External Aerodynamics: Parametric modeling of of an airfoil using blockMeshDict in OpenFOAM
The construction of OpenFOAM cases for flow over an aerofoil can be done in many ways. For example, the tutorial section demonstrates two methods. The first method uses simpleFoam to demonstrate steady state and incompressible flow over the aerofoil. This method focuses on the overall methodology and a mesh generated in other application has been used. The second method as described in section compressible / sonicFoam / ras which uses a mesh created in STAR and utility star3ToFoam to convert the mesh to the OpenFOAM format. Yet another method using the data points of the airfoil and GMSH is explained in this tutorial.
This page demonstrates a method which can be used to generate mesh for flow over an aerofoil when the points defining the cross-section of the aerofoil is known. The aerofoil shape is created using arc and spline utility of blockMesh. The entire domain will look like as shown below.
Mach number plot from SU2 simulation
Lift Coefficient for NACA0012
Drag Coefficient for NACA0012
Reference: Aerodynamic Characteristics of Seven Symmetrical Airfoil Sections Through 180° Angle of Attack for Use in Aerodynamic Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines --- by Robert E. Sheldahl and Paul C. Klimas, Sandia National Laboratories. As per this report, the drag coefficient at AOA = 0° are tabulated below. Reynolds numbers are based on chord length.
Reynolds number | Drag Coefficient |
10,000 | 0.0337 |
20,000 | 0.0245 |
40,000 | 0.0245 |
80,000 | 0.0133 |
1,60,000 | 0.0103 |
3,60,000 | 0.0079 |
7,00,000 | 0.0067 |
1.00E+06 | 0.0065 |
2.00E+06 | 0.0064 |
1.00E+07 | 0.0064 |
CMAC = CMa + (CL × cosα + CD × sinα) (xAC - a)/c
For small value of α, cos(α) ≈ 1 and sin(α) ≈ 0. Thus:CMAC = CMa + CL × cosα (xAC - a)/c
If a is chosen such that CL = 0, CMAC = CMa and hence pitching moment coefficient about an axis at ZERO LIFT equals the pitching moment coefficient about Aerodynamic Centre. Thus, CMAC is also designated as CM0, the moment coefficient at ZERO LIFT.
Option Explicit Sub NACA_Profile() Dim nE, nN, nLE, nTe, i, K As Long Dim ytp(500), c, m, p, t As Double Dim x(500), dx, x1, y1, q, x3, yc, rt, ta, rExp As Double Dim XU(500), XL(500), YU(500), YL(500), ZU(500), ZL(500) As Double Dim yac(500), ybc(500), x2(500), theta(500), dx1, dx2 As Double Dim xp(500), yp(500), zp(500), xn(500), yn(500), zn(500) As Double Dim XUN(500), XLN(500), YUN(500), YLN(500) As Double '-----------------------------INPUT STARTS ---------------------------------- c = 1 'c: Chord Length assumed 1, dimensions of aerofoil for any other length ' is simply the multiplication 'Designmation of 4-digit NACA profile is: "NACA m-p-t" such as NACA 2412 'm: MAX ordinate of mean line (in % of c) 'NACA 4-digit -- p: Position of max ordinate (in tenths of c) 'NACA 5-digit -- p: Position of MAX CAMBER in (2/100) of CHORD i.e. twice the ' % of c 't: MAX thickness of airfoil (as % of c) 'Thus, the CAMBER & CHORDLINE of NACA 0012 will be straight coincident lines m = 4 p = 3 t = 14 nN = 101 'No. of points on chord, less than 500 'No. of divisions on chord = n - 1 '---------------------------INPUT ENDS------------------------------ 'Define points on the chord to capture aerofoil nose curvature x(1) = 0.0005 x(2) = 0.002 x(3) = 0.005 x(4) = 0.01 x(5) = 0.02 dx2 = 0.8 / (nN - 5) nE = nN - 1 i = 1 Do While (i <= nE) 'X-co-ordinate at ith division on chord If i >= 6 Then x(i) = x(5) + (i - 1) / (nE - 1) '-----Thickness of blade at ith location - The NACA 4-Digit Airfoil ytp(i) = (t / 100) * (1.4845 * (x(i)) ^ 0.5 - 0.63 * x(i) - 1.758 _ * x(i) ^ 2 + 1.4215 * x(i) ^ 3 - 0.5075 * x(i) ^ 4) i = i + 1 Loop 'Calculate the y values for the mean (i.e. CAMBER) line i = 1 'Store y before MAX Camber K = 1 'Store y after MAX Camber Do While (i <= nE) If (x(i) < (p / 10)) Then 'y before c ybc(i) = ((m / 100) / (p / 10) ^ 2) * (2 * (p / 10) * x(i) - x(i) ^ 2) Else 'y after c yac(K) = ((m / 100) / (1 - (p / 10)) ^ 2) * (1 - 2 * (p / 10) + 2 * _ (p / 10) * x(i) - x(i) ^ 2) K = K + 1 End If i = i + 1 Loop '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Calculating the radius of the leading edge (LE)circle rt = 1.1019 * (t / 100) ^ 2 'Calculate Trailing Edge Angle [Total Included Angle] ta = 2 * (Atn(1.16925 * t / 100)) 'Find y value of the line for the center of the nose circle w.r.t 'standard x value of 0.005 (that is 0.5 % of Chord Length) x3 = 0.005 If p = 0 Then yc = ((m / 100) / (1 - (p / 10)) ^ 2) * (1 - 2 * (p / 10) + 2 * (p / 10) _ * x3 - x3 ^ 2) Else yc = ((m / 100) / (p / 10) ^ 2) * (2 * (p / 10) * x3 - x3 ^ 2) End If 'Find angle of the line on which the center of the circle will lie on q = Atn(yc / x3) 'Find the x coordinate for the center of the circle x1 = rt * Cos(q) 'Find the y coordinate for the center of the circle y1 = rt * Sin(q) m = yc / x3 dx = 2 * rt / 100 x2(1) = 0 For i = 2 To nE x2(i) = x2(i - 1) + dx Next i i = 1 Do While (i <= nE) xp(i) = x2(i) yp(i) = ((rt ^ 2 - (x2(i) - x1) ^ 2) + y1) ^ 0.5 'Positive y values of the circle zp(i) = 0 xn(i) = x2(i) yn(i) = -((rt ^ 2 - (x2(i) - x1) ^ 2) + y1) ^ 0.5 'Negative y values of the circle zn(i) = 0 i = i + 1 Loop '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ yp(1) = 0 'Starting airfoil at 0 for nose yn(1) = 0 'Starting airfoil at 0 for nose 'Calculating the upper and lower coordinates of the airfoil i = 1 K = 1 Do While (i <= nE) If (i = 1) Then XU(i) = x(i) 'Tip of Airfoil nose is Origin YU(i) = x(i) ZU(i) = 0 XL(i) = x(i) 'Tip: Lower & Upper surface intersect tangentially YL(i) = x(i) ZL(i) = 0 theta(i) = 0 ElseIf i > 1 And x(i) < (p / 10) Then 'When x-cordinate is less than that at MAX Camber theta(i) = Atn((ybc(i) - ybc(i - 1)) / (x(i) - x(i - 1))) XU(i) = x(i) - ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YU(i) = ybc(i) + ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZU(i) = 0 XL(i) = x(i) + ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YL(i) = ybc(i) - ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZL(i) = 0 Else If (K = 1 And p = 0) Then theta(i) = Atn((yac(K) - 0) / (x(i) - x(i - 1))) XU(i) = x(i) - ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YU(i) = yac(K) + ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZU(i) = 0 XL(i) = x(i) + ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YL(i) = yac(K) - ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZL(i) = 0 i = i + 1 ElseIf K = 1 Then 'That is where two parabola meet theta(i) = Atn((yac(K) - ybc(i - 1)) / (x(i) - x(i - 1))) XU(i) = x(i) - ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YU(i) = yac(K) + ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZU(i) = 0 XL(i) = x(i) + ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YL(i) = yac(K) - ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZL(i) = 0 K = K + 1 Else 'Calculate co-ordinate after MAX camber value theta(i) = Atn((yac(K) - yac(K - 1)) / (x(i) - x(i - 1))) XU(i) = x(i) - ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YU(i) = yac(K) + ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZU(i) = 0 XL(i) = x(i) + ytp(i) * Sin(theta(i)) YL(i) = yac(K) - ytp(i) * Cos(theta(i)) ZL(i) = 0 K = K + 1 End If End If i = i + 1 Loop XU(nN) = 1 'Ending airfoil at exactly unit length XL(nN) = 1 'Ending airfoil at exactly unit length Dim sh As Boolean With ThisWorkbook For i = 1 To .Sheets.Count If .Sheets(i).Name = "NACA" Then sh = True Exit For End If Next i If sh = False Then Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "NACA" End If End With Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NACA") ws.Cells(2, 1).Value = "S. No." ws.Cells(2, 2).Value = "XU(i) / C" ws.Cells(2, 3).Value = "YU(i) / C" ws.Cells(2, 4).Value = "ZU(i) / C" ws.Cells(2, 5).Value = "XL(i) / C" ws.Cells(2, 6).Value = "YL(i) / C" ws.Cells(2, 7).Value = "ZL(i) / C" ws.Cells(2, 8).Value = "ytp(i)" i = 1 K = 1 Do While (i <= nE) ws.Cells(2 + i, 1).Value = i ws.Cells(2 + i, 2).Value = XU(i) ws.Cells(2 + i, 3).Value = YU(i) ws.Cells(2 + i, 4).Value = ZU(i) ws.Cells(2 + i, 5).Value = XL(i) ws.Cells(2 + i, 6).Value = YL(i) ws.Cells(2 + i, 7).Value = ZU(i) ws.Cells(2 + i, 8).Value = ytp(i) i = i + 1 Loop Range("A:A").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter Range("B3:H3").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00000" With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With End Sub
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