apostle know best" - why not Allah knows best!
The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in November, 1995.
आ गए अफ़ज़ल प्रेमी - स्वागत है अपनी पीस-वाला दिखाने के लिए, सारे संसार को काफिर कहने वाला मजा-हब इस्लाम के प्रति नफ़रत और इस्लामो-फोबिया की बात करता है - इस शताब्दी का सबसे बड़ा दोगलापंथी. मोदी से दुश्मनी अच्छी है, कम से कम दुकान चलती रहती है? Ajmal Kasab was a refugee who contributed to Mumbai's culture and architecture. Kasab played melodious music with AK47 and communal Indian Forces killed him. अजमल कसाब एक शरणार्थी था जिसने मुंबई की संस्कृति और वास्तुकला में योगदान दिया। कसाब ने AK47 के साथ मधुर संगीत बजाया और सांप्रदायिक भारतीय बलों ने उसे मार डाला।
क्या सूफिज्म शरीयत से अलग है? माल-ए-गनीमत क्या होता है? नफ़रत के एहकामात किताब किसने लिखी है? Have you read Jabab-e-Shikwa by Iqbal - क्या आपने इक़बाल का जबाब-ए-शिकवा पढ़ा है?
खुशवंत सिंह के पिता ने भगत सिंह और सुखदेव के खिलाफ गवाही दी थी। अकाल तख़्त ने बंदा बहादुर के खिलाफ समझौता किया था - बंदा बहादुर इन गुरु गोविन्द सिंह के बेटों का बदला लिया था मुग़लों से!
कब्र को पूजने वाल और पत्थर तो चाटने वाला मजा-हब मूर्तिपूजक तो काफिर कहता है - हंस के मर जाऊं इन मूर्खों की बातों पे! अगर मुस्लिमों के गुर्दे में दम होता तो वो हराकिला बनवाते लालकिला नहीं, वो हरामहल बनवाते ताजमहल नहीं। Why is the minority is based on religion? Why not blinds, left-handed or eunuchs?
खेल का कोई नियम बीच में बदल नहीं सकता है। यदि किसान विपक्ष के एजेंट नही हैं तो स्थानीय लोग भी भाजपा के एजेंट नहीं कहे जाएंगे। और यदि स्थानीय लोग भाजपा के एजेंट हैं तो किसान आन्दोलनकारी भी विपक्ष के एजेंट माने जायेंगे। खेल के बीच मे बेईमानी नहीं की जा सकती है
Big bang does not claim a start - it only hypothesizes expansion! There are alternative theories to the Big Bang that do not involve a beginning. The overwhelming verdict of the scientific community is that none of them are more probable than the Big Bang theory. Theories like the Oscillating Universe (which expands and recontracts forever) and Chaotic Inflationary Universe (which continually spawns new universes) do have potentially infinite future but turn out to have only a finite past.
कुछ तुम दोगे तो कुछ हम भी देंगे, तुम शरण दोगे तो हम शरिया देंगे। तुम आश्रय दोगे, तो आंसुओ से भर देंगे। तुम प्यार दोगे तो हम लव जिहाद देंगे। जिहाद को रोक दोगे तो विक्टिम कार्ड खेल देंगे! तुम्हारे पास है वह तुम दोगे हमारे पास है वह हम देंगे। तुम मैत्री और बंधुत्व वाली मुहब्बत दोगे तो हम काफिर से होने वाली नफ़रत देंगे। हाथ में संविधान दोगे तो सर पे कुरआन रख देंगे। अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी दोगे तो देवो की नंगी तस्वीर देंगे। लेकिन तुम कार्टुन दोगे तो हम सर कलम कर देंगे! तुम ईद की इफ्तार दोगे तो हम दंगे की रफ्तार देंगे। तुम गंगा-जमुना तहजीब दोगे, तो हम खुन से गंगा भर देंगे। तुम 15 मिनट पुलिस हटा दोगे हम सो करोड़ को मार देंगे! तुम इज्जत और भाईचारे दोगे तो हम भारत विरोधी नारे देंगे। तुम सब्सिडी दोगे, हम 'यहां डर लगता हैं' यह बेइज्जती देंगे! तुम वक्फ बोर्ड का अधिकार दोगे हम जमीं जिहाद शुरू कर देंगे। माइनोरिटी का अधिकार दोगे तो माइनोरिटी बना देंगे। तुम फ्रांस का साथ दोगे तो हम भी जिहाद को समर्थन देंगे।
अन्यायमूर्ति, मूर्ति-पूजन का, कर रहे उपहास हे बहुसंख्यक! गिनती भर की, लेते रहना साँस तीर्थ तुम्हारे हुए सेक्युलर, तीज-त्योहार प्रदूषण गोरक्षक लांछित यहाँ, गोभक्षक को संरक्षण धर्म के नाम पे मातृभूमि का, सहा ख़ूनी बँटवारा बूझ लो तुम, तनिक भी यहाँ, नहीं है कोई सहारा!
किसान आंदोलन - Farmer Agitation: 2020-21
When somebody questions marries between Brahma and Saraswati: first ask them to accept Brahma as the creator God. If they accept, it nullifies Allah and Jesus. If not, the claim gets void anyways. In case anyone further insist on argument, use following information:
All references to this paragraph: - Mary Tudor, (born March 1495/96 — died June 24, 1533), English princess, the third wife of King Louis XII of France - she was the sister of England’s King Henry VIII (ruled 1509–47). Mary’s father, King Henry VII (ruled 1485–1509) betrothed her to Archduke Charles in 1507 (at the age of 11 years). Margaret Tudor, (born Nov. 29, 1489) married James IV in August 1503 (at the age of 14). Henry VII, also called Henry Tudor, son of Edmund Tudor he was born when his mother was only 14. Henry VIII had six wives. Queen Victoria married her first cousin Prince Albert.
Reference: - In the early days of the foundation of Israel, while the United States maintained a certain distance, the Soviet Union granted immediate de jure recognition and support, and arms sent from a Soviet satellite, Czechoslovakia, saved the infant state of Israel from defeat and death in its first weeks of life. Yet there seems to have been no great ill will toward the Soviets for these policies, and no corresponding good will toward the United States. In 1956 it was the United States that intervened, forcefully and decisively, to secure the withdrawal of Israeli, British, and French forces from Egypt—yet in the late fifties and sixties it was to the Soviets, not America, that the rulers of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and other states turned for arms; it was with the Soviet bloc that they formed bonds of solidarity at the United Nations and in the world generally. It has not been the practice of the Soviets to quell disturbances with water cannon and rubber bullets, with TV cameras in attendance or to release arrested persons on bail and allow them access to domestic and foreign media. The Soviets do not interview their harshest critics on prime time or tempt them with teaching, lecturing and writing engagements. On the contrary, their ways of indicating displeasure with criticism can often be quite disagreeable.
Creation of Man
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-096-V-002 | Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood | C-015-V-026 | We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape |
C-019-V-067 | But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing? | C-016-V-004 | He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer! |
C-052-V-035 | Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators? | C-003-V-059 | The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: 'Be'. And he was. |
Creation of Universe
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-007-V-054 | Your guardian - Lord is Allah who created the heavens and earth in six days | C-041-V-009 | Is it that ye deny Him who created the earth in two days ? |
C-010-V-003 | Verily your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days | C-041-V-010 | He set on the (earth) Mountains standing firm high above it, and bestowed blessing on the earth, and measured therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four days… |
C-011-V-007 | He it is Who created the heavens and earth in six days | C-041-V-012 | So He completed them (heavens) as seven firmaments in Two days and … |
C-025-V-029 | He Who created the heavens and earth and all that is between, in six days | ||
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-002-V-029 | It is He who hath created for you all things that are on Earth; Then He turned to the Heaven and made them into seven firmaments (skies)…. | C-079-V-027 | Are you the harder to create, or is the heaven that He built? He raised the height thereof and ordered it; and He has made dark the night thereof, and He brought forth the morning thereof. And after that, He spread (flattened) the earth. |
C-067-V-005 | And We have (from of old) adorned the lowest heaven (sky) with lamps, and We have made such (Lamps as) missiles to drive away Satans… | C-037-V-006 | We have indeed decorated the lower heaven (sky) with beauty (in) the stars, (for beauty) and for guard against all obstinate rebellious Satans. So they should not strain their ears in the direction of the Exalted Assembly but be cast away from every side. |
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-036-V-038 | And the sun runneth on unto a resting place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise. | C-036-V-040 | It is not for Sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit. |
C-036-V-039 | And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shrivelled palm leaf. | ||
C-021-V-032 | And We have made the sky a roof withheld (from them). Yet they turn away from its portents. | C-031-V-010 | He hath created the heavens (Skies) without supports (pillars) that ye can see, and hath cast into the earth firm Mountains/Hills, so that it quake not with you; and He hath dispersed… |
C-002-V-022 | Who has made the earth your couch, And the heavens (Sky) your canopy | ||
C-031-V-029 | Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night; That He has subjected the sun and moon (to His law), each running its course for a term (time) appointed. | C-021-V-033 | It is He who created The Night and Day, And the Sun and Moon; each of them Swim (float) along in its own course. |
C-015-V-019 | And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon Mountains firm and immovable; | C-078-V-006 | Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, And the mountains as pegs (anchor)? |
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-022-V-047 | A day in the sight of the Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. 32:5: To Him, on a Day, the space whereof will be a thousand years of your rekoning | C-070-V-004 | The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a day the measure whereof is fifty thousands years. |
C-078-V-019 | And the heavens (sky) Shall be broken (opened) as if there were doors opens… | C-069-V-016 | And the sky will be Rent asunder, for it will That day be flimsy (soft) |
C-082-V-001 | When the Sky is cleft asunder | C-081-V-002 | When the stars fall, losing their luster. |
Apostasy and Compulsion
Believe in whatever you want but only a maniacs will kill or try to convert someone who does not believe in what they believe! आप जो चाहते हैं उस पर विश्वास करें लेकिन केवल एक पागल ही किसी को मार देगा या उसे धर्म परिवर्तन की कोशिश करेगा जो उस पर विश्वास नहीं करता है! I may or may not or need not believe which does not exist - but what exist are the dumb fanatics like you who is determined to kill unbelievers! जो अस्तित्व में नहीं है उस पर मैं विश्वास कर सकता हूं या नहीं - लेकिन जो मौजूद है वो मूढ़ कट्टरपंथी हैं जो अविश्वासियों को मारने के लिए दृढ़ हैंVerse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-002-V-256 | Let there be no compulsion in religion ... whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. | C-009-V-003 | ...And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith. [see also C-009-V-005,C-009-V-029] |
Who is First Muslim?
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-039-V-012 | And I [Muhammad] am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah in Islam. [See also C-007-V-143] | C-002-V-132 | And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons and so did Jacob, "Oh my sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam". |
Allah's Words Carved in Stone!
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-006-V-034 | Rejected were the messengers before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs until Our aid did reach them: there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah… | C-006-V-115 | The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all. 50:29 "The Word changes not before Me." |
C-002-V-106 | None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things? | C-016-V-101 | When We substitute one revelation for another, and Allah knows best what He reveals - they say, "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not. 10:65 "There is no changing the words of Allah, that is the supreme triumph." |
Wine: Good, Bad, Forbidden
Verse | Text | Verse | Text |
C-005-V-090 | O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination, of Satan’s handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. | C-083-V-022 | Truly the Righteous will be in Bliss: On Thrones (of Dignity) will they command a sight (of all things): Thou wilt recognize in their faces the beaming brightness of Bliss. Their thirst will be slaked with Pure Wine sealed. |
C-047-V-015 | (Here is) a Parable of the Garden which the righteous are promised: in it are rivers of water incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink… |
Apologist's Arguments on Contradictions in Bible: Remember Bible and Quran do not contain any irrefutable evidence of God or Allah. If Bible has been corrupted then the corrupted part of Bible have been incorporated in Quran! याद रखें बाइबिल और कुरान में ईश्वर या अल्लाह का कोई अकाट्य प्रमाण नहीं है। अगर बाइबिल भ्रष्ट हो गया है तो बाइबिल के भ्रष्ट हिस्से को कुरान में समाहित कर दिया गया है!
All four of the gospel accounts testify clearly to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But they disagree over minor details. For example: who arrived first at the tomb? According to Matthew it was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James; Mark adds Salome; Luke has Joanna with the two Marys and "other women"; and John mentions Mary of Magdalene alone. | Apologist's Argument: It is well known that when multiple witnesses stand up in court and give absolutely identical accounts of an event, they have probably fabricated it. The minor divergences serve to authenticate the testimony about the main fact. |
Jesus enters the Temple in Jerusalem to cleanse it. The gospel writers differ in where they place this event in the ministry of Jesus – at the beginning or the end. | Apologist's Argument: It is possible that Jesus did the action twice. The first three gospel writers wanted to show us that Jesus is the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies that one day God would visit and judge the Temple. |
Joshua 10:20: When Joshua and the Israelites had finished inflicting a very great slaughter on them, until they were wiped out, and when the survivors had entered into the fortified towns… | Apologist's Argument: Gospel author is completely unembarrassed about giving us contradictory information. Because he’s wanting to communicate something to us that is more important (to him) than actual casualty figures. |
Saul was thirty [Hebrew does not have thirty] years old when he became king, and he reigned over Israel forty- [Masoretic Text does not have forty] two years. Acts 13:21 Then the people asked for a king, and he gave them Saul son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, who ruled forty years. | Apologist's Argument: Biblical scholars are almost unanimous that this contradiction is a simple case of text corruption through scribal error. |
Secularism, Lynching, Mob-crime, Suicide-Bombing, Polygamy, Burqa, Hijab
आप सही हैं जुर्म तसलीम का नहीं जुर्म बच्ची के परिजनों का है उन्हें चुप चाप अपनी बेटियों को उसके हवाले कर देना चाहिए था। आख़िर मुसलमान होने का इतना मज़हबी डिस्काउंट तो उसको देना चाहिए। Secularism की इतनी कीमत तो चुकानी ही पड़ेगी। अफगानिस्तान में प्यार बट रहा है कृपया वहाँ भी अपने हिस्से का प्यार का हक़ लेने जाए. यही बात तब बोल देते जब शाहबुद्दीन ने 17 साल के हिन्दू लड़के को जिन्दा तेजाब में जलाकर मार डाला था... तब चुप रहें.. आज छोटे सी मारपीट में खुलकर सामने आ गये... वाह क्या बात है इतना दोगलापन कहां से लाते हो आप,जब हिंदुओं पर होता है बंगाल में हैदराबाद में केरला में, तो नमाज पढ़ने चले जाते हो क्या, जो अब होश आया है जब मुस्लिम है. तुम्ही जैसे लोगों की वजह से इस्लाम के खिलाफ नफरत बढ़ रही है.अमेरिकी बंदूक आतंकवाद एक वर्ष में भारत में कई दशकों में मॉब लिंचिंग में मारे गए लोगों की तुलना में अधिक लोगों को मारता है। US gun terrorism kills more in a year than people killed in mob lynching over many decades in India. What is the difference between gun-violence in America and (assumed so-called) mob-lynching in India?
Gun Terrorism in America
Financial Terrorism in America
The scale of single fraud in America has magnitude higher than GDP of many countries. The Ponzi scheme by Bernie Maddoff had resulted in losses of $50 billions to investors. No manipulator and corporate personnel have been convicted even after 2 decades in the nation-wide scandal of 2008.Muslims argument in favour of Polygamy: It reduces adultery, prostitution and pre-marital sex, It eliminates extra-marital sex. बहुविवाह के पक्ष में मुसलमानों का तर्क: यह व्यभिचार, वेश्यावृत्ति और विवाह पूर्व यौन संबंध को कम करता है, यह विवाहेतर यौन संबंध को समाप्त करता है। It represents the manhood or machismo of Muslime men to have sex with multiple partners. Due to lack to enough sex, non-Muslim women get attracted towards Muslim men. यह मुस्लिम पुरुषों की मर्दानगी का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है जो कई भागीदारों के साथ यौन संबंध रखते हैं। पर्याप्त यौन-क्रिया न कर पाने की वजह से गैर-मुस्लिम महिलाएं मुस्लिम पुरुषों की तरफ आकर्षित हो जाती हैं। King Henry VIII engaged in a dispute with the Roman Catholic Church to get his first marriage annulled. Later, he went on to marry six times and laid the foundation for the Church of England.
Hijab and Burqa: It leads to less crime, adultry and teasing agains women and adolescent girls, less or no incidents of rape and molestation. Think over it: in countries with 99% muslim population and muslim rulers - women need Burqa, Hijab and Polygamy to protect them from vices of muslim men.
In Islam, you have to wear a burqa and believe in over-sexualized heaven at same time. Hate for women and lust for them all together: औरत से नफरत और औरत की हसरत साथ साथ.In USA and Canada, you have freedome to do mass-shooting and mass-stabbing. The mass-shootings by Christians led to killing of only 48,000 innocent people. You can go to lap-dance bars, nude beaches, nude restaurants.. The semi-naked people of in the jungles of Amazon are uncivilized but the visitors of nude beahes and semi-naked Christian baking sun are the divinely-inspired humans!
Hindi words in English: Pandit, Jungle, Path, Guru, Charishma, Jaggernaut, Karma, Name, Satrap
[Slave, Witch, Women, Angel], [Persecute, Persecution, Murder, Kill, Slay, Torture, Slaughter], [Crime, Sacrifice], [Sin, Superstition, Sorcery, abominations, Necromancy], [Pagan, Heathen, Idol, Rites, Devil, Satan, Shaitan]
Several key thinkers consolidated the teachings by developing new theologies transmitted through sampradayas (disciplic successions), which contested amongst themselves and with outsiders. Shankaracharya (780–812 CE) travelled widely, defeating scholars of the nastika movements, Buddhism and Jainism, which around the turn of the millennium had established prominent seats of learning throughout India. He firmly re-established the authority of the Vedic canon, propagated advaita and laid sturdy foundations for future Vedantic sampradayas. Abhinavangupta, Ramanuja, Madhva, and others followed, writing their own scriptural commentaries, propounding new theologies and establishing their own successions. During much of this period, Shaivism was the prominent tradition in India, especially in the South.
हम वो क्यूँ करते हैं जो हम करते हैं ? Why do we do what we do? लोगों का सोच अवलोकन से ज़्यादा बदलता है ना की तर्क या शस्रार्थ से. People’s mind change by observation and not by arguments. हमारे महत्व देने की प्रणाली (वॅल्यू सिस्टम) सबसे पहले अपने घर एवम घरवालों से प्रभावित होती है. Our value system is shaped first by our home and family members.
If information is taken as an insult, the issue is with the receiver. The wit is in the surprise and the pause! Not everything funny is a direct punch line.
Australian Aboriginals: 1788 - first fleet of British ships reached Sydney Cove. 60 massacres officially recorded though concentration camps and chains in their necks. Genocide brings to mind Hitler and the Jews, not Hindus, Zulus, Mayans or Red Indians, Australia and Aborigines.
European Disease: reference - "The Columbian Exchange: A History of Disease, Food, and Ideas" by Nathan Nunn and Nancy Qian published in "Journal of Economic Perspectives — Volume 24, Number 2 — Spring 2010 — Pages 163-188" --- "European contact enabled the transmission of diseases to previously isolated communities, which caused devastation far exceeding that of even the Black Death in fourteenth-century Europe. Europeans brought deadly viruses and bacteria, such as smallpox, measles, typhus, and cholera, for which Native Americans had no immunity (Denevan, 1976).typhus, and cholera, for which Native Americans had no immunity (Denevan, 1976). On their return home, European sailors brought syphilis to Europe. Although less deadly, the disease was known to have caused great social disruption throughout the Old World (Sherman, 2007)." For more information, refer:
The history of Europe is full of wars: the most recent of the two major European Tribal Wars are named WW-1 and WW-2. This link provides the list of wars which US get involved in and deaths. American attack and War in Iraq:
Reference - Linda J. Bilmes, and Michael D. Intriligator: How Many Wars Is the US Fighting Today? The US military is the world’s largest landlord, with significant military facilities in nations around the world, and with a significant presence in Bahrain, Djibouti, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Kyrgyzstan, in addition to long-established bases in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and the UK. Some of these are vast, such as the Al Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar, the forward headquarters of the United States Central Command, which has recently been expanded to accommodate up to 10,000 troops and 120 aircraft.
Battles in America: Battle of Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill: who were in these battles? Engagement known as Parker’s Revenge, Battle of Breed’s HillAmerica in Tribal War of Europe: Excerpts from this link education/ educator-resources/ primary-source-sets/ world-war-i-evaluating-americas-role-global --- World War I, known as the Great War at the time, broke out in 1914 with Germany and Austria-Hungry on one side and Great Britain, France and Russia on the other. Most Americans wanted to keep the United States out of the conflict and saw rivalries among European aristocracies as the cause of the fighting. While the U.S. was neutral, the country did want to continue to carry on trade with Europe. This created a problem because the warring nations did not want American manufactured products and farm goods to reach their enemies. Great Britain’s navy prevented most American ships from reaching German ports. In response, Germany began using submarines to attack any vessel taking supplies to its enemies. In 1917, when German submarines began sinking American ships, the U.S. declared war on Germany and its partners. American soldiers joined the fighting.
America was not neutral in WW2 long before Pearl Harbour attack!
Treaty of Versailles: Ended first Tribal War of Europe and led to second Tribal War of Europe. Treaty of Vienna - 1864: Second War of Schleswig betwen Prussia + Austria vs. Denmark where Prussia acquires Schleswig and Austria acquires Holstein. ARTICLE XII of the treaty: "The Governments of Prussia and of Austria shall be reimbursed by the Duchies for the expenses of the war." Peace of Prague - 1866: "His Majesty the Emperor of Austria obliges himself to pay His Majesty the King of Prussia the sum of forty million Prussian Thaler [$28M], in order to cover a part of Prussia's costs grown out of the war." Treaty of Versailles - 1871: ARTICLE II: France shall pay the Emperor of Germany the sum of 5,000,000,000 Francs. Treaty of Bucharest - 1918: Romania leases oil wells to Germany for 99 years, Germans 'supervise' every Romanian ministry. Georges Clemenceau, byname The Tiger, French Le Tigre: [1]"Mr. Wilson bores me with his 14 Points. God Almighty only has 10." [2]"America is far away and protected by the ocean. England could not be reached by Napoleon himself. You are sheltered, both of you; we are not." [3]Wilson: "Have you ever been to Germany, M. Clemenceau?" "No, sir! But twice in my lifetime they have been to France." [4]He married one of his pupils, Mary Plummer, in 1869 and 3 children were born of this union, but the couple separated after seven years. [5] With his desire for poetic justice, he insisted that the Treaty of Versailles be signed (June 28, 1919) in the Hall of Mirrors of the Versailles palace where, in 1871, William I had had himself proclaimed German emperor.
"We must not worry about committing an offense against the rights of nations nor about violating the laws of humanity. Such feelings today are of secondary importance." -- Matthias Erzberger - Leader of Center (Zentrum) Party, “Once peace has been concluded, we can present our enemies with the bill for this war.” -- Karl Helfferich - Secretary for the Treasury
Thirty Year's War: Although the struggles that created it erupted some years earlier, the war is conventionally held to have begun in 1618, when the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II, in his role as king of Bohemia, attempted to impose Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, and the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rose up in rebellion. Ferdinand won after a five-year struggle. In 1625 King Christian IV of Denmark saw an opportunity to gain valuable territory in Germany to balance his earlier loss of Baltic provinces to Sweden. Christian’s defeat and the Peace of Lübeck in 1629 finished Denmark as a European power, but Sweden’s Gustav II Adolf, having ended a four-year war with Poland, invaded Germany and won many German princes to his anti-Roman Catholic, anti-imperial cause. Casualty estimates vary, but as many as 12,000 Habsburg–Catholic League troops were left dead or dying on the field, to just 2,000 lost by Gustavus (and two-thirds of those were allied troops, not Swedish).
Battle of Alca´ntara (August 25, 1580): When the Portuguese king died in 1580 without an heir, Philip II claimed the throne for Spain. The Duke of Alba led a tough, veteran Spanish army into Portugal. Most Portuguese nobles backed the Spanish merger, but popular opinion did not. A ragtag army of peasants and townsfolk, and some knights, met the Spanish at Alca´ntara. The fight was one-sided, and after the Spanish routed the defenders Portugal and its entire empire were annexed to Spain.
Battle of Alcazarquivir (August 4, 1578): "Battle of the Three Kings." The Portuguese invaded Morocco in 1578, taking advantage of a Moroccan civil and religious war raging among several factions organized by fanatic desert marabouts. The Portuguese shrewdly engaged Muslim allies, followers of one candidate in the struggle for the Moroccan throne. The armies of three rivals met about 60 miles south of Tangier, at Alcazarquivir. The fighting was so ferocious it led to the deaths of "Three Kings": the Moroccan pretender allied to the Portuguese, the King of Fes, and King Sebastian of Portugal.
Battle of Aljubarrota (August 14, 1385): Portugal was threatened with takeover by Castile when Ferdinand I died in 1383. His illegitimate halfbrother, then head of the Order of Aviz, led the knights in blocking a Castilian succession to the Portuguese throne, proclaiming himself King Juan I. Another Juan I sat on Castile’s throne, however, and he invaded Portugal with 18,000 cavalry and 10,000 foot to assert his claim. About 200 Aviz knights, along with 7,500 infantry, met the invaders at Aljubarrota, north of Lisbon.
Siege of Alkmaar (August 21–October 8, 1573): Early in the Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648), Dutch resolve and fighting capacity was tested at Alkmaar. After capturing Haarlem, the Duke of Alba moved with 16,000 ruthless tercio veterans to besiege Alkmaar, which was defended by just 2,000 militia.
Battle of Ankara (July 20, 1402): Also known as 'Angora.' Having won decisively at Nicopolis, Sultan Bayezid I besieged Constantinople. Meanwhile, Timur invaded Asia Minor with a large Mongol-Tatar army, and sacked Aleppo, Damascus, and Baghdad. Bayezid broke off the siege and turned east to meet the Tatars at Ankara.
Battle of Arbedo (1422): Several Swiss cantons wished to expand into northern Italy. The Milanese contracted the condottieri captain Carmagnola to defend them with an army of 16,000 mercenaries, including 5,000 cavalry. The Swiss fielded a force of just 2,500.
Battle of Beauge (March 21, 1421): A Franco-Scots army raided English lands in Normandy and Maine, provoking an English army into the field. The two forces met at Beauge ´ in Anjou. The English cavalry made a French mistake—over pursuit—and were cut off, surrounded, and slaughtered.
Battle of Bornholm (August 1457): Danzig, a major port of the Hanse, took a lead role in the "War of the Cities" (1454–1466), a revolt within Prussia to break free of the overlordship of the Teutonic Knights. Burgundian-Swiss War (1474–1477). Burgundy’s conflict with the Swiss Confederation resulted principally from the effort by Charles the Rash to expand his domain and elevate his Duchy to the rank of kingdom and even one of the Great Powers of Europe.
Battle of Calven (May 22, 1499): This was the second large battle of the Swabian War (1499), a frontier conflict between the Holy Roman Empire and the Swiss Confederation. The Germans held a strong position and outnumbered the approaching Swiss. Neither advantage availed: the terrible Swiss squares tore into the German ranks without hesitation, scattering many who would not stand and fight, butchering those who did. The victory secured independence for The Grisons but did not end the Swabian War. La Bicocca, Battle of (April 27, 1522). During the Italian Wars (1494–1559) Francis I assembled an army of 25,000, including thousands of Swiss mercenaries, and marched to take back Milan which he had earlier lost to Charles V.
Battle of Jemmingen (July 21, 1568): A Spanish army under the Duke of Alba smashed a Dutch rebel army of 15,000 led by Louis of Nassau, brother of William the Silent. The rebels lost over 7,000 men, most of them pursued and slaughtered by Alba on the German side of the River Ems, whose banks and waters literally ran with rebel blood.
Carafa War (1556–1557): The Archbishop of Naples, Giovanni Carafa was elected Pope Paul IV in 1555. A confessional fanatic of the first order, and a warrior pope, he sharply opposed the Peace of Augsburg in Germany. Cassel, Battle of (August 1328). Following the catastrophic defeat of the French nobility at Courtrai (1302), the revolt of Flanders gained nearly three decades of independence for the Flemish towns. However, Philip VI ascended to the French throne in 1328 determined to reverse the verdict of Courtrai.
English Civil Wars: Also known as Great Rebellion about the fighting that took place during 1642–51 in the British Isles between supporters of the monarchy of Charles I (and his son and successor, Charles II) and opposing groups in each of Charles’s kingdoms, including Parliamentarians in England, Covenanters in Scotland, and Confederates in Ireland.
Peace of Cateau-Cambre´sis (April 2–3, 1559): Two treaties were agreed that finally ended the Italian Wars (1494–1559) between Habsburg and Valois waged on-and-off for 65 years. The settlement was prompted by French defeats at Saint-Quentin (1557) and Gravelines (1558), and the rising need of Henri II to deal with militant Protestantism in France. Catholic Church. War of the Eight Saints (1375–1378); the scarring scandals of the "Avignon Captivity" of the papacy (1314–1362). First Bishops’ War (1639), Second Bishops’ War (1640–1641). Hofkriegsrat- The Imperial War Council of the Holy Roman Empire. It controlled, at the maximum, about 25,000 Imperial troops. iconoclasm. Smashing of holy images and statuary thought to be conducive to idolatry, heresy, or rank superstition. Iconoclasm had an ancient pedigree within the Byzantine Empire and under Islam. In the 8th century, for instance, fanatic Muslim invaders of India smashed Buddhist and Hindu statuary and images. In Latin Christendom it was more a phenomenon of the Protestant Reformation, usually carried out by fresh converts to Protestantism against Catholic imagery and statuary, crucifixes, and altars. Protestant mockery of Catholic icons extended to roasting crucifixes over bonfires, feeding the eucharist to dogs or pigs, fouling altars with excrement, and scattering bones from the reliquaries of Catholic saints. Clergy who resisted were beaten; some were killed. Martin Luther opposed these practices but many Calvinists and all followers of Zwingli were fanatic iconoclasts. Waves of violent iconoclasm (beeldenstorm) across the Netherlands were part of the essential prelude to the Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648), as what began as spontaneous violence became organized repression of Catholic worship in the northern Netherlands in 1566, 1576–1579, and 1580–1581. In Holland, the Mass was no longer allowed anywhere after 1581, partly for iconoclastic reasons. Hoechst, Battle of (June 20, 1622).The army of the Catholic League under Johann Tilly and an allied Spanish army moved north from the Palatinate to Main to block Christian of Brunswick from linking forces with Graf von Mansfeld’s mercenaries.
Jesuits. "Society of Jesus": A highly disciplined, rigorous, militant Catholic religious order founded in 1540 by the Spaniard Ignatius Loyola (1491–1556), under the authority of Pope Paul III. Loyola had served in the Spanish Army in the Italian Wars from 1517 to 1521, and was severely wounded in both legs. Military surgeons badly set the breaks, leaving a bone protruding, and he was later racked to stretch one leg back to its original length. It was during convalescence from this excruciating ordeal that Loyola experienced visions of saints and underwent a spiritual epiphany, that he should become a "soldier of Christ."
Invincible Armada (1588): "Spanish Armada." Dispatch of a large fleet by Philip II of Spain to escort an invasion army against England was a decision long in the making. In 1585, Pope Sixtus V called on Philip to launch a crusade in behalf of the Counter-Reformation to restore England to the Catholicism it enjoyed when Philip was wed to Mary Tudor. Philip demurred, as he was preoccupied with the Eighty Years’ War in the Netherlands and protracted conflicts with the Ottomans and Barbary corsairs. When Elizabeth I finally executed Mary Stuart in 1587, a 20-year cold war between Protestant England and Catholic Spain finally went hot. Italian Wars (1494–1559). A series of sharp but also intermittent conflicts broke out over control of Italy at the close of the Italian Renaissance, shattering the peninsular balance of power system achieved in the Peace of Lodi (1454).
Hussite Wars (1419–1478): This prolonged conflict was provoked by the trial and burning at the stake of Jan Hus by the Council of Constance in 1415, in violation of an Imperial "safe conduct" issued to coax him to travel to Constance. His followers rebelled against the Catholic Church and Emperor Sigismund (r.1411–1437). Kalmar War (1611–1613). The immediate cause was Sweden’s wish to escape payment of the Sound Tolls claimed by Denmark by opening a new, northern trade route. Denmark responded by invading Sweden. Karl IX (1550–1611). King of Sweden, 1604–1611. He deposed the Catholic king of Sweden, Sigismund III. That provoked a long and costly war with Poland in which Swedish arms, which were still semi-feudal, were closely tested. Sigismund landed at Kalmar with a Polish-Lithuanian army in 1598, but was met by Karl and defeated at Stangebro (Stegeborg), in September 1598.
Knights Templar: "Knights of the Temple of Solomon," or "fratres militiae Templi." Also known as the "Poor Knights," "Red Friars," or just as the ‘Templars.’ One of the three major Military Orders of the Middle Ages, along with the Knights Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights. The Templars took early form c.1119 under the guidance of their Burgundian founder, Hugues de Payens. The Templar objective, in the words of Bernard of Clairvaux, was "killing for Christ." Like their fiercest Muslim opponents, Templars viewed death in battle as the path to martyrdom. In all, 20,000 Templars died in 200 years of fighting, and not always against Muslims: Templars at times allied with Turks to fight the Hospitallers after 1201.
Inspiration from War and Colonization: In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived in the New World with a mission to conquer the Aztec Empire. He arrived with a small army of 600 men, but he faced a significant challenge. His men were afraid and they were not sure that they could succeed in their mission. To inspire his men Cortés did something radical – he burned his ships. By doing so he eliminated any possibility of retreat and forced his men to fight for victory or death. This act of burning the ships became a symbol of determination and commitment.
Sarcasm: Saracastic Counter-Arguments - Do not get Bullied
Gibbet, a primitive form of gallows. It was a custom at one time — though not part of the legal sentence — to hang the body of an executed criminal in chains. This was known as gibbeting. These gibbets were erected in conspicuous spots, on the tops of hills or near frequented roads. The bodies, smeared with pitch or tallow to prevent too rapid decomposition, hung in chains as a warning to evildoers. In England, gibbeting (also known as “hanging in chains”) peaked in the 1740s, even though it was officially mandated later by the 1752 Murder Act, which required bodies of convicted murderers to be either publicly dissected or gibbeted. Between 1752 and 1832, 134 men were hanged in chains. It was formally abolished in 1834.
Luke 19.27 (KJV): But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Western lens:
Non-Western (Uncivilized) Situation | Western (Civilized) Situation |
Semi-naked tribes | Nude beaches, strip clubs in every nook and corner of New York and Amsterdam |
Polyandry | Dozen sex partners before getting married, Lap-dance bars |
Hindu Nationalist | Christian Radio, One Ummah |
Corruption | Legalized corruption: the custodian of all corrupt money is most transparent nation |
General superstitions | 666: number of devil, speaking serpent, witch hunt, burning heretics, halala marriages, tower to heaven. The first English statute was passed for the burning of heretics in 1401 under Henry IV. |
Heresy Acts of 1401 and 1414, the first of which provided that heretics might be arrested on suspicion by the bishop, and those refusing to abjure or relapsing after abjuration were to be burned. And the second enabled the bishops to call upon the civil power for assistanee, and authorised courts of quarter sessions to receive indictments for heresy and to deliver persons so indicted to the bishops to be tried. Passed by Parliament in Jun of 1539 titled "An Act Abolishing Diversity in Opinions", the Act of Six Articles reinforced existing heresy laws and reasserted traditional Catholic doctrine as the basis of faith for the English Church. Refer the "Act of Six Articles 1539" about burning heretics.
Propaganda from across the borders - दुष्प्रचार सीमाओं के पार से
दुष्प्रचार - 1:हम लोग एक जैसे हैं, हमारी वेश भुषा, खान पान और रहन सहन एक जैसी है। Retort - प्रत्युत्तर: पूरी तरह से त्रुटिपूर्ण और अनुपयुक्त - हिन्दु धर्म वाले मूर्तिपूजक हैं तुम मूर्तिपूजा तो जघन्य अपराध समझते हो। हम वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम में विश्वास रखते हैं तुम दारुल हरब और दारुल इस्लाम में। हिंदुत्व में नास्तिक का उतना ही सम्मान है जितना आस्तिक का तुम अपने मजहब छोड़ने वाले को अपने समाज से बहिस्कृत कर देते हो यहाँ तक की हत्या भी। हमारी महिलाएं बिंदी लगाती हैं तुम्हारी औरतें हिजाब। तुम्हारे आदर्श तैमूर, ग़ज़नवी, अब्दाली और औरंगजेब हैं, हम उन्हें अपना सबसे बड़ा दुश्मन मानते हैं। तुम अल्लाह के अलावा किसी ईश्वर में विश्वास नहीं रखते हो - हम हर पंथ के भगवान का सम्मान करते हैं।
We are same: our DNA, our dress, food habits and living styles are same. Counter-argument: No. This is a completely wrong statement. We are idol-worshipper which is sin for you. We believe in world as a common family, you believe in Darul-Harb and Darul-Islam. Athiests have same respect and place in Hinduism, you boycott them and even kill them. Your ideals are Taimur, Ghaznavi, Abdali and Aurangzeb - we consider them our number one enemies. You belive only in Allah, we respect gods from all religions.
दुष्प्रचार - 2: हम तो शांतिप्रिय देश हैं और हिंदुस्तान के साथ दोस्ती चाहते हैं पर भारत अपनी हेजेमनी (दादागिरी) कायम करना चाहता है। Retort - प्रत्युत्तर: ये किसका नारा है - मोदी का जो यार है गद्दार है? We are peace-loving country and want friendship with India. However, India wants to establish its hegemony. Counter-argument: Forget about India, how is your friendship with neighbouring muslim countries Iran and Afghanistan? How is the friendship in muslim majority countries and neighbours Yemen and Saudi Arabia?
दुष्प्रचार - 3: RSS के भक्त अभी भी colonial trap (औपनिवेशिक जाल) में फंसे हैं, हिंदुत्व का प्रभाव बढ़ेगा तो उनका भी हाल पाकिस्तान की तरह हो जायेगा। पाकिस्तान के बारे मैं अत्यधिक गलत ख्याल है अधिकतर हिन्दुस्थानियों में। Retort - प्रत्युत्तर: - खामोश मुजाहिदीन अपने मजहब को Cover Fire देते हुए। इस वाक्य में अन्तर्निहित सन्देश ये है की चुंकी पाकिस्तानी इस्लामिक रिपब्लिक सफल नहीं हो पाया तो एक हिन्दू राष्ट्र कैसे तरक्की कर सकता है!
Argument: The followers of RSS are still trapped in colonial mindset. As the influence of Hindutva increases, their situation shall turn as bad as Pakistan. There are wrong opinons about Pakistan in most of the Indians. Counter-argument: The liberals giving cover fire to the islamists, military autocrats and failure of Islam in Pakistan. The tacit message is that if Islamic Republic of Pakistan cannot be a successful country, Bharat as Hindu Rashtra will meet similar fate.
Science adjusts its views based on what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. – Tim Minchin
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people. If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion. – Edmond De Goncourt
God promised the end of all wicked people, Thor promised the end of all Ice Giants. I don’t see any Ice Giants around. When one person is delusional, it’s called insanity. When many people are delusional, they call it religion. You’re tired of my anti-religion posts? Why don’t you pray to Allah for me to stop? Wanna know the funniest thing about people who call people like me Satanists? They believe in Satan, and I don’t. Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn’t care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. – Sam Harris.
I’ve got nothing against God. It’s his fan club I can’t stand. If God did not forgive sinners, heaven would be empty. Forgive and forget? I’m neither God nor do I have Alzheimer’s. If you do not sin, God’s son died for nothing. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and controls everything. Unless something bad happens. Then that was Satan.
Just because I am an atheist does not make me any less than you. It is impossible to prove something doesn’t exist, that has never been proven to exist. As an atheist, I have faith. I have faith that you’re wrong and your God is fake. Why do gays disgust you when you do nothing about pedophile priests? Instead of blaming all of your mistakes on an imaginary God and fate, you should take responsibility and admit when you’re wrong.
Let's say you do not understand your opening statement, over and done. Let’s say I am gullible, superstitious and frightened and get scared to death with ancient horror stories of a horrible, mass-murderer, bloodthirsty super and the eternal entity that does not avail him- or her-self but through burning bushes, talking snakes and animals and prophets. If all of this is true for me, I might appreciate your attempts to swindle yourself out of the corner you boxed yourself into.
German Old Testament scholar Julius Wellhausen - Reference: The Evoluation of Adam --- "The bottom line is that for Wellhausen and many other biblical scholars before and since, the Pentateuch as we know it (an important qualification) was not completed until the postexilic period (after the Israelites were allowed to return to their homeland from Babylon beginning in 539 BC)."
philosopher Spinoza, 1632–77 - began challenging traditional views of Genesis
Celsus was a Greek writer in the second century who criticized Christianity as a threat to the stable communities and worldview that the "pagan" religious and social system sought to uphold. Lucian, Greek Lucianos, Latin Lucianus [born AD 120, Samosata] — ancient Greek rhetorician, pamphleteer, and satirist. The writings of Lucian are outstanding for their mordant and malicious wit, embodying a sophisticated and often embittered critique of the shams and follies of the literature, philosophy, and intellectual life of his day. Procopius, Malalas, Nonnosus, Agathias, Menander, Evagrius, Theophylact. Cyril of Scythopolis [Author of "The Lives of the Monks of Palestine"]
Mara bar Serapion, a philosopher during the first century, is known for a letter that he wrote to his son. Scholars believe that the letter was written sometime between 73 AD and the third century. Mara was not a Christian, but he spoke highly of the “King of Jew”. [Note: Wise, virtuous persons unjustly put to death constituted already a widespread topic in Greco-Roman philosophical literature: for instance, the Neoacademic Cicero, strongly influenced by Stoicism, cited Socrates, Anaxarchus, and Zeno of Elea as philosophers persecuted unjustly.] Although it does not refer to Jesus by name, it was a latter interpolation of later scribes, for the following reasons. 1) Jesus' name is not used, 2) Nothing that was not already common knowledge about Jesus was mentioned, 3) No reference to the resurrection or miracles is made.
Nazism, Fascism, Dictators, Autocrates, Aristocrats, Maoism, Communism, Marxism, Schutzstaffel
नूर ऐ दिन नूर ऐ हक़, जिआ-उल-हक़ जिआ-उल-हक़। 2007 - Two-time Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in a gun and bomb attack, 1988 - Military ruler President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq is killed when the Hercules C-130 aircraft carrying him crashes in mysterious circumstances. 1979 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the father of Benazir who was elected as prime minister in 1970, is hanged on a disputed conviction for conspiring to commit a political murder by Zia ul-Haq. 1977 - Zia ul-Haq seizes power after a coup against the Bhutto government. He puts Bhutto under house arrest, imposes martial law, suspends the constitution and bans political parties.
Why socialism, communism, marxism, maoism... always get linked to 'Cocentration' camps? Alfred Jodl: Hitler's Nazi General and War Criminal, Iram Grese - Hyena of Auschwitz - Sexually deviant Nazi guard, Isle Koch (wife of Karl Otto Koch - Commandent of Sachsenhausen concentration camp) - Bestial Nazi guard, Klaus Barbie - Butcher of Lyon - Notorius Gestapo Chief, Josef Mengele - Angel of Death - Nazi doctor who experimented on humans. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party). Erhard Milch - The Only Jewish Field Marshal in Nazi Germany - German Luftwaffe. “The Reich Citizenship Law” which declared that only Aryans could be citizens of the Reich; and “The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor” which forbade marriages and extramarital sexual relations between Germans and Jews. Informally known as the Nuremberg Race Laws because they were first announced at a Nazi Party rally held in the city of Nuremberg. Invasion of Denmark and Norway was codenamed Operation Weserübung - invasion of Denmark lasted less than six hours. Kapos were special type of prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps chosen by the Schutzstaffel (SS) camp guards to help run the camps. On March 11–13, 1938, Nazi Germany annexed the neighboring country of Austria (Österreich). This event is known as the Anschluss, German word that means “connection” or “joining.” Waffen-SS was the military branch of the SS.
Excerpts from Video - Death of Roland Freisler - Hitler's Fanatical Screaming Nazi Judge Freisler was a committed Nazi ideologist, and used his legal skills to adapt its theories into practical law-making and judicature. He also strongly advocated for the creation of laws to punish so called “race defilement" which was the Nazi term for sexual relations between "Aryans" and those deemed as "inferior races”. In 1933, he even published a pamphlet calling for the legal prohibition of "mixed-blood" sexual intercourse. Freisler's ideological views reflected things to come, as 2 years later on the 15th of September 1935, the Nazi regime announced two new laws: The Reich Citizenship Law which defined a citizen as a person who is “of German or related blood.” ; which meant that Jews, defined as a separate race, could not be full citizens of Germany and had no political rights; and The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor which banned future intermarriages and sexual relations between Jews and people “of German or related blood.” The Nazis believed that such relationships were dangerous because they led to “mixed race” children. According to the Nazis, these children and their descendants undermined the purity of the German race.
On the 20th of January 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." The "Final Solution" was the code name for the systematic, deliberate and physical annihilation of the European Jews. Adolf Hitler had authorized this European-wide scheme for mass murder at some still undetermined time in 1941. At the time of this Wannsee Conference, most participants were already aware that the Nazi regime had engaged in mass murder of Jews and other civilians in the German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union and in Serbia. On the 20th of August 1942, Hitler named Freisler president of the People's Court.
Under Freisler's rule, the frequency of death sentences rose sharply. Approximately 90% of all cases that came before him ended in guilty verdicts. Between 1942 and 1945, more than 5,000 death sentences were decreed by him, 2,600 of these through the court's First Senate, which Freisler controlled. He was responsible in his three years on the court for as many death sentences as all other senate sessions of the court combined in the court's existence between 1934 and 1945. When on the 18th of February 1943, Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl were distributing leaflets at the Ludwig Maximilian University, they were reported to the official secret police of Nazi Germany - the Gestapo and then arrested. Roland Freisler sentenced them to death. Another of Freisler’s victims was Elfriede Scholz, a sister of German-born novelist Erich Maria Remarque. After a failed bomb attempt to assassinate Hitler on his airplane, Claus von Stauffenberg and other conspirators attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler inside his Wolf's Lair field headquarters. In the days that followed, Hitler ordered a massive hunt for conspirators which continued for months. In August 1944, some of the arrested perpetrators of the failed assassination were brought before Freisler for punishment. Hitler had ordered that those found guilty should be "hanged like cattle". In the end more than 7,000 people were arrested. 4,980 of them were executed, often on the barest evidence.
Excerpts from YouTube video titled "The Justified Death of the Butcher of Prague": In 1942 British trained Czechoslovak paratroopers carried out Operation Anthropoid, a plan to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich the Nazi deputy Reichs Protector of Bohemia and Moravia. This is the story of how the plan was carried out and the terrible consequences including the destruction of the village of Lidice.
Excerpts from YouTube video titles "Bestial Crimes of Nazi Guard Hildegard Lächert known as "Bloody Brigitte" of Majdanek & Auschwitz": Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party came into power in Germany in January 1933. Hitler valued women for both their activism in the Nazi movement and their biological power as generators of the race. In Nazi thinking, a larger, racially purer population would enhance Germany’s military strength and provide settlers to colonize conquered territory in Eastern Europe. The Third Reich’s aggressive population policy encouraged “racially pure” women to bear as many children as possible. Nazi population policy took a radical turn in 1936 when SS leaders created the state-directed program known as Lebensborn meaning Fount of Life. Lebensborn ordinance prescribed that every SS member should father four children, in or out of wedlock. Lebensborn homes sheltered single mothers with their children, provided birth documents and financial support, and recruited adoptive parents for the children.
In August 1939, Lächert bore a son out of wedlock. Her second child, a daughter, was born in April 1941. In April of the following year, Lächert was deployed in Ravensbrück concentration camp. Opened in May 1939, Ravensbrück was the only major women's camp established by the Nazis. Ravensbrück was staffed both by SS men, who served as guards and administrators, and by 150 women, who served as supervisors.
In the winter of 1941-1942, camp authorities began to use Zyklon B gas to murder prisoners too weak to work in a makeshift gas chamber. Mass murder operations using poison gas began at Majdanek in October 1942 and continued until the end of 1943. With her pistol and whip always ready, she was infamous for beating the prisoners for no reason. In the camp, Lächert stood out from the rest of guards for her sadism and owing to her cruelty and brutality she became known as the “Krwawa Brygida”, Polish for “Bloody Brigitte”...
Excerpts from YouTube video "Execution of August Bogusch - Brutal Nazi Guard at Buchenwald, Auschwitz & Gusen Concentration Camps": He was infamous for skillfully using his whip to make the inmates suffer as much as possible. Established in July 1937, Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps established within the German borders. Kristallnacht - November 9 to 10 of 1938, when the Nazi leaders unleashed a series of coordinated violent riots against the Jews.
Horrible Death of Franz Ziereis - Nazi Commandant of Mauthausen & Gusen Concentration Camps - WW2
One of the absolute worst Franz Ziereis was discovered by American soldiers at his hunting lodge in the Phyrn mountain in Upper Austria on the 23rd of May. While trying to escape, he was shot three times in the stomach. The dying Ziereis was interrogated by the authorities and confessed to everything. How the inmates had been killed by gassing, hard labor, or through benzine injections or how at an outside temperature of -12 °C they made the inmates bath in water and then stand in the open stark naked until they died. Others were driven into a barbed-wire fence or were literally torn to pieces by the dog named "Lord". In most cases, Ziereis himself took part in the executions which according to his testimony were carried out on the order of Heinrich Himmler - the head of the SS, Ernst Kaltenbrunner – the Chief of the Reich Security Main Office, and Heinrich Müller - Director of the Gestapo. In 1945, one of history’s most notorious figures committed suicide by ingesting cyanide. Heinrich Himmler, known for his role in the implementation of the "Final Solution," is remembered today for his heinous acts across Europe during World War II.
Pictures from Tribal War of Europe at
NAID: 535891 - "The tragedy of this Sudeten woman, unable to conceal her misery as she dutifully salutes the triumphant Hitler, is the tragedy of the silent millions who have been 'won over' to Hitlerism by the 'everlasting use' of ruthless force."↴Excerpts from YouTube Video "Brutal Death of Oskar Dirlewanger - Bestial Nazi SS Officer - Dirlewanger Brigade - Warsaw Uprising": In February 1942, Dirlewanger Brigade was sent to Belorus where they not only raped and tortured young women, but also killed at least 30,000 Belarusian civilians. As with the Einsatzgruppen which were Nazi death squads operating behind the front line in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, Dirlewanger unit made their victims, often naked, kneel down on the edge of a mass grave as Dirlewanger’s kommando shot them in the back of the neck with an automatic pistol and then the bodies dropped straightly into the pit.
अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर, लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर बंजर जमीं लहू से सराबोर थी, नजर भी तो न पड़ी इस जंग के मैदान पर उहद का मैदान था हर सख्स परेशान था, न फरिश्तों की शान थी न अल्लाह का ध्यान था अजीब था मंजर हर हाथ मे था ख़ंजर, चमक रही तलवार थी तीरों की बौछार थी फिजायें मुख्तसर थीं दुआएं बेअसर थीं, जाने क्या थी खराबी पिट रहे थे सहाबी न आया जिब्रील न फरिश्ते ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न करिश्मे ही नजर आए गुस्सा था तारी अबु सुफियान पर, तना था तीर हिन्द की कमान पर अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर, लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर बदर में जो लुटे थे उहद में लूट रहे थे, बदर में जो कुटे थे उहद में कूट रहे थे कुछ आगे भाग निकले कुछ पीछे छूट गये, प्यारे नबी के कई दांत भी टूट गये रसूल जमीन पर पड़े थे जिस्म पर घाव बड़े थे, प्यारे नबी के प्यारे सहाबा माले गनीमत पर अड़े थे तीरों की बौछार हुई भयंकर तकरार हुई, नबी को घायल छोड़ सब भाग खड़े थे न आया जिब्रील न फरिश्ते ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न करिश्मे ही नजर आए परवाह थी किसे पैगम्बर की शान पर, साया था मौत का नबी की जान पर अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर, लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर कर्बला का मैदान था यजीद परेशान था, दोनों तरफ की जंग में हर सख्श मुसलमान था कमजोर थे लाचार थे फिर भी बेकरार थे, हाथों में तलवार लिए हुसैन भी तैयार थे नफरतों की जंग में तीर बरस रहे थे, घायल पड़े जमीन पर प्यारे तड़प रहे थे फ़िज़ाओं में लहू था जमीं पर थीं लाशें, जो शहादतों से बच गए वो प्यासे तरस रहे थे न आया जिब्रील न फरिश्ते ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न करिश्मे ही नजर आए ज़ुल्मतों का वक्त था अली की संतान पर, गिध्दों का जमघट था कर्बला के मैदान पर अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर, लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर लाशों के ढेर पर करामाती मचल रहा था, दीवारें ढह चुकी थीं काबा जल रहा था हजारों मुजाहिदों को मारकर काबे का गिलाफ फाड़ कर, ले गया संगेअसवद दीवारों को उखाड़ कर कुव्वत अपनी दुनिया को दिखाने में असवद को जड़ दिया गुसलखाने में न आया जिब्रील न फरिश्ते ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न करिश्मे ही नजर आए कोई अज़ाब भी तो न आया ऐसे शैतान पर बिजली भी न गिरी करामाती के मकान पर अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर पण्डों की जिद थी कि भगवान उतर आएंगे गजनवी से अब हमें सोमनाथ ही बचाएंगे भगवान के प्रकोप से कांप उठेगी ये धरा धर्म के ये शत्रु हैं सब मिट्टी में मिल जाएंगे महमूद की सेना आगे बढ़ती रही खैबर को पार कर पहाड़ियां चढ़ती रही बारिश बिजली आंधी और तूफान सामने जो आया उससे लड़ती रही न आया कोई अवतार न देवता ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न ईश्वर ही नजर आए गजनवी पहुंच गया सोमनाथ के द्वार पर, लूट लिया खजाना तलवार की धार पर सोमनाथ का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर, लेकिन वो असहाय रहा शत्रु को जान कर हलाकू ने खलीफा को लिखा कि मेरी ताकत को तस्लीम करो, मेरी हिकमत की ताजीम करो खलीफा ने जवाब दिया अल्लाह का बन्दा हूँ डरता नहीं किसी डाकू से अल्लाह की मदद होगी मैं लड़ूंगा हलाकू से हिकमत भी उसी की है सजदा भी उसी का है हिम्मत भी उसी की है जज्बा भी उसी का है उसी की रहमत है उसी की बरकत है मैं सांस ले रहा हूँ ये उसी की नेमत है बेमौत तू मरेगा होगी तुझपर ही कयामत अल्लाह करेगा तुझसे बगदाद की हिफाजत हलाकू की फौज ने बगदाद को घेर लिया शहर में घुसकर मस्जिदों को ढेर किया हाफिजों को मारा मदरसों को जलाया शहर की सड़कों पर लाशों को बिछाया खलीफा की बोटियों को कुत्तों को खिलाया खलीफा की बेटियों को मंगोलों में बंटवाया न आया जिब्रील न फरिश्ते ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न करिश्मे ही नजर आए खून सवार था मंगोलों के इस खान पर लाखों को कत्ल किया सिर्फ अपनी आन पर अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर दहक रही थीं तोपें बरस रहे थे तीर, छुपे थे चर्च में पादरी और वजीर अंधेरा छा गया था भरी दोपहर में आग ही आग था यहोवा के शहर में कोई चर्च न रहा बाकी ईसु के नगर में मौत का था मंजर यहोवा के इस घर मे पादरी खामोश थे दुआएं बेअसर थीं कुछ आग में जले कुछ दुब मरे नहर में लहू को प्यासी थीं उस्मानिया की तलवारें आखिर टूट गईं कुस्तुन्तुनिया की दीवारें हर घर से आग की लपटें निकल रही थीं हजारों बुतों के ढेर पर लाखों बाइबिलें जल रही थी क्रॉस तोड़े गये तस्वीर उतारे गये चुन चुन कर सारे पादरी मारे गये न आया जिब्रील न फरिश्ते ही उतर पाये न हुआ कोई कमाल न करिश्मे ही नजर आए रूह कांप उठती है जुल्म की दास्तान पर बद्दुआएं बेअसर होती हैं ऐसे हुक्मरान पर अल्लाह का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर भेड़िया डरा रहे थे और भेड़ डर रहे थे चौकीदार सारे राजनीति कर रहे थे प्रायोजित कार्यक्रम में व्यस्त थे सब चाटुकार ऑक्सीजन की कमी से तब लोग मर रहे थे जिंदगी भर जिसने भगवान को था पोसा वक्त आने पर किया वैक्सीन पर भरोसा पोथियां गल चुकी थीं ग्रंथ सड़ चुके थे भगवान के घरों पर ताले जड़ चुके थे वीरान गालियां और सुनी सी डगर थी जिंदगी का पता न मौत की खबर थी कब्र में सुकूँ न श्मशान में जगह थी प्रार्थनाएं व्यर्थ थीं दुआएं बेअसर थीं भगवान के चेले और माटी के लाल छुप गये बिलों में अल्लाह के दलाल कोविड की लिस्ट में जिसका भी नाम आया भगवान लापता था विज्ञान ही काम आया न आया कोई अवतार न देवता ही उतर पाये, न हुआ कोई कमाल न खुदा ही नजर आए जड़ दो अब ताले खुदा की दुकान पर, मर चुका है ईश्वर लिख दो हर मकान पर ईश्वर का नाम था हर सख्श की जुबान पर, लेकिन वो बैठा रहा सातवें आसमान पर -शकील प्रेम
निम्नलिखित हिंदी जैसे उर्दू शब्दों के लिए हिंदी शब्दों की एक तालिका है। आपको शब्दों पर ध्यान देने और दैनिक उपयोग में हिंदी संस्करण का उपयोग करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है। Following is a table of hindi words for hindi-like Urdu words. You are encouraged to give attention to the words and use hindi version in daily use. Gradually English words shall be added to search and find nearest hindi words.
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
अक़्ल | बुद्धि, तर्क, ज्ञान | जा’ल | नकली |
अकबर | महानतर, Greater | जवान | युवा, किशोर |
अकसर | अधिकतर, आमतौर पर, बहुत, बार बार | जवाब | उत्तर, समता, बराबर, समानांतर |
अख्ज़ | पकड़नेवाला, लेनेवाला, छीनने वाला, लोभी | जवाहर | रत्न, मणि |
अख़बार | समाचार, समाचारपत्र | जश्न | उत्सव, भोज |
अगर | यदि, तथापि | जोश | गर्मी, तत्परता, उत्साह, आवेग, लालसा |
अगल़ात | अशुद्धियां (गल़त का बहुवचन) | जिस्म | शरीर |
अर्जमन्द | महान | जुस्तजू | खोज, पूछ ताछ, तलाश |
अऱ्ज | धरती, क्षेत्र, पृथ्वी | जहन्नुम | नरक |
अजनबी | आंगतुक, विदेशी, परदेसी | जहाज़ | पोत, नाव |
अज़ल | अनन्तकाल, सनातनत्व, नित्यता | जहान | संसार |
अजब | कौतुक, आश्चर्य, असाधारण | जाहिल | मूर्ख, अनपढ़, जंगली अशिष्ट |
अजीब | आश्चर्यजनक, अद्भुत, निराला | ज़ौ | प्रकाश, सूर्य का प्रकाश |
अज़ाब | पीड़ा, सन्ताप, दंड | ज़’इफ़ | निर्बल, अपंग, असहाय, क्षीणशक्ति, वृद्ध, दुर्बल |
अज़ीज़ | प्रिय, माननीय, आदरणीय, गुणवान | ज़ा’इ | पराजय, विनष्ट, फलहीन, व्यर्थ |
अज़ीम | महान, विशाल, उच्च मर्यादा वाला | ज़ाकिर | कृतज्ञ, याद करते हुए |
अटक | विघ्न, बाधा | ज़ाकिर | कृतज्ञजन, भगवान् की प्रशंसा की कविता |
अत्त्फ़ाल | बच्चे, संतति (तिफ़्ल का बहुवचन) | ज़ीक़ | शोक, सन्ताप, विषाद, उदासी |
अत्फ़ | दया, भेंट, प्रेम, कृपा | ज़िक्र | स्मरण, सुध, याद, क़ुरान का पाठ |
अदा | ऋण चुकाना, निबटारा | ज़ुकाम | ठंड लगना (बीमारी) |
अदा | मनोहरता, श्रृंगार, सुन्दरता | ज़ौक़ | स्वाद, स्र्चि |
अदीब | विद्वान | ज़ख्म़ | घाव, हानी, क्षति |
अदालत | न्यायालय, न्याय, कानून | ज़ात | आत्मा, स्वयं, जाति, वर्ग |
अदम | शून्य, अस्तित्वहीन, अभाव | ज़ाति | अंतर्जात, पैदायशी, स्वाभाविक, प्राकृतिक |
अन्जाम | अन्त, परिणाम, फल | ज़दा | चोट खाया हुआ, दलित |
अन्जुमन | परिषद, सभा, सम्मेलन | ज़ि | विपरीत, विस्र्द्ध, प्रतिकूल, असंगत, हठ |
अन्दाज़ा | अनुमान, आंकना, माप | ज़ूद | शीघ्र, अचानक, तुरन्त |
अन्दर | भीतर | ज़न्जीर | कड़ी |
अफ़स़ना | कहानी, कल्पित कथा | ज़न्न | सन्देह |
अफ़सुर्दा | उदास, विषाद | ज़िन्दां | कारागार, बन्दीगृह |
अफ़सोस | शोक, पछतावा, उदासी | ज़िन्दा | सजीव, प्राणी |
अब | अभी, वर्तमान | ज़िन्दगी | जीवन, जीविका, अस्तित्व |
अब्तर | नष्ट,बिखारा हुआ, मूल्यहीन | ज़िन्हार | कभी नहीं, किसी तरह भी नहीं |
अबद | अनन्तकाल | ज़िन्हार | सावधान! |
अब्र | बादल | ज़ीनत | सजावट, सुन्दरता |
अब्रू | भौंह | ज़फ़र | विजय, जीत, लाभ |
अब्सार | आंखें (बसर का बहुवचन) | ज़ु’फ़ | निर्बलता |
अब्ना | बेटे (इब्न का बहुवचन),सन्धि,सहमति, घटना, संयोग, अवसर | ज़बान | जीभ, भाषा, मोमबत्ती की ज्वाला |
अबस | लाभहीन, बेकार, व्यर्थ, तुच्छ | ज़बर | श्रेष्ठ, महान, चोटी, ऊपर, उत्तम |
अब्द | दास, प्रमात्मा का दास | ज़बर्दस्त | शक्तिपूर्ण, प्रबल, क्रूर, उत्तम |
अमलन | यथार्थ में, सच में, सत्यता पूर्वक | ज़ाबित | संचालक, स्वामी, अधिकारी |
अमानत | धरोहर | ज़ाबित | कठोर, धैर्यवान, नियम का पालन करने वाला, अनुशासक |
अऱ्ज | याचना, विनय, विनती, परखना, प्रदर्शन | ज़ाबिता | नियम, रीति, अनुशासन, धर्मसंहिता |
अर्श | छत, छत्र, सर्वोच्च स्वर्ग | ज़ेबा | अलंकृत, सुन्दर, उचित, सुशोभित |
अरमान | इच्छा, लालसा, आशा | ज़माना | समय, काल, काल चक्र |
अल्फ़ाज़ | शब्द (ल्फ़ज़ का बहुवचन) | ज़मानत | प्रतिज्ञापत्र, विश्वास |
अल | कला | ज़मीन | भूमि, धरती, पृथ्वी |
अलीम | बुद्धिमान, विद्वान | ज़मीर | मन, हृदय, विचार, मनन, बोध |
अव्वल | प्रथम, सर्वश्रेष्ठ, अतिउत्तम | ज़ामिन | धर्मपिता, प्रतिभू, जमानतदार, विश्वास दिलाने वाला |
अश्फ़ाक | सहारा,अनुग्रह, कृपा (शफ़क का बहुवचन) | ज़्यादा | अधिकता, अत्याधिकता, अतिशय |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
अश्क़िया | क्रूर, कठोरहृदय | ज़िया | प्रकाश, चमक, धूमधाम |
अश्क | आँसू | ज़ियारत | तीर्थयात्रा, धर्मस्थल पर जाना |
असद | सिंह, शेर | ज़र | स्वर्ण, सोना |
असरार | भेद (बहुवचन) | ज़र्ब | घाव, चोट, पिटाई, प्रभाव, चिन्ह(ज़र्बात का बहुवचन) |
असफ़ार | यात्रायें (सफ़र का बहुवचन) | ज़रर | घाव, हानि, विपदा, क्षति, शोक, व्यथा, पराजय, विनाश, बरबादी |
अस्क़ाम | बुराइयां, कमज़ोरियां, कमियां | ज़रिफ़ | तीक्ष्ण, सूक्ष्म, कोमल |
असीर | कैदी, बन्दी | ज़रूर | आवश्यक, उचित, योग्य, निस्संदेह रूप से, पूर्ण रूप से |
अस्हाब | मालिक, स्वामी (साहिब का बहुवचन) | ज़रूरत | आवश्यकता, विवशता, चाहत |
अस्ल | मूल, नींव, मूलतत्त्व | ज़ार | रोना, विलाप, उपवन, लालसा, इच्छा |
अस्ली | मौलिक, मूल, वास्तविक, सत्य, खरा | ज़ेर | हारा हुआ, दबा हुआ, कमज़ोर |
असर | चिन्ह, निशान, लक्षण, प्रभाव | ज़ोर | शक्ति, बल, प्रभाव, दबाव |
असास | नींव | ज़लाल | गलती, भूल, अवगुण, खोट |
अस्बाब | कारण, वजह, साधन | ज़लील | नीच, घृणित, दुष्ट, अधम, तुच्छ |
अहज़ान | दु:ख (बहुवचन)(हुज़्न का बहुवचन) | ज़ालिम | क्रूर, अत्याचारी |
अत्र | सुगन्धि | ज़िल्लत | मानहानि, अपमान, अनादर, नीचता |
आईना | दर्पण | ज़ुल्फ़ | घुंघराले बाल, लटाएं, केश, छल्ला |
आक़िबत | अन्त, परिणाम, भविष्य | ज़ुल्म | अत्याचार, क्रूरता |
आक़िल | बुद्धिमान | ज़ह्मत | मन की परेशानी, विपदा, दर्द |
आख़िर | अन्त, अन्तिम | ज़हर | विष |
आग | अग्नि, ज्वाला(क्रोध,वासना,प्रेम,आवेग,जोश) | ज़हीर | साथी, मित्र, सहयोगी |
आगा़ज | आरम्भ, | ज़ाहिर | स्पष्ट, समक्ष, प्रत्यक्ष |
आगो़श | आलिंगन, गोद, छाती | ज़ाहिरा | स्पष्ट रूप से, प्रत्यक्ष रूप से |
आँच | ज्वाला, उष्णता, उत्साह, हानि, दु:ख | जेह़न | बुद्धि, तर्क, समझ, विवेक |
आंचल | दोपट्टे का कोना | झऱ्फ | गहरा, भेदता हुआ, तीव्रबुद्धि |
आज़ | प्रचण्ड इच्छा, लोभ, ल्प्सिा | झियां | क्रोधी, भीषण, लुटेरा, दास्र्ण |
आज़र्दाह | उदास, दु:खित, खीजा हुआ, व्याकुल,बेचैन | झाला | ओले, ओस, कोहरा |
आज़माईश | प्रयत्न, प्रयोग, जाँच, सिद्ध करना | झोलीदा | बिखरा हुआ, गूढ़, उलझा हुआ, पेचीदा |
आज़ाद | स्वतन्त्र, बाधारहित | टक्कर | मुठभेड़, शत्रुता, स्पर्धा, प्रतिद्वन्दता, भिड़ना |
आजिज़ | शक्तिहीन, उदासीन | टुकड़ा | एक भाग, एक कौर, एक अंश, खंड |
आज़िम | दृढ़ता, सुनिश्चित | टांग | लात, एक भाग |
आतिश | आग | टूट | टूटना, दरार, हानि |
आदत | रीति, आचरण, प्रयोग, प्रवृति | टेढ़ | चालाकी, ठगी |
आदमी | व्यक्ति | टपकना | रिसना, बूंद बूंद कर गिरना, फल का झरना |
आदमियत | मनुष्यत्त्व, मनुष्यता, शिष्टता | ठिकाना | घर, स्थान, लक्ष्य, सीमा |
आदाब | आचरण (अदब का बहुवचन) | ठोकर | स्र्कावट, खुराघात, अटक के लुढ़कना |
आदिल | न्यायपूर्ण, सच्चा, नेक, निष्कपट | ठंड | शीत, शीतल |
आंधी | धूल भरी तेज़ हवा, अंधड | डाका | डकैती, लूट |
आप | स्वयं, किसी को सम्मान से सम्बोधित करना | डगर | रास्ता, पथ, सड़क |
आफ़ताब | सूर्य | डाबर | झील, तालाब, पानी के लिये बर्तन |
आफ़ात | दुर्भाग्य, कठिनाइयां, बुराइयां (आफ़त का बहुवचन) | डर | भय |
आब | पानी,चमक,सुन्दरता,तलवार की धार | ताब | ताप, शक्ति, धीरज, क्रोध |
आब-ए-आईना | दर्पण की चमक | ताबिश | ताप, वैभव, शोक, दु:ख |
आब-ए-चश्म | आंसू | तासीर | प्रभाव, छाप |
आब-ए-तल्ख़ | कड़वा पानी, आंसू, शराब | ताज | मुकुट |
आबरू | आन, प्रसिद्धी, मर्यादा | तारीख | तिथि, इतिहास वर्णक्रम से लिखा हुआ |
आबाद | बसा हुआ, प्रसन्न, समृद्ध | तारीक | अन्धेरा, धुंधला |
आम | साधारण, जनता, सामन्य, सार्वत्रिक | ताज़ा | नया, नरम, प्रसन्न, ताजा |
आयन्दा | भविष्य में, आगे, इसके बाद | ताक | दृष्टि, मान, लक्ष्य, दृष्य |
आरज़ू | इच्छा, लालसा, आशा, अभिलाषा | तबाह | विनष्ट, बिगड़ा हुआ, बुरा, दुष्ट |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
आरा | सजावट, शोभना | तब्दील | बदलना |
आराईश | सजावट, सुन्दरता, सुशोभित | तबस्सुम | मुस्कुराना, प्रसन्नचित्त भाव |
आराम | विश्राम, सुख, चैन, सुगमता | तज़ुर्बा | प्रयोग, प्रमाण, अनुभव, जांच |
आलम | संसार, सृष्टि, प्रान्त, सुन्दरता, समयकाल | तोहफ़ा | उपहार |
आलाप | बात-चीत, स्वर मिलाना | तख्त़ | सिंहासन, आसन |
आलिम | विद्वान, बुद्धिमान, सुबोध | तद्बीर | विमर्श, विचार, शिक्षा, उपाय, आज्ञा, प्रबन्ध |
आली | उच्च, महान, भव्य, विशाल, उत्तम | तराना | धुन, स्वर समता, एक प्रकार का गाना |
आवाज़ | शोर, ध्वनि, चीख, पुकार | तर्जुमान | अनुवादक |
आवाज़ह | चर्चा, अफवाह, प्रसिद्धि, विवरण | तर्स | भय, आंतक |
आवारा | बिना घरबार के, घुमक्कड़, हीन | तर्स | दया, कृपा, क्षमा |
आश्ना | परिचित, मित्र, प्रेमी | तरक़्क़ी | ऊंचाई, उन्नति, वृद्धि, सुधार |
आशिक़ | प्रेमी, विवाहार्थी | तरकीब | संयोजन, मिश्रण, व्यवस्था, योजना, विधि |
आशियाना | घोंसला, घर | तसल्ली | ढाढस, सन्तोष, आश्वासन |
आशुफ़्ता | बौख़लाया हुआ, घबराया हुआ, भ्रमित | तस्लीम | नम्स्कार, अभिनन्दन, स्मर्पण, अधीनता |
आस | उम्मीद, आशा, भरोसा, शरण | तश्रीफ़ | सम्मान करते हुए |
आसमान | आकाश, स्वर्ग | तिश्नगी | तृष्णा, प्यास, लालसा, अभिलाषा |
आसमानी | स्वैर्गिक, खगोली, अन्तिरिक्ष सम्बन्धी, नीला | तसव्वुर | कल्पना, दिवास्वप्न, विचार |
आसरा | सुरक्षा, शरण, जीने का साधन | तसव्वुफ़ | सूफ़ीपन, रहस्यवाद, गूढ़ ज्ञान |
आसान | सरल, सुगम, सहज | तस्वीर | चित्र, रेखाचित्र, छवि |
आसिम | पापी, दोषी | त’अज्जुब | अचम्भा, विस्मय, आश्चय |
आसूदाह | समृद्ध, अमीर, सन्तुष्ट | दाख़िल | प्रेवश करना |
आंसू | अश्रु | दाद | न्याय, बदला, दुहाई, प्रशंसा |
आह | निश्वास, दीर्घश्वास | दार | फांसी का तख्ता, लकड़ी |
आहिस्ता | धीमे से, मृदुलता, आराम से | दार | घर, देश |
इक़बाल | सौभाग्य, समृद्धि, सफलता, स्वीकृति | दारा | अधिकारी, राजा, अधिपति |
इक़रार | शपथ, सौगन्ध, घोषणा, स्वीकृति, प्रण | दारू | शराब, दवाई, उपचार |
इक़्तिज़ा | आवश्यकता, माँग, चाह | दास्तां | कहानी, कथा, किस्सा |
इख्लास | प्रेम, सच्चाई, शुद्धता, निष्ठता, | दाग | निशान, घाव का चिन्ह, कलंक, दोष, विपदा, हानि, शोक |
इख्त़ियार | शंक्ति, अधिकार, विकल्प, मरज़ी, प्र | दाम | जाल, फन्दा |
इज़्ज़त | मान, मर्यादा, प्रसिद्धि, कीर्ति, यश | दाम | कीमत, मूल्य |
इज़्हार | बताना, प्रकटीकरण, वर्णन, घोषणा | दामन | आंचल, किनारा, गोद, अंक, तलहटी |
इजाज़(एजाज़) | अचम्भा, चमत्कार, कौतुक | दाना | बुद्धिमान, ज्ञानी |
इजाज़त | अनुमति, स्वीकृती, आज्ञा देना | दानिस्ता | जानते हुए |
इज़्तिराब | अशान्ति, चिन्ता, घबराहट, बेचैनी | दानिश | ज्ञान, विज्ञान, शिक्षा |
इज़्तिरार | बन्धन, विविशता, अकुलाहट | दा’इम | अनन्त, स्थायी |
इत्माम | सम्पूर्णता, सिद्धि, प्रवीणता | दख़ल | प्रवेश करना, पहुंच, कला |
इत्लाफ़ | हानि, उजड़ना, नाश | दर | द्वार, दरवाज़ा |
इतराज़(एतराज़) | विरोधता, आलोचना | न’अश | ताबूत, शव, अर्थी |
इताब | क्रोध, अप्रसन्नता, डाँट, दोष लगाना | न’ईम | आनन्द, सुलभता, शान्ति |
इतिबार(एतबार) | विश्वास, भरोसा, आसरा | ना | (नकारत्मक) नहीं, न |
इत्तिका | सहारा, आसरा | नाआश्ना | अजनबी, अपरिचित |
इत्तिफ़ाक़ | संयोग | नाइत्तिफ़ाक़ी | असहमति, मतभेद |
इत्तिफ़ाक़न | सांयोगिक, अकस्मात से | नाइन्साफ़ी | अन्याय |
इत्तिहाम | दोष, दोषारोपण | नाइब | सहायक, प्रतिनिधि, उपअधिकारी |
इत्तिहाद | संधि, एकता, मित्रता | नाओ | नाव, पोत, जहाज |
इद्राक | समझ बूझ, बोध | नाओनोश | बहुत शराब पीना, दावत उड़ाते हुए |
इन्कार | अस्वीकार, विरोध | नाउम्मीद | निराशा, आशाहीन |
इन्क़िलाब | क्रान्ति | नि’अम | लाभ, हित |
इन्तज़ार | प्रतीक्षा | नौ | नया, ताजा, कच्चा |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
इन्तिक़ाम | बदला, प्रतिशोध | नक्बत | दुर्भाग्य, विपदा |
इन्तिख़ाब | चयन, चुनाव, पसन्द | नक़्ल | वर्णन, कथा, अनुकरण, प्रतिरूप |
इन्तिज़ाम | व्यवस्था, प्रबन्ध, ढंग, क्रम | नक़्ली | बनावटी, कृत्रिम, जाली, झूठा |
इन्सान | मानव, मनुष्य जाति | नक़्श | चित्र, चिन्ह, नक्शा |
इन्सानियत | मानवता, शिष्टता, सुशीलता | नक़्शा | चित्र, छवि, नमूना, रूप उदाहरण |
इनाद | विरोधता, दुश्मनी, वैर, लाग | नाक(शब्द के अन्त में) | द्वारा प्रभावित, से भरा हुआ |
इनाम | पुरस्कार, भेंट, पारितोषिक | नाक़द्र | अधन्यवादी |
इफ़्तखार | मान, कीर्ति, विशिष्ठता, ख्याति | नाक़ाबिल | अयोग्य, अनुपयुक्त, अक्षम |
इफ़्रात | अधिकता, बाहुल्य, बहुतायत | नाकाम | असफल |
इऱ्फान | ज्ञान, विज्ञान, बुद्धि | नाकस | मूल्यहीन, घटिया |
इफ़्फ़त | शुद्धता, पवित्रता, सतीत्व | निकाह | विवाह |
इब्न | पुत्र | नुक्ता | सूक्ष्मता, गूढ़ता, टिप्पणी |
इब्रत | चेतावनी, डांट | नुक्ताचीं | दोष लगाने वाला, समीक्षा करने का इच्छुक |
इब्तिदा | अनुष्ठान, आरम्भ | नुक्तादां | बुद्धिमान |
इब्तिसाम | मुस्कुराहट, उल्लास | नुक्ताबीं | अतिअलोचनात्मक |
इब्तिला | दुर्भाग्य, कष्ट, पीड़ा | नुक़्सान | हानि |
इबादत | प्रार्थना, उपासना | नेक | अच्छा, भाग्यवान, पुण्यात्मा, सच्चिरित्र |
इबारत | बोली भाषा, शैली, रचना | नख़रा | अकड़पन, चालाकी, बहाना, डींग हांकना |
इमान | विश्वास, धर्म मत, अंत:करण | नाख़ुशी | अप्रसन्नता, अप्रियता |
इम्तिहान | परीक्षा, प्रयोग, जाँच, प्रमाण | नाखून | नख, पंजा |
इम्तियाज़ | अन्तर, अन्तर करने वाला, विशिष्ठता | नग्मा | धुन, गाना, संगीत का सुर |
इमारत | भवन | नागवार | अरूचिकर, बेस्वाद |
इल्म | ज्ञान, विज्ञान, मत, सिद्धान्त | निगार | चित्र, छवि, प्रेमिका, प्रिय |
इल्लत | दोष, बुरी आदत, बीमारी, बहाना, आधार | निगाह | दृष्टि, दृश्य, रक्षण, देख भाल |
इल्तिफ़ात | मित्रता, आदर, दया, कृपा, अनुग्रह | निगाहबां | रक्षक, देख भाल करने वाला |
इलाक़ा | क्षेत्र, अधिकारस्क्षेत्र, भूमि, भूसंपत्ति | नाच | नृत्य |
इलाज | उपचार, चिकित्सा, प्रतिविष | नाचार | अक्षम, निर्बल, लाचार, असहाय |
इलान(एलान) | बताना, मुनादी, घोषणा | नाचीज़ | तुच्छ, मूल्यहीन |
इश्क़ | प्रेम | नज़दीक | समीप |
इश्तियाक़ | चाह, इच्छा, लालसा | नज्म | तारा, ग्रह, भविष्य, कुंडली |
इश्तिहार | विज्ञापन, प्रसिद्धि, ख्याति | नज्म् | कविता, छन्द, क्रम, प्रबन्ध |
इश्फ़ाक़ | दया, अनुकम्पा, दयालुता | नज़र | दृष्टि, दीखना, कृपा, दृश्य, उद्येश, अनुग्रह |
इशारा | इंगित, चिन्ह, संकेत | नज़ाकत | स्वच्छता, नम्रता, कोमलता |
ईशाद | आज्ञा, आदेश, पथपर्दशन | नज़ाफ़त | शुद्धता, स्वच्छता |
इस्राफ़ | अतिव्यय, उड़ाना, उजाड़ना | नज़ारा | दृश्य |
इस्रार | हठता, ज़ि , अविनय, दृढ़ाग्रह | नजीब | श्लाघापात्र, उत्तम, कृपालु |
इस्तिफ़ा | पदत्याग | नाज़ | गर्व, घमंड, कोमलता, सुन्दरता, शेखी, अकड़ |
इस्बात | प्रमाण, साक्ष्य, सबूत | नाजाइज़(नाजायज़) | अनुचित |
इस्तिमाल | बरतना, बर्ताव, प्रयोग में लाना | नाज़िश | घमंड, गर्व |
इरादा | लक्ष्य, उद्येश्य, कामना, लालसा, इच्छा | नाज़ुक | पतला, दुबला, कोमल, सहज में टूटने वाला |
इश्रत | आनन्द, मनोरंजन, हुलास, चुहल, समाज | निज़ाम | प्रणाली, क्रम, रीति, प्रबन्ध |
इश्राक़ | उषा, प्रभात, चमक | नौजवानी | यौवन, तस्र्णाई |
उक़ूबत | दंड, सजा, उत्पीड़न, यातना | नताईज | परिणाम, फल (नतीजा का बहुवचन) |
उजाड़ | बंजर, विरान, निर्ज | नतीजा | परिणाम |
उर्दू | सेना, शिवर | नातमाम | अपूर्ण |
उफ़्क | क्षितिज | नातर्स | कठोर हृदय, दयाहीन, कठोर |
उफ़्ताद | दुर्भाग्य, दुर्घटना, नींव | नातवानी | अक्षमता, निर्बलता, असामर्थ्य |
उम्मीद | आशा, प्रतीक्षा, विश्वास | नाता | सम्बन्ध, मित्रता, सम्बन्धी, मोह |
उम्र | आयु | नाताक़त | अशक्त, क्षीण |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
उबाल | क्रोध, रोष, खौल | नदीम | घनिष्ठ मित्र |
उरियां | नग्नता, खाली, शून्य, विहीन | नादान्स्तिा | अज्ञानतावश, अनजाने में |
उरूज | उदय, महानता, गौरवान्वित | नादानी | अज्ञानता, अनाड़ीपन |
उस्ताद | अध्यापक, गुस्र् | नादारी | गरीबी, निर्धनता, दीनता |
एहतियाज | आवश्यकता | नादिम | लज्जाशील, नम्र, लज्जित |
एहतियात | सावधानी, ध्यान रखना | नादिर | दुर्लभ, अमूल्य, अनूठा |
एहसास | भावना, मनोभाव | नादीदा | लालची |
एहसान | उपकार, कृपा, अनुग्रह | नौनिहाल | पौधा, पनीरी, किशोर |
ऐयाश | विलासी, लुच्चा, लंपट, विषयासक्त | नापसन्द | अस्वीकृत, भ ा, घृणित |
ऐश | आनन्द, विलास, सुख, भोग | नापाइदारी | निर्बलता, अयोग्यता |
ऐहतमामव्यवस्था | नफ़रत | घृणा, अस्र्चि, भय, त्रास | |
औक़ात | समय (बहुवचन) (वक़्त का बहुवचन) | नफ़्स | आत्मा, सार, प्राण |
औक़ात | स्थिती | नाफ़र्मान | आज्ञा न मानने वाला |
औरत | स्त्री, पत्नी, नग्नता | नाफ़हम | मूर्ख |
औलाद | सन्तान(वलद का बहुवचन) | नाफ़िज़ | प्रभाव होना, भेदता हुआ |
कागज़ | पन्ना, पत्र, लेख्य पत्र | नब्ज़ | नाड़ी की गति, नाड़ी की धड़कन |
कातिब | लेखक, लिपिक | नबी | ईश्वरदूत, भविष्यद्वक्ता |
किताब | पुस्तक, लेख, सन्देश | नाबूद | अस्तित्वहीन, लुप्त, नष्ट |
कदा | स्थान (अधिकतर शब्दान्त में आता है) | नौबहार | वसन्त का आरम्भ |
कन्दा | गढ़ा हुआ, नक्काशीदार | नौबत | बारी, पारी, समय |
किनारा | समुद्र तट, नदी का तट, हाशिया, सीमा | नम | गीलापन, भीगा हुआ, सीलन |
कीना | द्वेष, वैर, लाग | नम | गीला, तर, सीला |
काइल(क़ायल) | स्वीकारना, मानना, पराजित | नमाज़ | प्रार्थना |
क़ाईदा(क़ायदा) | रीति, नियम, आदत, अनुशासन, आचरण | नुमा’इश | दीखाना, तमाशा, दृष्य |
क़ज़ा | भाग्य, अधिकारस्क्षेत्र, ईश्वरीयदंड | नमूना | उदाहरण, प्रतिरूप, मिसाल |
क़ाज़ी | न्यायक | नाम | नाम, उपाधि, प्रतिष्ठा, प्रसिद्धि |
क़त्ल | हत्या, वध | नामन्ज़ूर | निषेधित, वर्जित |
क़ातिल | हत्यारा, वधिक, गुप्तघातक | नामर्द | नपुंसक |
क़द | आकार, ऊंचाई, लम्बाई | नामा | पुस्तक, इतिहास, लेख, निबंध |
क़द्र | मान, मूल्य, प्रतिष्ठा, आदर | नामालूम | अनजाना |
क़दम | चाल, गति, पदचाप | नामुमकिन | असम्भव |
क़ुदरत | शक्ति, सृष्टि, प्रकृति, जगत | नामुराद | असन्तुष्ट |
क़ैद | बन्दी होना, स्र्कावट, नियंत्रण | निम | मध्य, आधा |
क़ानून | नियम, विधान, सिद्धान्त, व्यवस्था | नायाब | दुर्लभ, असाधारण, दुष्प्राप्य |
क़फ़स | पिंजरा, शरीर,जाली | नियाज़ | इच्छा, अनुरोध, निर्धनता, आवश्यकता |
क़ाफ़िया | तुक, तुकबन्दी, छन्द, ताल | नियूश | श्रोता, सुनते हुए |
क़ब्ज़ा | पकड़, शक्ति, अधिकार, तलवार का मुठ्ठा | नीयत | उद्येश, लक्ष्य, आशय, इरादा |
क़ब्र | समाधि | नर | नर, पुस्र्ष |
क़ाबिल | समर्थ, चतुर, योग्य, गुणवान | नर्म | मुलायम, कोमल, धीमा |
क़ाबू | शक्ति, अधिकार, वश, पकड़ | नर्गिस | एक किस्म का फूल, प्रेयसी की आंख |
क़ुबूल | स्वीकार करना, स्वीकृति | नार | अग्नि, नरक |
क़मर | चन्द्रमा | नाराज़ी | असन्तुष्टता |
क़ीमत | मूल्य, उपयोगिता, दाम, लागत | नारास्ती | कपटता, बेईमानी |
क़ौम | राष्ट्र, जनता | निराली | अनूठी, दुर्लभ, असाधारण |
क़यामत | विनाश, मृतोत्थान, उथल-पुथल | नूर | प्रकाश |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
क़ायदा(क़ाईदा) | रीति, नियम, आदत, अनुशासन, आचरण | नालां | विलाप करते हुए, सुबकते हुए |
क़ायम | स्थापित, ठहरा हुआ, दृढ़, टिकाऊ | नालायक़ | अयोग्य, अनुपयुक्त |
क़ायल(काइल) | स्वीकारना, मानना, पराजित | नालिश | आरोप, शिकायत करना |
क़र्ज | ऋण | नीलाम | बोली लगा कर बेचना |
क़रार | निवास, स्थिरता, विश्राम, धीरज, सन्तुष्टि | नवाज़िश | कृपा, दयालुता, संरक्षता |
क़रीब | पास, निकट, समीप, समान, पास आना | नशा | उन्मत्तता, गर्व, घमंड |
क़ुर्बान | बलि, भेंट, बलिदान देना | नशीन | बैठा हुआ |
क़ल्ब | दिल, मन, आत्मा, बुद्धि | नाशाद | अप्रसन्न, उल्लासहीन, निस्र्त्साह |
क़लम | लेखनी, लिखावट | नाशिनास | अज्ञानी |
क़ौल | वादा, शपथ, हामी, शब्द, कहावत, बात | नाशुक्र | कृतघ्न, अधन्यवादी |
क़सम | शपथ | निशान | चिन्ह, संकेत, लक्ष्य, घाव का चिन्ह, दाग, लक्षण |
क़िस्म | जाति, वर्ग, भाग, प्रकृति | निशानी | चिन्ह, यादगार |
क़िस्मत | भाग्य, भाग, सर, श्रेणी | नसीब | भाग्य, भविष्य, होनी |
क़िस्सा | कहानी, कथा, प्रेमकथा, झगड़ा, विवाद | नसीम | मन्द समीर, पछुवा हवा, पश्चिमी वायु |
क़ुसूर | दोष, अवगुण, खोट, भूल, पाप, असफलता | नसीहत | मन्त्रणा, परामर्श, उपदेश |
ख़ाक | धूलि, भूमि, राख | नासबूर | अधीर, व्याकुल |
ख़ंजर | छुरी | नासमझ | अज्ञानी, बुद्धिहीन, मूर्ख |
ख़ज़ां(ख़िज़ां) | पतझड़, वृद्धावस्था, क्षय | नासाज़ | असन्तुष्ट, अस्वस्थ, असभ्य |
ख़जालत | लज्जा, लज्जाशालीनता | नासाफ़ | गन्दा, अशुद्ध, अपवित्र |
ख़जालत | प्रसन्न, शुभ, भाग्यवान | नासूत | मानवता, मानव प्रकृति |
ख़िज़ाना(ख़ज़ाना) | धन संग्रह, कोष, राजकोष | निस्बत | सम्बन्ध, स्मोह, सम्बन्ध लगाना, तुलना |
ख़त | पत्र, चिन्ह, लिखित | निसार | फेंकना, बिखेरना, न्यौछावर करना, छिटकना |
ख़तरा | डर, भय, विपित्ति, जोखिम | नुसर्त | विजय |
ख़त्म | अन्त, पूरा होना, अन्त करना, समाप्ती | निहां | गुप्त, परोक्ष, अप्रकट |
ख़ता | गलती, भूल, लापरवाही | पा | टांग, पांव, पेड़ की जड |
ख़ातिर | हृदय, मन, के लिये, की तरफ से, चयन, हित | पाक | धार्मिक, पवित्र, शुद्ध, निर्मल |
ख़ुत्बा | भाषण, धर्मोपदेश, प्रवेशन, परिचय | पाकीज़ा | शुद्ध, स्वच्छ, निर्मल |
ख़िदमत | सेवा, आवभगत, कर्तव्य, नौकरी | पागल | उन्मादी, मूर्ख |
ख़ुद(ख़ूद) | स्वयं, वक्तिगत, अपना, एकांत | पैगा़म | संदेश, समाचार, विमश |
ख़ुदा | भगवान् | पानी | जल, वर्षा, चमक, चरित्र, मर्यादा |
ख़ुदी(ख़ूदि) | घमंड, अहंकार, मन की चौकसी | पनाह | शरण, सुरक्षा, आश्रम |
ख़ानदान | कुल, परिवार, वंश | पाबन्द | बन्धित, जंजीर में जकड़ा हुआ, अधीन |
ख़ाना | घर, कमरा, विभाग, हिस्सा | पामाल | पैरों के नीचे कुचला हुआ, नष्ट हुआ |
ख़ानुम(ख़ानम) | श्रीमति, राजकुमारी, पत्नी | पैमान | वचन, प्रतिज्ञा, सन्धि, स्वीकृति, पुष्टिकरण |
ख़ून | रक्त, हत्या | पयाम | संदेश |
ख़फ़ा | छिपाव, गुप्तता, क्रोधित, अप्रसन्न | पायाब | कम गहरा, मानव की गहराई |
ख़बर | समाचार, ज्ञान, सूचना, वर्णन, लोकवाद, चर्चा | परख़ना | परीक्षा लेना |
ख़ूब | बढ़िया, अच्छा, उत्तम, सुन्दर, मनभावन | पर्दा | चिक, घूघंट, गुप्तता, एकान्तता, ओट |
ख़ाम | कच्चा, हरा, नौसिखिया, अदक्ष, घमंडी | परवरिश | पालना, पोषण करना, पोषण, रक्षा करना |
ख़ामोश | चुप्प | परवाना | पतंगा, अधिकार, आज्ञा, प्रेमी |
ख़ुमार | नशा | परस्तिश | पूजा, अराधना |
ख़याल | विचार, कल्पना, मत, देखभाल, मान | पार | दूसरा किनारा, अन्त, समाप्ति |
ख़ियाबां | पुष्पवाटिका, फूलों की क्यारी | पारदारी | पक्षपात, पक्ष, अनुग्रह |
ख़रीद | खरीदना, मोल लेना, मोल ली हुई वस्तु | परीवश | सुन्दर, परी जैसी |
ख़राब | बुरा, दुष्ट, बरबाद हुआ, बिगड़ा हुआ, अशिष्ट, अश्लील | परेशान | व्याकुल, चिन्तित |
ख़ुर्रम | प्रसन्न | पल | क्षण |
ख़ैर | अच्छा, अतिउत्तम | पलक | बरौनी, एक क्षण, निमिष |
ख़ैर | कुशल क्षेम, कल्याण, हित, आनंद | पशेमान | पश्चातापी, लज्जित, पछतावा करने वाला |
ख़लास | उद्धार, सवतन्त्रता, मुक्ति | पेशा | कला, व्यवसाय, काम-धन्धा |
ख़ालिस | शुद्ध, असल, खरा, निष्कपट(मित्र) | पसंद | चाहत, स्वीकृति, ग्राह्यता |
ख़लिश | चुभन, पीड़ा, चिन्ता, शंका | पसीना | स्वेद |
ख़िलाफ़ | विरोध, विपक्षता, असत्यता | पास | रक्षण, निरीक्षण, ध्यान करना |
ख़िलाफ़ | विस्र्द्ध | पासबान | संतरी, चौकीदार |
ख्व़ाब | नींद, स्वप्न | पहलू | पक्ष, लाभ, सेना का पक्ष |
ख्व़ार | दुष्ट, उजाड़, मित्रहीन, निर्धन | फ़ाइक़(फ़ायक़) | श्रेष्ठ, महान |
ख्व़ाहिश | लालसा, इच्छा, अनुनय, विनय, मांग | फ़ाइदा(फ़ायदा) | लाभ, हित, उपयोगिता |
ख़ुश | प्रसन्न, मनभावन | फ़क्र | निर्धनता |
ख़ुश्क | सूखा, निर्जल, मुर्झाया हुआ, चिड़चिड़ा आदमी | फ़ाक़ा | भूख, व्रत, निर्धनता |
ख़ुर्शीद | सूर्य | फ़िक्र | विचार, चिन्ता, मति, राय |
ख़स्ता | घायल, टूटा हुआ, जरजर, उदासीन | फ़ख्ऱ | मान,अहंकार यश, गौरव |
ख़ास | विशेष, व्यक्तिगत, विशिष्ट, अमिश्रित, श्रेष्ठजन | फ़ाख़िर | अभिमानी |
गज़ | नापने वाला गज | फ़िगार | दु:खित, घायल, चिन्तित |
गज़ीदा | डंक लग हुआ, काट खाया हुआ | फ़ुगां | दर्द भरी पुकार, स्र्दन, गोहार |
गुज़र | जाना, एक रास्ता, एक जीवन | फ़ज़ | स्र्दन, रोना, विलाप |
गुज़ारा | जीविका, जीवन निर्वाह, रास्ता, घर | फ़ज़ल | श्रेष्ठता, गुण, सुबुद्धि, पुण्य |
गुज़ारिश | अनुनय, विनय, प्रार्थना, वर्णन | फ़ाज़िल | प्रवीण, निपुण, सच्चरित्र |
गुज़ीदा | चुना हुआ, निर्वाचित | फ़ैज़ | स्वतन्त्रता, सुन्दरता, उदारता |
गुनाह | दोष, पाप, अपराध | फ़ौज | सेना, भीड़, जनता |
गुफ़्तगू | बातचीत, उपदेश | फ़त्वा | न्यायिक आदेश |
गुम | खोया हुआ, बेसुध, अनुपस्थित, लापता | फ़ित्ना | विद्रोह, दंगा, लुभाव, झगड़ा, बुरापन |
गुमगश्ता | भटकता हुआ, खोया हुआ | फ़ितरत | स्वभाव, कपट, रचना, बुद्धि |
गुमनाम | नामहीन, अज्ञात, अविदित, प्रतिष्ठाहीन | फ़िदा | बलि, फिरौती, श्रद्धा, परिवर्तन |
गुमराह | भटका हुआ, खोया हुआ, दुष्ट, नीच | फ़िदाई | प्रेमी |
गुमसुम | मौन, शान्त | फ़ऱ्क | अन्तर, दूरी, जुदाई, दोष |
गुमान | सन्देह, शंका, कल्पना, गर्व, विचार, अविश्वास | फ़ऱ्ज | कर्तव्य, नौतिक कर्तव्य, नियम |
गोया | वाग्मी, सुवक्ता, बोलते हुए | फ़र्माइश | मांग, प्रयोजन, आनन्द, इच्छा |
गर्द | धूल, तुच्छ | फ़र्मान | आदेश, राजघोषणा |
गर्दन | ग्रीवा | फ़र्याद(फ़रियाद) | दुखड़ा कहना, पुकार |
गर्दिश | चक्कर, घुमाव, दुर्भाग्य, आवारापन | फ़रिश्ता | देवदूत, संदेश लाने वाला दूत, ईश्वरदूत, भविष्यद्वक्ता |
गर्म | उष्ण, जलना, प्रचण्ड, तीव्र, उत्साहपूर्ण, सजीव | फ़रेब | धोखा, चालाकी, ठगी, कपट |
गिर्द | परिधि, गोल, परिप्रदेश, नगरोपान्त | फ़रो | नीच |
गिर्दाब | भंवर, अतल समुद्र, बवंडर | फ़िरदौस | स्वर्ग, उपवन |
गिरह | गांठ, जोड़, अंगुली का जोड़ | फ़िराक़ | जुदाई, चिन्ता, विरह, दूरी, अनुपस्थिती |
गिरया | रोना, विलाप करना, स्र्दन, फरियाद | फ़ुऱ्कत | जुदाई, अनुपस्थिती(प्रेम में), विरह |
गिरां | अमूल्य, महंगा, बहुमूल्य, भारी, महत्वपूर्ण | फ़ुर्सत | अवसर, अवकाश, विश्राम |
गिरियां | रोते हुए, चीखते हुए | फ़ौरन | तुरन्त, शीघ्रता से, स्पष्टता से |
गिरौ | वचन, गिरवी | फ़लक | आकाश, स्वर्ग, भाग्य |
गिरिफ़्तार | बन्दी बनाना, पकड़ना, वश होना, सम्मोहित, बन्दी | फ़ुवाद | हृदय |
गीर | विजयी, लेने वाला, अधिकारी, छीनने वाला | फ़ाश | सन्मुख, ज्ञात, प्रसिद्ध |
गुल | गुलाब, फूल, गहना, छाप | फ़साना | प्रेमकथा, कहानी, किस्सा |
गुलज़ार | उपवन, फूलों की क्यारी | फ़ासिला | दूरी, अन्तर, पृथकता |
गुलदस्ता | फूलों का गुच्छा | फ़ैसला | निर्णय, आदेश, सन्धि |
गुलबदन | कोमल, सुडौल, सुन्दर | फ़हम | समझ, बुद्धि |
गिला | रोष, शिकायत, अभियाग, दोष | ब | द्वारा, साथ, से, में, अन्दर, समीप, ऊपर, के लिए, के तरफ़ (उपसर्ग में प्रयोग होता है) |
गुलशन | फूलों या गुलाबों का उपवन | बा | के साथ, के द्वारा, का अधिकारी |
गुलाब | गुलाब | बि | द्वारा, साथ, से, में, अन्दर, समीप , ऊपर, के लिए, के तरफ़ (उपसर्ग में प्रयोग होता है) |
गुलिस्तां | गुलाबों का उपवन | बे | (उपसर्ग) बिना, न होना |
गवारा | मनभावन, सम्मत, सुहावना, कोमलता | बे अदब | अशिष्ट, असभ्य |
गवाह | साक्षी | बे आबरू | नीच, कलंकित अपमानकारक |
गवाही | प्रमाण, साक्ष्य | बे अन्दाज़ा | अन्तहीन, अपार |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
गोश | कान | बे इख्त़ियारी | असहाय |
गोशा | कोना, कोण, कोठरी, एकान्तता | बे इज़्ज़त | अप्रतिष्ठित, मान रहित |
गुस्ताख़ी | अभद्रता, घमंड, धृष्टता | बे इत्तिफ़ाक़ी | फूट, मतभेद |
गुसार | छीनता हुआ, छितरता हुआ, दूर होता हुआ | बे इन्साफ़ | अन्याय |
गेसू | लटाएं, केशों के छल्ले | बे इम्तियाज़ | अविवेकी, बुद्धिहीन |
गैहान | संसार, सृष्टि | बे इमान | अविश्वसनीय, झूठा, ठग |
ग़़जल | कविता | बे इहतियाती | असावधान |
गद्दार | राजद्रोही, विश्वासघाती, अविश्वसनीय | बे एतिबार | अविश्वसनीय, विश्वास न करना |
ग़़फलत | असावधानी, ऊंघ, अचेतनता | बांका | धोखेबाज, मुड़ा हुआ, कपटी, चालाक |
गम़ | शोक, दु:ख, चिन्ता | बाक़ी | अनन्त, शेष, बकाया |
गम़ख्व़ार | दिलासा देते हुए | बे क़द्र | निर्मूल्य |
गम़गुस्सार | दिलासा देने वाला | बे क़रार | बेचैन, उतावला |
गम़दीदा | दु:खित, व्यथित | बे कस | अकेला, मित्रहीन |
गम़्माज़ | भेदिया, चुगलीबाज | बे कार | व्यर्थ, बेरोजगार, आलसी |
गा़यब | गुप्त, छिपा हुआ, अनुपस्थित | बे क़ुसूर | निर्दोष, नाद |
गु़बार | वाष्प, धुंध, फुहार, धूल, दु:ख | बख्त़ | सौभाग्य, भाग्य, समृद्धि |
गऱज़ | उद्येश्य, अर्थ, रूप रेखा, लालसा, सम्मति | बख्श़ीश | उपहार, दान, पारितोषिक |
गऱीब | निर्धन, दीन, अजनबी, भोला, निराला | बे ख़ता | निर्दोष, निरपराध |
गऱूर | गर्व, घमंड | बे ख़ुद | बेसुध, आनन्दमग्न, बेहोश |
गै़र | अजनबी, परदेसी | बे ख़बर | असावधान, मूर्ख, अज्ञानी |
गै़र | और भी, सिवाय इसके, इसके उपरान्त, दूसरा, अलग, विदेशी, बुरा, परन्तु, बचाना | बुखार | भाप, तापमान, ज्वर, क्रोध |
गै़रत | मान, नम्रता, शालीनता, द्वेष, घृणा | बगल़ | पक्ष, बगल |
गौ़र | ध्यान, गहरी सोच, ध्यान देना | बगा़वत | विद्रोह, राजद्रोह, विश्वासघात |
गल़त | गलत, त्रुटिपूर्ण, असत्य | बाग | उपवन, पेड़ों का झुरमुट, कुञ्ज |
गल़ीज़ | गन्दा, अशुद्ध, भद्दा, असभ्य, अश्लील | बे गम़ | प्रसन्न |
गा़लिब | विजयी, प्रधान | बे गा़ना | अपरिचित, विदेशी |
गा़लिब | साधारणतय, अधिकतर, सम्भवत् | बे गुनाह | निर्दोष |
गु़लाम | दास, छोकरा, किशोर | बच्चा | शिशु |
गश़ | बेहोशी, मूर्छा, नशे में उन्मत्त | बे चैन | उतावला, व्याकुल, व्यग |
गु़स्सा | क्रोध, भावुकता, रोष, चिन्ता, शोक | बज़्म | सभा, टोली (दावत या मनोरंजन के लिये) |
चकां | टपकता हुआ, स्त्रावण | बाज़ | करने वाला, कर्ता, प्रतिनिधी |
चाक़ | चौकन्ना, चुस्त, उद्यमी, स्वस्थ, मोटा, चुस्त-दुस्र्स्त | बाज़ | स्येनपक्षी, शिकारा |
चाक़ू | छोटी छुरी | बाज़ | दुबारा, वापिस, नकारना |
चीज़ | वस्तु, पदार्थ, सामग्री | बाज़ार | मण्डी |
चितवन | आकार, दृष्टि, दिखावट | बाज़ारी | घटिया, अशिष्ट, साधारण, मण्डी से सम्बन्धित |
चंद | कितना, कितने, कुछ, कितनी बार, कितनी देर | बाज़ी | खेल, शर्त, दांव |
चांद | चन्द्रमा | बाज़ीचा | खिलौना, आमोद, खेल |
चांदनी | चन्द्रमा का प्रकाश | बाज़ू | बांह, भुजा, द्वार का पल्ला, सेना का पक्ष |
चादर | बिछौना, घूंघट, जलप्रपात | बे ज़र | निर्धन, कंगाल |
चांदी | चांदी (धातु), धन | बे ज़बान | गूंगा, संकोची, अवाक् |
चैन | आसानी, सुख, शांति, आराम | बे जान | निर्जीव |
चमक | झलक, दीप्ति, जगमगाहट, चौंध | बे ज़ार | अप्रसन्न, क्रोधी |
चमन | पुष्प वाटिका | बुज़ुर्र्ग | महान, आदरणीय, वृद्ध, श्रेष्ठजन |
चराग | दीपक | बे जुर्म | निरपराध, निर्दोष |
चारा | औषधि, चिकित्सा, सहायता, उपाय | बढ़िया | श्रेष्ठतर, अच्छे गुणों वाला, मंहगा |
चारागाह | गौचर भूमि | बात | शब्द, कहावत, वाणी, कथा, प्रश्न, समाचार, व्यापारिक प्रस्ताव, गप, नुक्ता, सार |
चाल | चलने का ढंग, रीति, धोखा | बे ताक़त | शक्तिहीन |
चालाक | चतुर, प्रवीण, र्धूत, कपटी | बे ताब | उतावला, असहाय, बेचैन |
ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English | ऊर्दु | हिंदी / English |
चिलमन | चिक | बे तमीज़ | अशिष्ट, असभ्य |
चश्म | आंख, आशा | बे तासीर | निष्प्रभाव, व्यथ |
चश्म-ए-बद्दुर | नजर न लगे | र्बैत | घर, निवास |
चश्म-ओ-चिराग | आंख का प्रकाश, प्रिय | बैत | जोड़ा, छन्द (कविता) |
चस्मक | आंख मारना, झपक, असम्मति, मिथ्याबोध | बद | बुरा, कपटी |
चुस्त | सावधान, चाालाक, उद्यमी, वेगशील, तंग, तना हुआ | बद अख्त़र | अभागा |
चह | लघुसंज्ञा बनाने के प्रयोग में आता है | बद अन्जाम | बुरा अन्त |
चाह | इच्छा, लालसा, प्यार, आवश्यक्ता, चुनाव | बद ख्व़ाब | कुस्वप्न |
चेहरा | मुख, छवि, मुखौटा | बद चलन | चरित्रहीन, अशिष्ट, दुराचारी |
जंग | युद्ध, लड़ाई | बद तर | अधिक बुरा, घटिया |
जागीर | सम्पत्ति(भूमि की) | बददुआ | श्राप |
जिगर | यकृत, हृदय, आत्मा, मन | बदन | शरीर |
जज़्ब | आकर्षण, लोभ, मोह | बदनसीब | दुर्भाग्य वाला |
जज़्बा | लालसा, भावना, आवेश, आवेग, चाव | बदनाम | कुप्रसिद्ध, अपयश वाला, निन्दनीय |
जाज़िब | मनमोहक, आकर्षक | बदमाश | गुंडा |
जादू | जादू, तिलिस्म, टोना, मोहना, प्रेतात्मा का प्रभाव | बदला | प्रतिशोध |
जुदा | विभाजित, बिखरा हुआ, अलग, पृथिक, अनूठा | बद्र | पूर्ण चन्द्रमा |
जुदाई | अनुपस्थिती, अलग होना, विरह | बद सीरत | बुरे स्वभाव वाला |
जन्नत | स्वर्ग, उपवन | बद सूरत | कुरूप |
जनाज़ा | अर्थी, शवयात्रा | बाद | पवन, वायु, मन्द समीर |
जनाब | श्रीमान्, माननीय | बादल | मेघ |
जान | आत्मा, जीवन, मन, शक्ति, प्रेमी, प्रेमिका, प्रिया, प्रिय | बादशाह | राजा, सम्राट |
जानी | जीवन सम्बन्धी | बादा | शराब, मदिरा |
जानी | एक प्रेमी या प्रेमिका | बादिया | उजाड़, मस्र्स्थल |
जुनून | उन्माद, पागलपन | बादिया | प्याला |
जफ़ा | अन्याय, अत्याचार, घाव | बेदर्द | भावना रहित, निर्दय, अत्याचारी |
जबीं | माथा | बेदाग | नादान, निर्दोष, स्वच्छ |
जमाल | सुन्दरता, सुडौलपन | बे दाद | अन्याय, असमता, अत्याचार |
जाम | प्याला | बे दार | जागृत, चौकन्ना |
जुम्बिश | हरकत, गति | बूद | अस्तित्व, होना |
जायज़ | नियमानुकूल, अनुमति अनुसार | बन्दा | बन्धक, सेवक, मनुष्य |
जायदाद | सम्पंत्ति, भू सम्पत्ति, वैयंक्तिक सम्पत्ति | बन्दिगी | श्रद्धा, पूजा, सेवा |
जारी | वर्तमान, प्रचलित, आधुनिक, नित्य, लगातार | बन्दिश | रचना, शैली की सुन्दरता, योजना, स्र्कावट |
जुर्म | अपराध, दोष | बान | रक्षक |
जुर्माना | अर्थ दंड, हरजाना | बानो | संभ्रान्त महिला, कुलीन स्त्री |
जलाल | प्रताप, तेज, विशालता | बेनज़ीर | अनुपम, अनूठा, जिसके कोई बराबर का न हो |
जल्वा | चमक, प्रदर्शन, प्रताप, दिखाव | बेनसीब | अभागा |
As per this article, Rome is supposed to be founded approximately [2,024 - (-753)] = 2,777 years ago from today.
As per " daily/ people-cultures-in-the-bible/ jesus-historical-jesus/when-was-jesus-born-bc-or-ad": "Dionysius Exiguus calculated his date for the year in which Jesus was born in the sixth century". So, someone approximately 550 years after a supposed event is telling that the event happened 550 years ago! Is there any records about chain of timestamps which can be used to trace any date claimed to be 2000 years ago from 2024?North vs. South Divide
There are people who boast higher number of engineering institutions and industrialization in southern part of India as compared to northern part. They quickly start making identity division. In fact, there is no "cultural, liguistic or civilizational" identity such as South Indians - there are Tamils, Kannadigas, Malayalis and Telugus! No one had ever imposed Hindi in southern state - they are free to have schools not associated with CBSE or ICSE which mandate Hindi language as mandatory subject. The political representatives do not hve guts to demand addition of southern languages in schools of the non-southern parts instead of French offered as third language. This is because there is hardly any sense of belongingness and brotherhood in the population of these so called Southern Indian states. A political leader from Tamilnadu will not be able to get 1 vote extra for his counterpart in Karnataka or Kerala!As far as immigration from north is considered, southern population easily exploit the cheap labour and then claim 'false' superiority. People not going to 'north' is a not evan a valid argument. If south is so developed, why there are so much migration to east and central part of India? They are the same bunch of bigots who will consider migration to other nations (gulf countries, Europe and America) as a matter of pride! The 5 states and 1 UT clubbed under 'southern' group comprise 19.35% of current total geographical area of India but their migration out of India is way higher (29%). Refer this pie-chart from report "India Labour Migration Update 2018" prepared by Internation Labour Organization.
Use of Child Prodigies as Superiority Complex
The chauvinist sectarians shall use child prodigies such as chess masters to enforce their inferiority complex into artificial superiority. Such peanut brained people will attempt to make superficial conclusions: for example a country Belarus has been ranking higher than India in Internation Math Olympiad - what does this mean? Satyam Kumar, Ph.D. in Brain-Machine Interfaces at the University of Texas in Austin, cracked the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology - Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE ) at the tender age of 13 in 2013. Kumar secured a seat at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur and got admitted to the B.Tech.-M.Tech. dual course in Electrical Engineering after securing an all-India rank of 679. Satyam Kumar became the youngest prodigy to crack the IIT-JEE at the age of 13, earlier the record was with Sahal Kaushik from Delhi who achieved this feat at the age of 14. Shakuntala Devi: Bangalore. Tathagat Avatar Tulasi: Bihar - Tulsi finished high school when he was just nine years old. He did his B.Sc. when he was 11 and completed his M.Sc. at 12. He completed his PhD when he was just 21 years old. These are only examples as in 2024 and names and geographies to which such child prodigies belong to shall continuously change in future.The content on is being constantly refined and improvised with on-the-job experience, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve insight into the physics and basic understanding. Linked pages, articles, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to reduce errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content.
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